

Wednesday, March 6, 2019

The Left Pounces As Jerome Corsi Retracts Story On Seth Rich Murder.

I do believe that when they start to investigate Hillary Clinton for all her crimes that a Rat will come forward and shed light on who had Seth Rich Killed and why, but until then we can only speculate on what happened.  

The Left Pounces As Jerome Corsi Retracts Story On Seth Rich Murder. There’s Only One Problem.

On Tuesday, the leftist media was all in a tizzy as journalist Jerome Corsi retracted a story he had written for InfoWars about the murder of former DNC employee, Seth Rich.
Obviously, they spun this as an indication that Corsi was walking back on his previous assertions of the suspicious nature of Rich’s death, considering he was shot in the back in a Washington DC neighborhood in July 2016.
Police declared it was a mugging but in which many of his most valuable items were still on his person.

Corsi explained that his retraction was simply due to accuracy in reporting, something the mainstream media certainly can’t be expected to understand.
“I’m not being threatened. My retracted article in error relied on a retracted Wash Times article retracted for making false statements. As a Christian gentleman, I have sympathy for the suffering the Seth Rich family has gone through. I hope all will understand that. God Bless,” he wrote.
I'm not being threatened. My retracted article in error relied on a retracted Wash Times article retracted for making false statements. As Christians gentleman, I have sympathy for the suffering the Seth Rich family has gone through. I hope all will understand that. God Bless
The mainstream media and their counterparts in government have always downplayed Rich’s murder. WikiLeaks has offered a $20,000 reward for any information on Seth’s death in August of 2016.
Corsi later published a tweet clarifying that is still stands behind his other stories on Seth Rich, and was only retracting the report based on a Washington Times story.
Please Note: CNN reported correctly I retracted one story, the one published in March 2018 based on Wash Times story subsequently retracted. I did not retract other writing on Seth Rich or on the theft of DNC docs
False alarm, mainstream media.
I am surprised that they didn't try to tell us that he committed suicide by shooting himself in the back - like they tried to tell us Vince Foster committed suicide (among many other "mysterious" deaths.
The Clintons have amassed a substantial bone pile over the years.
Safe bet, because with over 156 documented suspicious deaths in which evidence of assassination was readily apparent, I believe the reason prosecutors have let it slide because they fear that they or a beloved family member will end up on the Clinton bone pile.
Everyone knows who was behind it, but you will never 
prove it!


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For you see, the world is governed by very different personages from what is imagined by those who are not behind the scenes.

  Coningsby: Or The New Generation And, The governments of the present day have to deal not merely with other governments, with emperors, kings, and ministers, but also with the secret societies which have everywhere their unscrupulous agents, and can at the last moment upset all the governments’ plans. — Benjamin Disraeli, Speech at Aylesbury, Great Britain, September 10, 1870

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