

Thursday, October 17, 2019

RAZIN' CAIN ~ 10/18/2019 ~ Elijah Cummings - The Proof Of The Pudding, Is In The Eating

Razin' Cain




What I'm about to write may generate some heated emotions, but this post is not meant to be mean, racist or nasty, just thought-provoking.

It's always an extremely sad event whenever someone dies. But just because Elijah Cummings died, I'm not going to paint a glorified picture of a man who obviously neglected his foremost duty which was to his constituents within his district.  Since his death, I've read many politicians who praised Cummings' for his legacy and what he's done for Baltimore... but ... they never specified what he did accomplish?  What has Elijah Cummings done for Baltimore?  What does his legacy consist of?  For that matter, what has he done for the Black community while sitting in office for 23 years?  

Did Elijah Cummings follow through on his campaign promises 
during the past 23 years?   

Here's the problem.  The irony within our Congress is, there is no direct correlation between a Congressman and his/her production of their elected job; evaluation of their job performance, and accountability for all things regarding their job.  The kicker is, there is no possibility of losing their elected job (as we've seen by The Squad... unless there is a recall, but that seems to rarely happen) or being penalized by a boss or an accountability manager for not conducting their job in the manner prescribed by what voters believe he/she should be doing.  "Yes, Americans are technically the bosses of members of Congress, but when did you have your last employee review with your Congressional or Senate representative?"  For House members the only review action available is in the voting booth every two years, for Senators, every six years.  Voting has its merits, but various forms of voter fraud strips away those merits.  And, it has gotten worse, expecting the Mother Load of Rampant 2020 Voter Fraud.

Congressmen (this term is reflective of all genders, races, and ethnicities) should not be able to continue a 'lifetime career' when they know they're not in good health (refers to judges as well).  Poor health can affect good judgment.  How can one reason or even think when they are in pain or on heavy medication?  In Cumming's case, he remained in office for 3 more years after discovering health issues... long overdue to retire, preventing him from enjoying the fruits of his labor. 

Some people will say it was his loyalty to the Democratic cause that pushed Cummings onward.  But, it's my personal belief, it was the taste of power received from his appointment as The Chair of the House Oversight and Reform Committee, a desire to change the Constitution and greed.  After 23 years as a career politician, Elijah Cummings' current salary was only $174K, but his net worth was $1.3M and he roughly yielded $800K annually whereas some of that was from real estate holdings.
I guess Cummings already knew 
where the slum areas were.  😉 

After a Trump election, it was obvious Elijah Cummings had been driven to remove Trump from office, no matter what it took, even spearheading investigations against President Trump's own children.  Oh yes... which encompassed President Trump's professional and personal contacts as well.

Briefly, Elijah Cummings entered Congress in 1996 with a law and political science degree; he spent 23 years of his life as a Congressman and was a member of communist and socialist organizations, which should have been carefully scrutinized by voters. In a nation that embraces ALL races and ethnicities, we don't need discrimination of any sort by our elected politicians because it only serves to divide our nation.

If a city, state or country wants to prosper, what they don't need is an elected lawyer in office attempting to undermine the prescribed Rule of Law, our Constitution. And for the record, this nation is a Constitutional Republic, not a Democracy. Democrats keep referring to our country as such in an attempt to convince Americans we are a Democracy so the transition in lifestyle will be accepted once a global NWO occurs. And those who manage to remain as politicians will be in an elite ruling class. Think socialism when you hear Democracy. A background major in economics is a better degree because it would provide an elected official with the ability to solve economic issues developing within a community, and how improving those issues could enhance the state and the nation.  

Our forefathers never meant for Congress 
to become a representative's 
lifetime source of income 
because it can easily lead to corruption
as we've witnessed! 

Our president of the United States is only permitted 2 terms in office consisting of 4 years each term.  So why are Congressmen allowed to remain in office for a lifetime?  Why not the president too?  The base salary for a Congressman is currently $174K. But what seems to make being a politician a desirable and lucrative career is the expense-free benefits added to that annual salary which also includes many perks along the way such as financial opportunities received from lobbyists. Oh! And let's not forget the 'Hush Fund' which provides Congressmen the ability to become sexual predators without suffering any consequences from their actions as they simply dip into that fund (some more than once) to provide a taxpayer-paid settlement to their victim.  And hey!  They don't even have to register as a sexual predator either!  Now isn't that special? 😡

Have you ever considered that when a Congressman receives money from a lobbyist, that Congressman who may repeatedly get elected to sit in office for years, now becomes a very valuable 'commodity' for whomever that lobbyist works for?  Corruption can and does exist... and it's been happening for years.  Think Millionaires.  Cummings spent 23 years as a career politician for the district of Baltimore, and during those years of an advantageous, money-making career, he could have provided a safer and more opportunistic environment for the Black community... but he chose not to.  Instead, he finger pointed to the government as the root cause of despair.  

The garbage seen in videos linked below didn't just become a mountain overnight.  And as one homeowner stated, she made many complaints, but no one did anything about it. 

