

Tuesday, March 26, 2019


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Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other. John Adams

Image result for Knee-jerk responses to Socialism

Socialism… for whom?

On November 6, 2018, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez became the youngest woman ever elected to the United States House of Representatives. A self-described “democratic socialist”, and member of the organization Democratic Socialists of America, the 29-year-old from New York City has seen a great deal of media coverage, both positive and negative, in recent years.
That her praise comes from the Left and most of her criticism comes from the Right is well established. The knee-jerk reaction of the Right to hiss like a startled cat at the very mention of the word “socialism” surprises no one. But what of her detractors on the Left, those of us who worry how people like her are shaping the American view and discourse around socialism?

Those who fall more into the category of “democratic socialists” will argue that this new discourse is breaking the decades-old spell of the Right which casts fear into the hearts of all who hear the word “socialism”. Some who identify as “Marxist-Leninists” even argue that a new opportunity has been opened up to discuss different ideas of socialism and communism in ways not available in the past.
To a degree, this is true, and I agree that it can be an effective tactic for educating potential comrades. Sadly, many of these same “communists” have given credit to people like Ocasio-Cortez and Senator Bernie Sanders for opening up this space for discussion. Credit which, I believe, they do not deserve. Some have even gone so far as to dissuade any and all criticism of individuals or organizations like those mentioned above, claiming it is too “alienating”.
How quick these “Marxists” are to forget the principle of “ruthless criticism of all that exists”! To refuse to criticize those mentioned above is essentially to bow in supplication to them. It must be remembered by all that the “socialism” espoused by Ocasio-Cortez, Sanders, and others is not socialism at all, but simply a slightly reformed capitalist welfare state.
This is not to suggest that public works instituted under a capitalist regime should be rejected wholeheartedly, but they should be supported critically. Broadened access to health care and education are desirable goals, but they are merely stepping stones on the path to socialism. The fear of myself and others is that reforms such as these will be viewed as the “victory of socialism”, and that the fight will be over. Such a mindset is not just wrong, it is dangerous.
Need I remind anyone that people like Sanders and Ocasio-Cortez have embraced electoralism as their only feasible strategy, and in doing so have bent over backwards to appease the establishment of the Democratic Party, an imperialist party which gladly plunders and ravages the Global South, and whose only difference with the Republicans is the rhetoric they employ?
The individuals mentioned above, as well as some of the DSA membership, have also pledged support to US foreign policy goals, particular with regard to the settler-colonial regime of Israel, only criticizing these things when their crimes become too egregious even for them to ignore. Interestingly enough, they seem to have no short supply of screeds against governments staring down the barrel of the Empire’s gun!
Some may read this passage and think “Oh, you support the reactionary regimes of countries like Iran and Syria, which have suppressed Leftists and other progressives repeatedly?” This is a point I would like to address, in two parts. The first part is from a practical point-of-view, namely, what do these communists in these countries think is the best form of struggle?
Having studied the material conditions in their countries, and bitterly fought for recognition and freedom from repression, communists from these countries have managed to win victories allowing them to participate in the political life of their countries. It should be remembered that their ability to run in elections was not “bestowed” upon them by these governments, but was won through disciplined struggle.
As such, the communists in these countries have decided to make a temporary alliance with these governments to combat a much greater threat: the United States of America. If the United States has its way, it won’t just be the governments of these countries which go away. All of the progress in their struggles these communists have made will be undone almost overnight, and they will be forced to start over from square one.
For them, it is not a question of who they “support”, but of how they can ensure their very survival. One calls to mind the temporary alliance in China between the reactionary Guomindang Nationalists and the People’s Liberation Army against the Empire of Japan. Though the struggle between these two groups continued after Japan’s defeat, both sides realized at the time who the greater threat was.
In their rush to win the favor of the Democrats, Ocasio-Cortez, Sanders, and all others like them have demonstrated that they will obediently march to the beat of Washington’s drum, and proclaim the mythology that the United States of America is the greatest experiment of freedom the world has ever seen, despite its history being drowned in blood and fire.
Indeed, one might even go so far as to say that this “socialism”, i.e., a capitalist welfare state with a few public works here and there, which only offers this model to those who are considered to belong to the privileged “nation”, and which actively works to crush and destroy any movements, both domestically and abroad, which attempt to throw off the yoke of imperialism and neocolonialism, and make true progress, sounds more akin to “national socialism” than anything else.
Some readers will reel in shock at such a labeling, but let us take a moment to think. “National socialism” was not socialist at all! The capitalist mode of production and distribution was maintained, as were capitalistic property relations. The few public works that were undertaken were designated only for the “privileged nation”, allowing them to enjoy the spoils of war while “inferior nations” were trampled under the imperial boot.
Let us draw the comparison even further; history shows us that the struggle against fascism and the struggle against settler-colonialism are united. During World War II, Imperial Japanese forces attempted to beat Koreans, Chinese, and other ethnic groups in the lands they invaded, into submission. Part of the means to achieve this end including kidnapping members of the indigenous populations to force them into manual labor or sexual slavery. Their native languages were banned and they were forced to change their names. The invading Japanese tried to crush any resistance through biological and chemical warfare and regularly engaged in the destruction of food and other necessities.
These same policies were adopted by the United States against its own population over a century before. Hitler and the Nazi Party had taken note of its effectiveness. As Hitler himself declared, “The Volga will be our Mississippi.” After Nazi troops and their collaborators had ethnically cleansed villages and towns in eastern Europe, ethnic Germans were moved in. To any student of American history, this concept of clearing out the “bad races” to make way for the “good races” should sound all too familiar.
But what has this to do with the topic at hand? Refer to the above point that to fight settler-colonialism is to fight fascism. If we move in the other direction, we see that to support or recognize a settler-colonial regime is to support a fascist regime. And that, sadly, seems to be a stated goal of these so-called “democratic socialists” (Though, to be fair, I am more apt to call them social democrats. As Stalin said, “Social Democracy is objectively the moderate wing of fascism).
This is not to say, however, that working with social democrats or in organizations like DSA is fruitless or hopeless. On the contrary, many disciplined Marxists have been able to introduce a truly revolutionary discourse by embedding themselves in social democratic communities. To engage in a struggle for better conditions is always worth it, but we must remember that the struggle begins and ends with us. We cannot and should not wait for reactionary politicians working in bourgeois governments to simply “hand it over”.
I want to reiterate that I am not saying all social democrats are fascists. For many in the imperial core, becoming a social democrat is part of the path to becoming a revolutionary, but it cannot end there! For the struggle to continue, and to make real progress, we need criticism, especially of these careerist social democrats who value tepid reform for the imperial core while the world proletariat toils and suffers. Electoralism will not save us. It never has. If you dare to fight or dare to struggle, you dare to win!


