

Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Mueller And Friends Suspected Of Major Cover-Up Related To FBI Flynn 302.

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Mueller And Friends Suspected Of Major Cover-Up Related To FBI Flynn 302.
 General Michael Flynn was set up by former President Barack Obama’s Deep State long before he ever joined up with Donald Trump’s presidential campaign back in 2016, but now Special Counsel Robert Mueller and his merry band of minions have been holding back a Form 302, dated the day before President Trump’s inauguration, putting it under Obama.

The judge presiding over the Flynn case, Judge Emmet Sullivan, has requested that the Mueller team hand over all of the information that is related to this case that the defendant is required by law to provide to the court.
According to The Gateway Pundit:
The Pursuant to Brady v. Maryland , 373 U.S. 83 (1963), and its progeny, the government has a continuing obligation to produce all evidence required by the law and the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure.
Mueller’s team was required to provide all this information to General Flynn in a timely manner but it now appears they didn’t provide it.
For example, Mueller ignored the court order by not providing the transcript of General Flynn’s call with the Russian Ambassador Kislyak, which was the reason Flynn was questioned in the White House within a week of the inauguration.
This questioning by corrupt FBI Agent Peter Strzok led to Flynn’s firing from the incoming Trump administration and to his indictment by the Mueller gang.
Mueller and Andrew Weissman have a sordid past when it comes to withholding Brady material in their court cases, so the actions they’re currently taking in dealing with the Flynn case are hardly surprising, though no less corrupt and awful.
As if that’s not enough, Mueller edited out information from his 400-page report detailing his investigation into allegations President Trump was colluding with Russia to help rig the 2016 election to help him win the election against Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton.
Now there’s information coming to light indicating Mueller and friends are up to their old tricks again.
More from The Gateway Pundit:
(Note this information was provided to me months ago by some Internet sleuths but I did not see the connection until Techno Fog released the tweets below.)
Techno Fog notes that there is an FBI 302 that predates the 302 related to the January 24, 2017 interview in the White House between incoming Trump NSD General Flynn and the FBI.
This unearthed 302 is dated January 19, 2017, just before the Trump Inauguration and it is unknown who did the interview related to this 302.

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Is there a previously unreleased FBI 302 of General Flynn that predates the 1/24/17 interview with Peter Strzok?

Special Counsel report mentions a "Flynn 1/19/17 302"

Court filings only show the 1/24/17 302 prepared by Strzok/McCabe.

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Is there a previously unreleased FBI 302 of General Flynn that predates the 1/24/17 interview with Peter Strzok?

Special Counsel report mentions a "Flynn 1/19/17 302"

Court filings only show the 1/24/17 302 prepared by Strzok/McCabe.

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The footnotes cite to the following excerpts relating to discussions with Russian Ambassador Kislyak; McFarland (deputy); and Bannon.

Trump inaugurated 1/20/17; the 302 is 1/19/17.

Who did the "interview" - outgoing administration? Intelligence? Doesn't appear to be FBI...

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The footnotes cite to the following excerpts relating to discussions with Russian Ambassador Kislyak; McFarland (deputy); and Bannon.

Trump inaugurated 1/20/17; the 302 is 1/19/17.

Who did the "interview" - outgoing administration? Intelligence? Doesn't appear to be FBI...

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January 19, 2017 is an extremely important date. Yates and Comey were trying to figure out how to proceed w/ the CI investigation of the incoming Trump administration.

The counter intelligence investigation against Flynn had already begun: "That investigation" [See SC Report]

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Americans have the right to see all of the documentation regarding the case against General Michael Flynn and Mueller is preventing that from happening by withholding this critical piece of information from the court.
With so much shady history, how can anyone trust any of the work done by Mueller and his ilk? The bottom line is you can’t. It’s time that we get to the bottom of all this corruption and hold those involved in it accountable for their actions.

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For you see, the world is governed by very different personages from what is imagined by those who are not behind the scenes.

  Coningsby: Or The New Generation And, The governments of the present day have to deal not merely with other governments, with emperors, kings, and ministers, but also with the secret societies which have everywhere their unscrupulous agents, and can at the last moment upset all the governments’ plans. — Benjamin Disraeli, Speech at Aylesbury, Great Britain, September 10, 1870

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