

Thursday, March 14, 2019

Blow The House Down!: A SIX PART SERIES...

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Blow The House Down!
Educating the National Education Association: references. David Barton: Wall Builders: Chosen People: National Statistics: Founding Fathers: submitted by PL Sturgis:
Daily Bites of Blow the House Down:
Series 1: ---
#1) Educating the National Education Association:
#2) Court Cases:
#3) Erecting a Wall:
#4) Disrespecting Obligations:
#5) No Denominations Favored:
Series 2:----
#6) Denying Christian Ethics:
#7) Court Rulings Denying Christian Teaching:
#8) Seats of Power in our Public System:
#9) Governed by our Consent:
#10) Ask and it shall be Given:
Series 3: ----
#11) Three Important Questions:
#12) Campaigning for Principles:
#13) Explosion of Crime:
#14) Absence of Religious Principles:
#15) Our Founders’ Predictions:
Series 4: ----
#16) Alcohol-Related Arrests:
#17) Drug Abuse:
#18) Rise in Illiteracy:
#19) State Constitutions:
#20) National Accountability to God:
Series 5: ----
#21) Elijah’s Conflict:
#22) King David Numbers the Troops:
#23) 1787 Three Days of Fasting:
#24) Has America Made God her Enemy?
#25) When a Nation Rejects God:
Series 6: ----
#26) Denying our Christian Foundation:
#27) The Root of the Problem:
#28) Using our Courts for Scapegoats:
#29 The Initial First Step:
#30) Whose Fault is it? Poem:
Daily Bites of Blow the House Down:
Series 1: --- #1) Educating the National Education Association: by David Barton:
The Department of Education released an assessment of the overall condition of American Schools in its report titled “A Nation at Risk.” Here are some highlights of that report. 1983: For the first time in history in our country (200+years) the educational skills of one generation will not surpass, equal, or even approach those of their parents. Thirty five states require only one year of math and thirty six states require only one year of science to achieve a highschool diploma. A study of typical public schools schedule found that the average school provided only 23 hours of academic instructions during the week. In thirteen states 50% or more of the units required for high school graduation may be the electives chosen by the student. Given the freedom to choose the substance of more than half of their education many will opt for courses such as “bachelor living.” The time spent learning to cook and drive counts as much toward their diploma as math, English, science, history, or biology.
#2) Court Cases: National court records:
Definition of Separation of Church and State: Total Separation Impossible: This Court has explained that the purpose of the Establishment and Free Exercise Clauses of the First Amendment is: “to prevent as far as possible, the intrusion of either (the church or the state) into the precincts of the other.” Lemon vs Kurtzman. 403 U.S. 602,614 (1971) At the same time, however, the Court has recognized that: “total separation is not possible in an absolute sense, Some relationship between government and religious organizations is inevitable.” ibid. In every Establishment Clause case we must reconcile the inescapable tension between the objective of preventing unnecessary intrusion of either the church or the state upon the other, and the reality that, as the Courts have so often noted, total separation of the two is impossible. (to be continued) Erecting a Wall?
Definition of Separation of Church and State: 3) Erecting a Wall? National Court Records:
A vital part of the christian system is the essential Divine Guide for a moral harmony; faith by acts of godly grace. These moral aspects of Christianity include love and belief in God. Love and belief in Christ and the love of our neighbors as ourselves. By this grace Christian ethics in western civilization secure the human dignity, the unalienable God gave rights for non hostile citizens, whether minority or majority. Nonchristians away from their land of origin have no civil rights in any nation but a Christian nation. The common culture of Christians in the United States is the purpose of the founding of this nation. (to be continued) Disrespecting Obligations:
4) Disrespecting Obligations: Citizens for God and Country:
The basis for the common law by concepts of western civilization and these values provide more civil rights in a Christian nation for non christians than they have ever had in any nation. It is the international militant disrespecting of obligations due to society by every citizen, who are intolerant of Christianity by force and by crime. We are to be guided in government by Christian ethics; Divine Law for the stability of justice based on the common culture. This is the basis for God-given unalienable (unchanging) inherent rights, in which the government can not long as....actions the nation...Under God at all times!
#5) No Denomination Favored: Citizens for God and Country:
Religion is not promoted by saying nonsectarian Christian school prayers celebrating the legal official Holidays of Easter, Thanks Giving, Christmas, with the Nativity scenes and Christian carols. No specific Christian church is favored or disfavored. Christian ethics belong in the school curriculum and in government because we are endowed by our Creator. Those who subvert these founding principles by disinformation and disorder are not entitled to such rights, for God never endowed any with hostility to His divine Law. A Christian nation is entitled to a Christian administration, being 95% Christian, 2% Jew and 1% Islam. Here is the fakery of a diversified society. Only in a Christian nation do Christians have civil rights. And only in a Christian nation do non Christians have civil rights away from their land of origin, and far more than a majority as in their father land. Deny Christian ethics in government and none know freedom!

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One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. -- Plato (429-347 BC)


and is protected speech pursuant to the "unalienable rights" of all men, and the First (and Second) Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America, In God we trust

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For you see, the world is governed by very different personages from what is imagined by those who are not behind the scenes.

  Coningsby: Or The New Generation And, The governments of the present day have to deal not merely with other governments, with emperors, kings, and ministers, but also with the secret societies which have everywhere their unscrupulous agents, and can at the last moment upset all the governments’ plans. — Benjamin Disraeli, Speech at Aylesbury, Great Britain, September 10, 1870

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