Sorry If You're Offended, but Socialism Leads to Misery and Destitution

by-Jane Redmond

"Knee-jerk responses based on emotions can lead people to wrong conclusions and blind them to foundational dangers that they ignore. Socialism imposters use this truth to fool many people, fooling them with emotional issues while distracting them from losing the very foundations that keep their voice and opinions free and rightful to express. Those who seek control and power for themselves AND OVER OTHERS must deceive others at first to gain their support.

Evil intended people throughout history have done this over and over. With our technology today, evil is on steroids with deception. With many of our institutions promised their 30 pieces of silver, for now, to help feed their deceptions and agenda, the deceptions blare out into listening ears, especially our young who are ignorant of history and the truths in it.

Many are so prideful in their wrong conclusions and choices that they refuse to believe they could be fooled or deceived.

Not only are deceivers filled throughout our government, but our schools, the mainstream media, judge seats, the courts and even many of our American churches have compromised with truth, EVEN WITH GOD'S WORD, to gain for themselves.

Dear Americans, evil has always existed. It always lies and deceives and twist its tales to fool. Those who are supposed to be ethical, professional, and have high moral standards have chosen THEIR LOVE OF MONEY AND SELF over truth, over serving others with humble hearts and serving God over all people.

Once evil gets in, it will never leave or retreat on its own. IT MUST BE EXPOSED AND DEFEATED AND REMOVED, no matter who. If America does not recognize the evil dangers now within, especially in high and powerful places with influence, more will be fooled as history has proven in the past with and their land was taken, their freedoms are taken, and even millions upon millions of lives were taken. HEED THE TRUTH for your very life depends on it and the future of your children and grandchildren in America, as well."


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One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. -- Plato (429-347 BC)


and is protected speech pursuant to the "unalienable rights" of all men, and the First (and Second) Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America, In God we trust

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For you see, the world is governed by very different personages from what is imagined by those who are not behind the scenes.

  Coningsby: Or The New Generation And, The governments of the present day have to deal not merely with other governments, with emperors, kings, and ministers, but also with the secret societies which have everywhere their unscrupulous agents, and can at the last moment upset all the governments’ plans. — Benjamin Disraeli, Speech at Aylesbury, Great Britain, September 10, 1870

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