

Monday, February 4, 2019


Razing Cain

 By RazMaTaz

A Spoonful Of Sugar 
Helps The Bitter Taste of Reality 
Go Down Easier

At Times, Reality Is Anything BUT Sweet 

Image result for Razing Cane world

And You'll Find Me Passing out That Sugar

Related image


Abortion is a near 5-decade lie propagated by profiteers supported by Congress via taxpayer funding . . . whether you approve of abortion or not, your taxes are paying for it.

When I had attended high school, I had no clue what actually happened to a fetus in the womb during an abortion so yes, I supported abortions.  I know for certain, there must be many other people who are as equally clueless as I once was.  While creating this blog, finding out how abortions are done, I found myself asking questions.  Perhaps you will too.

Is it child abuse to conduct an abortion when a fetus has fully formed features   What constitutes being a human❓   What would you call a premeditated design for murder❓   Does an unborn child have rights   Have we strayed so far from what is virtuous that we now accept murder of a defenseless infant as being acceptable❓ ❗

  Education is the key to leading a misinformed generation back to morality.

But how does one address nearly 50 years 
Of a profit-making killing spree in one blog

Let's go back in time . . . 

Norma McCorvey, also known as Jane Roe, claimed she had been gang-raped in the hopes she could get a legal abortion in the state of Texas. Her case Roe vs Wade was used by various pro-abortion organizations to challenge Texas’ abortion law.  In 1973 the Supreme Court declared in its final ruling, all state laws restricting or limiting abortion were "unconstitutional" and so began the legalized abortion on demand throughout the United States. 

Norma McCorvey became a born-again Christian and a prolifer. 

Roe vs Wade was succeeded by another case, Doe vs Bolton, which was also based upon a lie.  Sandra Cano, also known as Mary Doe, insisted that she thought the papers she signed were about divorce and child custody, not abortion.  Cano claimed she learned the truth about her case when she went to court in 1988 to have records unsealed.

Sandra Cano to the 2005 Senate Judiciary Committee:  “I did not seek an abortion nor do I believe in abortion, yet my name and my life is now forever linked with the slaughter of 40-50 million babies.”

This second case helped to solidify abortions throughout the states.  But the lies that helped to push abortion into today's mindset as being acceptable . . . well . . . they didn’t stop here.

Bernard Nathanson, founder of the National Abortion Rights Action League (NARAL) and who once operated the largest abortion clinic in New York, admitted he lied about the number of women who died from illegal abortions in order to repeal pro-life laws: "We spoke of 5,000-10,000 deaths a year ... I confess that I knew the figures were totally false ... it was a useful figure, widely accepted, so why go out of our way to correct it with honest statistics?"  

Bernard Nathanson is now a prolifer.

Also, Ron Fitzsimmons, National Coalition of Abortion Providers, lied when he said partial-birth abortions are extremely rare and are performed only to save a woman's life or prevent damage to her reproductive organs when her baby is severely deformed.  In fact, the opposite was true.  Abortions were done primarily on healthy babies and healthy mothers.   Fitzsimmons says he lied because he felt it was necessary to protect the cause of "abortion rights". After an appearance on ABC's "Nightline" in which, he says, "I lied through my teeth", he began to grow increasingly uneasy. "It made me physically ill," he said, "I told my wife the next day, 'I can't do this again.'

Ron Fitzsimmons believes in abortion but based upon truth. 

In 1996, Bill Clinton had an opportunity to veto bill H.R. 1833 which would have made partial-birth abortion illegal.  Clinton’s justification was basically a repeat of Fitzsimmons’ lies.

👉  Fetal Development Week by Week

   Planned Parenthood 1965 pamphlet  
"An abortion kills the life of a baby 
After it has begun."

Leana Wen, President of Planned Parenthood: “Our core mission is providing, protecting, and expanding access to abortion and reproductive health care.  We will never back down from that fight.”  Yet Planned Parenthood's core fails to admit profiting by those abortions and perhaps that's why it’s so important to continue that fight❓   The mother’s rights and health are secondary to the profit being made.  If it were not for the millions made by aborted babies, I would believe Planned Parenthood as being legitimately concerned over a mother’s right and her health issues, wouldn’t you agree❓  Then why does Congress continue to fund Planned Parenthood   Who profits❓  The taxpayers❓ 

Since our nation sows this harvest, 
Shouldn't we reap from it as well❓  
Financially❓   Immorally❓ 

Since 2012, abortions performed by Planned Parenthood have markedly increased.  In 2017 there were 332,757 abortions performed, an increase of 11,373 from 2016 even though Planned Parenthood insisted abortions constitutes only 3% of all services rendered.  Yet during Oct 1, 2016 to Sep 30, 2017, Planned Parenthood performed nearly one-half of all abortions in the U.S; a staggering average of 911 abortions each day.  

