

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

POETICALLY SPEAKING CONSERVATIVELY: 07/16/2019,/ 07-14 & 15,Democrat Party Establishment

by Joe Esposito


The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag: “I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.”, I pledge my allegiance to the Constitution of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible, with liberty and justice for all, Amen!

by Joe Esposito



Joe Esposito

The loyal Democrat Party Establishment wanted no part of them. They were sure each one of the four INSURGENTS would in no way succeed for their RADICALISM was all but guaranteed. Now they are in Congress and causing Speaker Pelosi much angst as each has become the DARLINGS of practically all of the LEFTIST journalists. It is quite unsettling to see the SQUAD being supported by legions of donors and activists. So BRASH is this bunch. It is unthinkable how ineffectual Nancy Pelosi has become. They ‘run circles’ around her and have poor Nan under their thumb. The Democrat House leadership is in a defensive posture and look as if they are unable to lead. Yes. The PARTY OF HATE is in DISARRAY. The Ultra Radicals are on a warpath. All better get out of the way. What all this has done is make Nancy Pelosi look like a political centrist. Now that is what you might say is so very odd. But this is what AOC and her fellow comrades have managed to do. Score one for the SQUAD.

 Our President expressed extreme displeasure about these four in a weekend tweet. Naturally, the CORRUPT media and the PARTY OF HATE had their usual MELTDOWN. It was full and complete. The usual epithets were thrown at Trump. A RACIST he is called. Their OUTRAGE was of course manufactured. By them, we are so damn APPALLED. Our President set a trap for his opposition. They fell for it completely. Of this, we should always be mindful. It never hurts to take on these ultra RADICAL SCUMBAGS who speak so badly of America and HATE Israel. This is a President who, like no other that came before him, will not the HATERS go unchallenged in any way. He is one of a kind that his enemies still fail to understand. He is always in command. He’s not a President who is out of control like his enemies try to portray.

There are those who feel he should not interject himself in the intra fight that is occurring in the Democrat Party but he feels that he must. No one but a LUNATIC leftist can disagree that the antics of this SQUAD leaves one in a state of DISGUST. They deserve the lambasting that they are getting for each of them is VICIOUS and utterly VILE. I commend our President for saying so. Our body politic is being poisoned by the narrative that is pushed by these four REPROBATES. It is DISGUSTING to see their HATEFUL RHETORIC grow and grow.

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It’s RADICALISM on steroids. It has totally infected the PARTY OF HATE. Donald Trump will easily be re-elected. That is something that I can confidently state. In the WEEK THAT WAS you saw clear evidence of it. The Democrats are undergoing a mini-revolt. They are badly split. The so-called SQUAD, which consists of four new HOUSE members, led by a former barmaid is giving Speaker Pelosi pure HELL as anyone can clearly tell. It is the LUNATIC-infested upstarts versus the OLD GUARD. Pelosi tries but she is having more than a tad of trouble controlling the SQUAD. It’s been a long time since we have seen the PARTY OF HATE this fractured. It is something that we have not seen since the early seventies. That was the time when the Democrats took a real LEFTward turn and we saw Nixon win in a landslide. Now they are far worse for what they propose is so utterly WACKY and DANGEROUS that they must be DECRIED.

 Is history repeating itself I wonder? Will we see the PARTY OF HATE finally burst asunder? Methinks that this could very well be. The Dems are in a free fall and it will be hard for them to change course. TRUMP DERANGEMENT SYNDROME has thrown them into complete INSANITY. They are truly heading for a very big electoral loss. The Democrats live in the  WORLD OF THE DELUSIONAL. In this world, along with them, the CORRUPT media ranks very, very high. They indulge in much FAKERY and, oh, how they LIE and LIE. They are at the forefront of the GET TRUMP movement but up to now, they have not been too successful. They are in a word, CONTEMPTIBLE. These SCUMBAGS convince themselves that this one and that one will be the catalyst to drive Trump from the Presidency. For the longest time, they thought it would be Robert Mueller. That did not prove to be. Would it be that DEGENERATE, Jeffrey Epstein? If not, then perhaps it would be Alexander Acosta.

No, they’ll never get rid of Trump. Robert Mueller’s scheduled appearance in front of two HOUSE committees has been put off for another week. Things might be in a little disarray. Mueller has made it clear he has nothing to add to the report, nothing further to say. This is something that he has already stated. The PARTY OF HATE will not stop until he admits to Trump’s guilt. Anything less than that will not be tolerated. This is all utterly INSANE. What a valuable waste of time. But what else would you expect from these SLIME? This is the state that our body politic is in. The LUNATIC behavior of these Democrats can truly make your head spin. They are in a desperate state of mind that they can’t get out of. So TOXIC is this poison of HATE. It has truly run amok. In complete DENIAL they will always be stuck. The HATRED TRUMP is securely embedded in the media’s DNA. They are in a free fall. It gets worse each and every day.

Paul Ryan, the BACKSTABBING, DIRTBAG made news this week. Excerpts from a book  showed how he held our President in contempt. His attacks on Trump’s character and style was VICIOUS and VILE. This was not surprising or shocking to see  as well as Ryan being defended by that FLIP FLOPPING POS, Mitt Romney. Never underestimate the lack of class exhibited by those two. They are so completely full of themselves and I don’t doubt for a second that they don’t enjoy the harm that they do. Ryan’s attacks, of course, did not go unnoticed by our President who in no time unloaded on Ryan. He called him WEAK and INEFFECTIVE and STUPID , disparaging the little that the former Speaker did. Many of us had our suspicions of Ryan yet again be confirmed. His full commitment to the America First agenda was sorely lacking. Hopefully, it is a lesson from which we have learned.

Regarding the citizenship question on the census, we see a debate on this continue to grow. The shocker is not that our President is trying to learn the facts about who is in the country but that nobody on the LEFT would like to know. Because Trump is for it the PARTY OF HATE opposes. It has become an all too PAVLOVIAN reaction. The issue of IMMIGRATION is a losing one for them and their opposition to stop the illegal crossings incurs the WRATH of our beloved nation. It is something that I surely know. You will, on the first Tuesday in November 2020, see that this indeed will be so. The Electoral beating that they will receive should open everyone’s eyes in the PARTY OF HATE but somehow methinks that could never be. They’ll be immune to their certain DEMISE and try to convince you Russia helped Trump get his re-election victory. I know. I know. You’re thinking that is impossible. But this is the state of mind of those that we utterly LOATHE who reside so comfortably in the LAND OF THE DELUSIONAL.

Written by Joe Esposito,07/15/2019 - 07/14/2019

Apparently, they have not learned their lesson from this election loss. In Congress, they apparently are determined to stay in the minority. Need proof?? Their caucus leadership is still in the hands of that brainless twit, Nancy Pelosi. George Soros will still pull the strings more than ever. It is his bidding they will continue to do as they will further move Left and off a cliff, they will surely go. It's a death wish they have and their radicalism will soon bury them. Mark my words. This will be so.

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For you see, the world is governed by very different personages from what is imagined by those who are not behind the scenes.

  Coningsby: Or The New Generation And, The governments of the present day have to deal not merely with other governments, with emperors, kings, and ministers, but also with the secret societies which have everywhere their unscrupulous agents, and can at the last moment upset all the governments’ plans. — Benjamin Disraeli, Speech at Ayles
bury, Great Britain, September 10, 1870

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