

Thursday, October 24, 2019

RAZIN' CAIN ~ 10/24/19 ~ Whistleblower Closed Door Hearing Reminds Me of the Passing of Obamacare

Razin' Cain



Whenever Democrats do something totally outrageous,
it never ceases to create a Flashback 

Do you remember when Congress heard a pin drop as then-House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) said this about the passing of Obamacare ...

And that’s what the Democratic congressional majority did – they passed Obamacare without a single Republican vote of support, and of course, Obama signed it.

But, here is what Pelosi had to say when Republicans attempted to change Obamacare ...


Pelosi sent a letter to Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI) demanding to know the contents of his American Health Care Act, or RyanCare, before it passed the House.  (Glad it didn't pass as it was essentially the same as Obamacare but with Rhino Ryan's name attached)  But the focus is, Pelosi's change in attitude when it's a Republican issue.

As we can clearly see, it's definitely a Democratic "my way or the highway" stance when it comes to Pelosi, who is now, Speaker of the House.  So is Pelosi expecting Republicans to vote in favor of impeaching Trump without reading a transcript or questioning the Whistleblower?  Are we going to see Republicans suffer from the same type of voting scenario as in the passing of Obamacare? 

First, never believe poll numbers when it surrounds a Democratic issue (poll numbers from many TV networks showed Hillary winning 2016)  😆 

Second, how can any American know the truth when the Main Stream Media keeps pumping out lies and falsehoods about Trump?  Of course there will be people who will believe those lies.

Liz Wheeler, One American News (OAN) explains ..

So yesterday a group of Republicans had had enough of Democratic shenanigans and decided to storm the closed door hearing. Laura Cooper, Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Russia, Ukraine, and Eurasia, was scheduled to testify to the House Intelligence Committee as part of the ongoing impeachment inquiry of President Trump.

Here is what Dan Crenshaw (R-TX) had to say ...

25 House Republicans, led by Reps. Matt Gaetz and Steve Scalise, interrupted Pentagon official Laura Cooper's closed-door testimony for 3 hours when they barged into the secure area.  Adam Schiff ordered the Capitol Police to remove the Republicans and threatened to charge them with ethics violations.  We all know how well ethics charges work (Rashida Tlaib, Ilhan Omar, AOC, Maxine Waters).  

Jesse Watters, Fox News The Five, reacts to the "Charge of the Light Brigade" ...


Here are House Minority, Steve Scalise (R-LA), Congressman Bradley Byrne (R-AL) and Jim Jordan (R-OH) Ranking Member of the House Oversight and Reform Committee to explain their actions yesterday...


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