

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Congressman introduces resolution that would require equal punishments for lying to Congress – even for Hillary

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Congressman introduces resolution that would require equal punishments for lying to Congress – even for Hillary
While President Donald Trump remains the subject of incessant, wide-ranging investigations probing for little more than process crimes — like lying to Congress — politicians on the other side of the political aisle, like former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, haven’t been so equally scrutinized.

That disparity in treatment has compelled a Republican member of Congress to introduce legislation titled the Justice for All Resolution, which would hold all people to the same legal standard — regardless of their ideological alignment (or their status as an official Clinton family member).

Two-tiered justice system

The Daily Caller reported that Republican Florida Rep. Matt Gaetz recently introduced the bill that no doubt has big Obama-era names like Clinton, former FBI Director James Comey, and former Attorney General Eric Holder growing nervous.
In a short video produced for the media outlet, Gaetz explained that, in his view, there needs to be equal punishment for crimes committed no matter who may have committed them.
“Unfortunately, it often seems that we have a two-tiered justice system at work,” the congressman said. “Certain people have the book thrown at them, while others face no consequences at all for their behavior. This is unfair and wrong, and I hope to correct this with my resolution.”

Equal punishment for equal crimes

In his video, Gaetz chastised the blatant one-sidedness of Robert Mueller’s special counsel investigation and argued that the probe has highlighted the disparity in treatment of political officials depending on their party.
“The Justice for All Act requires equal treatment for people who lie before Congress,” Gaetz said. “We’ve seen Roger Stone indicted for that by the special counsel, but Hillary Clinton definitely lied when she said that she did not send or receive information that was marked as classified.”
He added: “There does seem to be a two-tiered standard of justice in the United States where Democrats have a yellow-brick road paved for them to stay out of trouble, even when they lie to Congress like Jim Comey did.”
But the congressman didn’t stop name-dropping there.
“Even when they illegally oversee the bulk collection of our data, like James Clapper did, even when they allow politics to put American lives at risk, which is what Hillary Clinton did in Benghazi,” he said.
Gaetz went on to make his point crystal clear: Dems need to own up to their wrongdoings, too.
“I think Democrats ought to be held to the same standard, that’s why I introduced the Justice for All Act to ensure that when people lie to Congress, they are held accountable equally and you don’t see disparate treatment for Republicans, just because it is less popular to be a Republican or conservative inside the beltway,” Gaetz said.

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