

Tuesday, October 22, 2019


Image result for China's Social Credit System seeks to assign citizens scores, engineer social behaviour

China's Social Credit System seeks to assign citizens scores, engineer social behaviour
 Chinese authorities claim they have banned more than 7 million people deemed "untrustworthy" from boarding flights, and nearly 3 million others from riding on high-speed trains, according to a report by the country's National Development and Reform Commission.

The announcements offer a glimpse into Beijing's ambitious attempt to create a Social Credit System (SCS) by 2020 — that is, a proposed national system designed to value and engineer better individual behavior by establishing the scores of 1.4 billion citizens and "awarding the trustworthy" and "punishing the disobedient".

Liu Hu, a 43-year-old journalist who lives in China's Chongqing municipality, told the ABC he was "dumbstruck" to find himself caught up in the system and banned by airlines when he tried to book a flight last year.
Mr. Liu is on a "dishonest personnel" list — a pilot scheme of the SCS — because he lost a defamation lawsuit in 2015 and was asked by the court to pay a fine that is still outstanding according to the court record.
"No one ever notified me," Mr. Liu, who claims he paid the fine, said.

"It's baffling how they just put me on the blacklist and kept me in the dark."
Like the other 7 million citizens deemed to be "dishonest" and mired in the blacklist, Mr. Liu has also been banned from staying in a star-rated hotel, buying a house, taking a holiday, and even sending his nine-year-old daughter to a private school.
And just last Monday, Chinese authorities announced they would also seek to freeze the assets of those deemed "dishonest people".
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