And in another video, the garbage was cleaned up by volunteers who arrived from Florida. The children were excited to be able to ride their bikes up and down the alleyway until the very next day, someone dumped a heap of trash.  So it starts all over again. Whatever happened to illegal dumping fines and the use of surveillance cameras to catch the culprit?  Is it because they know the city itself is guilty of trashing?  An eyewitness in one video claims the city is responsible for dumping.  The Democrats say, it's not about politics... then what is it?  Aren't elected officials who get paid by taxpayer funds suppose to address issues concerning safety and health conditions within their communities, their towns, or even the state?  Isn't that some of the duties of an elected politician?  If not, why not?

When will the dumping end?  😧

23 years is a long time when one considers, Elijah Cummings could have made more positive changes, been more productive.  So what did he do during his time in office?  Cummings' time in office is as long as a time frame for one to bring a child into this world, making sure the child is cared for, nurtured, educated and becomes a productive member of society, as an adult. That's how long Elijah Cummings had been in office.  Joining community action committees means very little when nothing changes for the better within a community.  Who is kidding who?  What are the perks for a politician to pretend to care yet doesn't demonstrate it by action... re-election. Who actually benefits by re-electing an incumbent?  The community or the politician?  In reality, has there been any advances within the Black community of Baltimore in the past 23 years?  

Democrats say using the term 
"drug-infested" is racist.  

In 1999, Elijah Cummings 
is quoted as saying...

"Baltimore is drug-infested."   

So what did he do about it?  After making this remark, Elijah Cummings had 20 years to do SOMETHING!  And if it were the government's fault, why didn't he repeatedly speak up about it during those 20 years when he was re-elected back into office?!  From where I sit, the whole time Elijah Cummings was in office, he did nothing to improve living conditions for his communities, in particular, the Black community, as seen from the videos linked above!  

Trump is right... Do Nothing Democrats

It is amazing to see how the Democrats rallied together to defend Elijah Cummings and point the finger at President Trump, calling him a racist, when the facts are right before everyone's eyes to see... the trash, the homelessness, the drugs 💉... and 🐀🐁🐭❗

It doesn't matter what Trump's motive was in saying what he said about Baltimore, the problem is there.  It exists.  And it hasn't changed since 1999!   And there's nothing racist about pointing out a "drug infestation" in Baltimore.  Do these Democrats and their minions know what the definition of racist is?  Do you?  If not, please look it up... and don't use GOOGLE!  Every time you hear a politician use the word racist, listen to what he refers to and know if it doesn't mean what it's supposed to mean, that politician is lying!  Name-calling by Democrats is merely a diversion tactic, taking your attention away from the real issue. To know the definition of words, is to know who the liars are!

Don't pay any attention to what's happening over there, 
just listen to what I'm saying. 

Have you noticed that Black communities seem to be hit the hardest by crime, drugs, and poverty?  Why is that?!  Though there is no discrimination for poverty... we are all in the same boat no matter what the skin color, race, gender or ethnicity as we all suffer from the same ailment.  Democrats elected into office are quick to hide their crimes of milking taxpayers' money by pointing elsewhere (seen in this case).  It's all words.  Yet... where does Baltimore's taxpayer 💲💲💲 go?  Democrats keep hiking up taxes, people keep accepting the increases, but where are the taxes from hard-working citizens being channeled?   

Why don't elected politicians care?   

Why don't the majority of citizens care?  

Sadly, while Baltimore was becoming a drug-infested, trash heap, homelessness magnet, Cummings resided in a 'mansion' far from viewing the harsh realities of his failures. It is very sad to see when a Black man is repeatedly voted into office (12xs) who could have made great strides for the Black community within his district.  23 years!!  He could have helped his fellow brothers and sisters but chose not to.  Black voters elected him into office because of hopes and dreams for a better life yet they continued to experience and/or witness an increase in crime, joblessness, drugs, and continued poverty. 

What is it they say about Black on Black crimes❓  

It doesn't always require a bullet... 
one just needs to be in power...
to still get the same effect

Voters need to be aware of any representative, regardless of their race, ethnicity, gender or party affiliation, who maintains a lifetime career in Congress and has communities that continue to remain suppressed, homelessness has increased and infested drug conditions along with trash heaps have occurred.  Don't listen to the words of a want-to-be-re-elected politician who may hide the truth when campaigning empty promises.  

12 times Elijah Cummings was voted into office.  
That is shocking to see!  😳

This should speak volumes to Black communities.  It doesn't matter what a politician's skin color is, white, black, purple with pink polka dots... open your eyes to see what is factually happening within your community to see how an elected politician has affected a positive or negative growth within your community, then judge that politician by their action or lack thereof...  

 Don't vote for someone simply because
 of words spoken 
color of their skin, gender or race  

Politicians have become masters 
at saying what we want to hear   🙉

Democrats will surely miss their Bully Horn, 
Elijah Cummings, 
but he is not the only politician 
who has let a community down... 
 just take a look around... there seems to be a pattern. 








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