

Saturday, February 9, 2019


Janet Varney

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Image result for Ć¢€œAmerica will never be a socialist countryĆ¢€


America will never be a socialist country”. (President Donald Trump, 2019 State of the Union Address).
Never means NEVER!

Now that the long road to socialism ran out of pavement in America, where should the likes of socialism pushers like Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders and New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC)  ply their sordid business?
Venezuela, Cuba, or some place recommended by Vladimir Putin is where the deadly-to-democracy duo truly belongs.
In strong words not even the mainstream and social media could fake, President Trump, identified the unwelcome elephant harrumphing its way into America’s front room:
“Here, in the United States, we are alarmed by new calls to adopt socialism in our country,” Trump told Congress Tuesday night. “We are born free, and we will stay free. Tonight, we renew our resolve that America will never be a socialist country.”

That warning came minutes after Trump brought Ocasio-Cortez — one of the most prominent young proponents of socialism to take office this year — and other Democratic women in the chamber to their feet by noting the record number of female lawmakers serving in Congress this year. But he turned promptly to a rebuke of the insurgent ideologues, who have gained influence in the party since self-described socialist Sen. Bernie Sanders mounted a stiff challenge for the Democratic presidential nomination in 2016.

While Ocasio-Cortez and Democratic women got up off their duffs in giddy applause for themselves, the president next torpedoed in on the future of socialism in the U.S.A.—dead in the water.
Uncaring as they are of the opinions of the masses, the socialists in the chamber should have felt the door closing on them because it is not only the president but a majority of Americans who virulently oppose them.

Downright refreshing to see that Sanders, whose influence on younger generations has been around for proverbial donkey’s years, has hand-picked the wrong person to spread the poison of socialism.
Ocasio-Cortez’s blossom has yet to flower because it’s been held back by her own ego.

Sworn to self-aggrandizement laced through myriad publicity stunts, touted by the media, it is AOC’s own oversized ego stunting her growth.
Her distinctive know-it-all stance hasn’t stopped to consider that Loud and Brash is a dead-end street.
In truth, the weary world was tired of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez before she even got started.
Her day-after retort to Trump’s attack on socialism was even more feeble than her melodramatic hands-in-the-air tactics and about as effective as Sander’s scowl during SOTU:

“Tuesday on MSNBC’s special coverage of President Donald Trump’s State of the Union speech, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) said the president said American would never be a socialist country because “he feels himself losing on the issues.”
Ocasio-Cortez said, “I think that the president was unprepared. I don’t think that he did his homework.”
On this take, AOC seems to be in a minority of one.  (Even the CNN SOTU poll shows president approval at 76%).
Now that she had MSNBC camera attention, here’s what she said:

“There was no plan. There was no plan to address our opioid crisis. There was no plan to address the cost of healthcare, there was no plan to increase wages. I had to ask myself, is this a campaign stop or is this a State of the Union?”
It was a little of both because taking a strong stand against the spread of socialism in America will get Trump reelected as president in 2020.

“When asked about Trump’s remarks on socialism, Ocasio-Cortez said, “I think that he needs to do it because he feels like — he feels himself losing on the issues. Every single policy proposal that we have adopted and presented to the American public has been overwhelmingly popular, even some with a majority of Republican voters supporting what we’re talking about. We talked about a 70 percent marginal tax rate on incomes over $10 million. Sixty percent of Americans approve it. Seventy million Americans believe in approved and expanded Medicare for all. A large amount of Americans believe we need to do something about climate change, that it’s an existential threat to ourselves and our children. I think he sees himself losing on the issues, he sees himself losing on the wall on the southern border, and he needs to grasp at an attack. And this is his way of doing it. But what we need to realize is happening is this is an issue of authoritarian regime versus democracy. In order for him to try to dissuade or throw people off the scent of the trail, he has to really make and confuse the public. And I think that that’s exactly what he’s trying to do.”
Yo, Bernie, your top-flight lieutenant’s yadda, yadda, yadda is falling on deaf ears no matter how loud she screeches it.

Socialism died a painful death in America on Tuesday night.  All that’s left for the left is to bury it.

By Janet Varney And Janet Varney's America

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