

Saturday, March 9, 2019

Michelle Malkin stole the show at CPAC - Called out Neocons, the establishment on both sides, and even the Ghost of John McCain

Michelle Malkin Gives Epic CPAC Speech – Receives Standing Ovation – Calls Out CPAC, Bush Family And John McCain’s Ghost
 The one and only Michelle Malkin stole the show at CPAC on Friday — going over her time limit and even blasting the conference itself for only designating one 20 minute panel to discussing immigration.
Malkin called out neocons, the establishment on both sides, and even the ghost of John McCain — earning her an enthusiastic standing ovation.
“I have been accused of being a ‘grifter’… but it’s the GOP sellouts, not just the radical open borders left, that is in bed with immigration saboteurs. Like the ones who hijacked the tea party movement to shill for amnesty. Those are the real grifters,” Malkin said. “Cashing in and practicing deceit at the expense of their base and the expense of our country.”

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@michellemalkin tells @CPAC crowds she will go over time to talk about immigration, a topic the deserves more than the one panel - there’s just one dedicated immigration panel allotted at the conference

Michelle Malkin points skyward and mocks "the ghost of John McCain" from the main stage at CPAC. Gets a standing ovation from some in the crowd.

The courageous journalist took aim specifically at “retired Paul Ryan,” Mitch McConnell, and the Bush family, before adding “and yes I’m looking at you — the ghost of John McCain!”
The line caused many of the excited conference attendees to leap to their feet for an extended standing ovation.

.@michellemalkin: "I have been accused of being a 'grifter'... but it's the GOP sellouts, not just the radical open borders left, that's in bed with immigration saboteurs. Like the ones who hijacked the tea party movement to shill for amnesty. Those are the real grifters."
Here is the full video of this AMAZING SPEECH on Friday by Michelle Malkin.

Partial Transcript:
The divide in this country is between decent people who stand up for America and dastardly people who want to bring America to its knees.
We certainly should make common cause with others across the aisle who shares our values, but we should not rush to embrace those whose fundamental aim is to smear and destroy us all. That’s suicidal. Which is why I cannot stand here and stay silent about the role Van Jones has played in attempting to silence the Right. My objection is not to his support for criminal justice reform. I have dedicated much of my own time, energy, and money to fighting wrongful convictions, false allegations, and prosecutorial and forensic misconduct. Next time you need a conservative to talk about criminal justice reform, call me. You don’t need someone who’s going to spew fake news pro illegal alien propaganda to talk CJR to conservatives.
Fact check: The most recent research by the Federation for American Immigration Reform found that illegal aliens are up to 5.5 times more likely than Americans to be incarcerated in state prisons compared to Americans and legal residents.
But my most vehement objection is to this stage being used to lend legitimacy to the George Soros-funded organization Color of Change, which dedicated to censoring and sabotaging right-leaning groups for championing the free market, opposing radical Islam, and exposing open borders.
Seven years ago, Van Jones’ group pressured Pepsi, McDonald’s, Intuit and other companies to cut ties to the mainstream American Legislative Exchange Council(ALEC), a half-century-old association of state legislators who believe in “the Jeffersonian principles of free markets, limited government, federalism, and individual liberty.” What was ALEC’s crime? Crafting model legislation on voter ID to protect election integrity, immigration enforcement measures and self-defense legislation to strengthen Second Amendment rights.
Color of Change and the smear machine racket known as the Southern Poverty Law Center use the same playbook to marginalize and criminalize mainstream conservatives, anti-jihad groups, and immigration hawks as “hate groups” and push us out of the public square. They conspire with payment processors and Silicon Valley to deprive the Right of our voices and our ability to make a living. So many speaking up and fighting on the front lines for liberty and security are being detwittered depaypaled defacebooked deplatformed – people like Laura Loomer and Gavin McInnes and the Center for Immigration Studies and Robert Spencer and so many others. Many are in this room. Stand up if you are one of them. Many have been forced to beg for money to help them fight in court to restore their reputations. Many have been barred from this room.
Michelle is truly an American treasure.

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For you see, the world is governed by very different personages from what is imagined by those who are not behind the scenes.

  Coningsby: Or The New Generation And, The governments of the present day have to deal not merely with other governments, with emperors, kings, and ministers, but also with the secret societies which have everywhere their unscrupulous agents, and can at the last moment upset all the governments’ plans. — Benjamin Disraeli, Speech at Aylesbury, Great Britain, September 10, 1870

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