

Sunday, January 6, 2019

“The Movement”....Steve Bannon's newest political project.

Image result for Technocratic globalists in Brussels, along with their corporate media pawns, have their panties in a wad over the former White House chief strategist

Technocratic globalists in Brussels, along with their corporate media pawns, have their panties in a wad over the former White House chief strategist and former executive chairmen of Breitbart News, Steve Bannon's newest political project. It's called 'The Movement.' The Movement can be seen as a kind of a pan-European umbrella group for the various national populist and anti-establishment parties across the continent.

The Movement seeks to unify all of the anti-establishment, populist factions which transcend the left-right paradigm, and who fight the unified neoliberal political, banking and media class.

What is The Movement?

The Movement is nothing less than a national populist insurrection aimed directly at heart of the hegemonic globalist forces inside of the European Parliament. The Movement seeks to directly challenge the globalist ideology of the European Union by bringing together the various Euro-skeptic parties inside of the EU who promote economic nationalism, a return to tradition and national customs and cultures, national sovereignty, border control, and security. More specifically, the non-profit organization will act as a central source for polling, data targeting, political advice and think-tank research for underfunded national populist groups whose support is currently surging all over Europe. Bannon has described The Movement as a counter organization to George Soros's OpenSociety Foundation. ..

Steve Bannon’s

Steve Bannon’s “The Movement”

Technocratic globalists in Brussels, along with their corporate media pawns, have their panties in a wad over the former White House chief strategist and former executive chairmen of Breitbart News, Steve Bannon’s newest political project. It’s called ‘The Movement.’ The Movement can be seen as a kind of a pan-European umbrella group for the various national populist and anti-establishment parties across the continent.

The Movement seeks to unify all of the anti-establishment, populist factions which transcend the left-right paradigm, and who fight the unified neoliberal political, banking and media class.

What is The Movement?

The Movement is nothing less than a national populist insurrection aimed directly at heart of the hegemonic globalist forces inside of the European Parliament. The Movement seeks to directly challenge the globalist ideology of the European Union by bringing together the various Euro-skeptic parties inside of the EU who promote economic nationalism, a return to tradition and national customs and cultures, national sovereignty, border control, and security. More specifically, the non-profit organization will act as a central source for polling, data targeting, political advice and think-tank research for underfunded national populist groups whose support is currently surging all over Europe. Bannon has described The Movement as a counter organization to George Soros’s OpenSociety Foundation.

The Movement seeks to boost the Euro-skeptic presence inside of the European Parliament during EU Parliamentary elections this coming May – a vote that inevitably will shape European politics for decades to come. The primary objective of The Movement is to forge a kind of “supergroup” of right-wing national populist lawmakers inside of the European chamber – a feat that would require the participation of at least 25 European MEPs from seven EU member states.

The Movement’s first inaugural summit, which will take place in the EU capital of Brussels, is expected to take place sometime in mid-January.

Who Is Involved?

Matteo Salvini, Italy’s Interior Minister, head of the ruling Lega party and de-facto leader of the state, has met on several occasions with Bannon and is now an official member of the group. Salvini pledged support to the Movement following a meeting with Bannon in Rome.

Bannon has repeatedly referenced the ruling coalition between Salvini’s right-wing populist party, Lega, and Luigi Di Maio’s left-wing populist party, Five Star Movement, as the model for anti-establish, national-populist movements across Europe and North America.

Bannon has declared, “Italy is the beating heart of modern politics and the center of the political universe right now. If it works there, it can work everywhere.”

The leader of the Belgian People’s Party, Mischaël Modrikamen, is also officially registered in the group.

Hungary’s national populist Prime Minister, Viktor Orbán, has also spoken positively about Bannon’s Movement, saying that it’s refreshing for a political actor from the US to come to Europe to propagate conservative ideas instead of neoliberal values. Although Orbán didn’t explicitly state that his party Fidesz would take part in The Movement, he did say that he “wished a lot of success” to Bannon’s project.

Bannon has also held talks with the leadership of the ruling Polish populist party, PiS (Law & Justice Party), the Sweden Democrats, National Rally in France, the Party for Freedom in the Netherlands, Germany’s AfD (Alternative for Deutschland) and England’s UKIP (U.K. Independence Party).
Recap of the Core Tenants of ‘The Movement’?

To internationalize and organize the national populist movement

Rejection of the contemporary technocracy of the European superstate

The view that the EU has become undemocratic and unaccountable to the people

Elevating the idea of the nation over the concept of globalism

Promotion of economic nationalism

Taking back control over national borders

Putting the native citizens of the country first

A renewed commitment to traditional culture, custom, and tradition

Primary Goal: to affect the outcome of the European Parliamentary Elections in May 2019

Historically EU Parliamentary Elections have a low turn-out. Bannon is hoping he can capitalize on this by organizing and mobilizing the populist right and left to swing elections perhaps significantly and take over the EU parliament.


The Movement is expected to employ fewer than ten full-time staff ahead of the 2019 European Parliamentary elections. Among the positions would include a communications director, a polling expert, an office manager, and a political analyst/researcher. If things go as planned and the project is deemed successful following the 2019 EU Parliamentary Elections, Bannon will increase the size of the non-profit to about 25 staff members.

If The Movement is triumphant, it could very well change the political complexion of Europe indefinitely. For more on Europe’s fight for freedom, check out Occidental Defense

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