Seriously.  Did all these woman have “health risks” that could have possibly been avoided by simply using a contraceptive❓  How many of those women returned for another abortion❓  What kind of preventative counseling did women receive after having an abortion❓   Were they explained, in advance, what happens to the baby during their abortion procedure❓   Did condom sales or sales from other forms of contraceptives hit an all-time high❓

The shocking revelation of how much a woman’s health
is really at the center of an abortion procedure . . .

👉  Steven Crowder - 1/28 - Former Planned Parenthood Director Exposes Abortion Lies! (Abby Johnson Uncut)

“Abortion is not health care.

It is the intentional act of

Killing a human being.

This is Human Genocide for Profit.”

Year ending June 30, 2018, Planned Parenthood received a total of $563.8M in government funding, an increase of $20.1M received from the previous year ending.  Congress, not voters, approve disbursement of taxpayer funding as approximately 37% of Planned Parenthood’s income is “taxpayer dependent”.   Planned Parenthood obtains millions of dollars from taxpayers money via Congress to legally kill babies to then make an obscene profit off of those dead baby parts.  Seems rather ghoulish, wouldn't you agree❓

👉 Planned Parenthood baby-body-parts Profits on Trial

👉  How Much for Baby Parts?!

👉 Matt Christiansen ~ 1/26 ~ In Signing New Abortion Expansion, Cuomo Misleads on Roe v Wade | Control for Me, but Not for Thee



👉  AN0MALY – 1/24 ~ New Abortion Law in New York Is Extremely Creepy & Disturbing!
"Here is the science behind this sick new law..."   
I meant "birth" and not "conception."

👉  PragerU - 1/29 ~ The Danger of Abortion-On-Demand

👉  Dr. Anthony Levatino Explains 2nd Trimester Surgical Abortion: Dilation and Evacuation (D & E). He performed over 1,200 abortions. He now advocates for prolife.

👉 Dr. William Lile, Ob/Gyn who performed over 4,000 abortions. He now advocates for prolife.

👉  One Nasty OB/GYN Woman!

 Would you want to die this way❓  😱

Should people be smiling when signing a law which takes away a baby’s life❓❗
Will Late Term Abortion be proposed
In every state that supports a Democrat Agenda❓


Children’s Protective Services: A broad interpretation of what child abuse and neglect entails . . .

  • Physical abuse: Non-accidental trauma or physical injury of a child, or failure to protect a child from harm.
  • Neglect: Failure to provide for a child's physical survival needs to the extent that there is harm, or risk of harm, to the child's health or safety.
  • Psychological harm: A repeated pattern of caregiver behavior or extreme incident(s) that convey to children they are worthless, flawed, unloved, unwanted, and endangered. May include both abusive acts against a child and failure to act.

Doesn’t reporting child abuse

Conflict with someone having an abortion❓❗

💢 💢 💢 💢 

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez doesn't want to fund ICE because she states they are guilty of human rights violations.  Now wait a second❗  Funding Planned Parenthood doesn't violate human rights❓❗   Who hears the silent cries of an innocent, unborn child when it's being torn limb from limb within the 'sanctuary' of a womb❓  Illegal aliens who commit atrocious felonious acts against innocent Americans reside in 'sanctuary' cities.   But one sanctuary can provide death to a guiltless, the other provides life for the guilty.   I believe Ocasio-Cortez's sense of what is a violation of human rights, is seriously warped.

What kind of inhumane world are we creating 

when we have no respect for the creation of life itself


💢 💢 💢 💢 

67% Prenatal Diagnoses 
Of Down Syndrome in United States
Resulted in abortions 
 Frank Stephens, Actor, Special Olympian, 
Prolife Advocate
Ambassador for the Global Down Syndrome Foundation

Is this the beginning of creating laws 

which will legally exterminate any human being, 

young or old deemed “unfit” to exist❓  

Have we become so desensitized and emotionally void, we don’t even care anymore
Shouldn’t we be instilling within our youths responsible preventive behavior 
Rather than the acceptance of taking a life

💢  💢  💢  💢

Below are two links of actual women who were pro abortion,
Until they became educated. . . 

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