

Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Strzok-Page Emails Expose New Depths Of Corruption In Clinton Email Probe

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Newly Revealed Strzok-Page Emails Expose New Depths Of Corruption In Clinton Email Probe
  Watchdog group Judicial Watch announced on Monday that it received 218 pages of Strzok-Page emails which reveal that FBI counsel James Baker had instructed FBI officials to expedite the release of FBI probe material to Hillary Clinton’s lawyer in August of 2016.
Clinton’s lawyer, David Kendall, and Baker and discussed quickly obtaining the “302” report of the FBI-DOJ interview with Clinton during the course of the investigation into her use of a private email server.
Above: Strzok, Page
FD-302 reports are notes made by FBI officials to summarize interviews that they conduct with individuals.
The newly released Strzok-Page emails also show that the FBI failed to properly document at least four witnesses in the Clinton email investigation.
Bear in mind that this was all happening at the same time that Strzok began the FBI’s “Crossfire Hurricane” to investigate alleged Trump-Russia collusion.
Judicial Watch reports:
On August 16, 2016, at 10:02 p.m. Baker emails then-Associate Deputy Director David Bowdich; Michael Steinbach, former executive assistant director for national security; former Acting Assistant Director Jason V. Herring; former FBI lawyer Lisa Page; former Principal Deputy General Counsel Trisha Anderson; Michael Kortan, FBI assistant director for public affairs, now retired; James Rybicki, former chief of staff to Comey; and others to inform them that he “just spoke” with Clinton’s lawyer Kendall, who requested documents from the FBI. Baker says he told Kendall he would “need to submit a request.” Baker tells them, “I said we would process it expeditiously.”
I just spoke with David Kendall … I conveyed our view that in order to obtain the documents [FBI investigative material] they are seeking they need to submit a request pursuant to the Privacy Act and FOIA. I said they could submit a letter to me covering both statutes. They will send it in the morning. I said that we would process it expeditiously. David asked us to focus first on the Secretary’s 302 [FBI interview report]. I said OK. [Redacted] We will have to focus on this issue tomorrow and get the 302 out the door as soon as possible and then focus on the rest of the stuff.
The following day, August 17, 2016, Kendall sent a FOIA/Privacy Act request on “behalf of former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton” to the FBI’s top lawyer with a request for “expeditious processing.” Baker passes this request to Bowdich, Steinbach, Herring, Page, Anderson:
In my view, we need to move as quickly as possible on this, but pursuant to David’s oral request last night, we should focus first on Secretary Clinton’s 302…. Is the end of this week out of the question for her 302?
Then, in an August 21, 2016, email exchange Baker tells his people that he would “alert” Kendall shortly before Clinton’s 302 was to be posted on the FBI’s FOIA Vault webpage. On September 2, 2016, the FBI announced the release of Clinton’s interview documents.
Finally, on August 24, 2016, the acting FBI FOIA unit chief said he sees “no problem” with giving Hillary’s attorney a heads up before her records were posted to the Vault.
FBI attorney Lisa Page had responded to the FBI counsel, Strozk, and others that only four 302 reports were ever written for interviews related Hillary’s “Midyear Exam” investigation.
“Today [Redacted] brought over additional 302s from the WFO [Washington Field Office]. Are those supposed to go through the redaction process for production to DOJ on Monday? We’re trying to figure out what needs to be completed this weekend,” an FBI assistant general counsel from national security wrote.
Lisa Page replied, “[Redacted] to the best of my knowledge, yes they will when Pete identified for [redacted] the DOJ edits that needed to be made to the 302s [redacted] discovered that there were four (I think) 302s that had never been written. What I don’t know is whose 302s they are but unless Pete or Jon are able to respond in short order, I would throw them on the pile for redactions. Thanks so much.”
“These incredible documents show the leadership of the FBI rushed to give Hillary Clinton her FBI interview report shortly before the election,” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. “And the documents also show the FBI failed to timely document interviews in the Clinton email ‘matter’ – further confirming the whole investigation was a joke. AG Barr can’t reopen the Clinton email investigation soon enough.”


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