

Thursday, January 17, 2019


The making of a Patriot:

by Patrick Kocher 2002

Submitted by PL Sturgis


Daily Bits of The Making of a Patriot by Patrick Kocher: Part1

1) Introduction: How I met Carris Kocher:

2) True Patriots:

3) Patriots Get Involved:

4) The Home Schooled Patriot:

5) Taught to Love America:

6) The Apathetic Public:


7) The Compromisers:

8) Fighting the System:

9) Looking Ahead:

10) Thankful for Patriotic Parents:

11) Now it’s our Turn: 
12) Iron Curtain of America:
Patrick Kocher, the author of this series, is the son of Carris Kocher, whom I first contacted when she appeared on a TV program out of Red Lion, PA called “Voice of Freedom” by Jim Nichols, sometime in the ’90s. She gave her address on that show and I sent her a brochure that I had printed by Citizens for God and Country, titled “Pilgrims Path to Freedom”. It contained the history of the Pilgrims and how they escaped persecution by God’s Providence and made it to America. I was elated and surprised when she called me on the phone and requested copies for homeschooling for her children. She also sent me literature since then from time to time. Every New Year I try to clean out my Library shelf. This year I came across an excellent composition written by her son Patrick. Since I do a daily paragraph each day I thought this composition is so timely for what is going on today although it was written in 2002. Carris is also the PA Chairman for the Bicentennial Banquet for Bill of Rights every December. PL Sturgis

2) True Patriots:

It seems that on September 11, 2001, that the American Public became patriotic almost overnight. At least that is what we are expected to believe. but what happened? More importantly, what is true patriotism? It is certainly more than flying a flag after a terrorist attack! True patriotism is placing your country and its welfare above your own personal comfort or preferences. True patriotism is what impels one to stand for their country when it is in the right and not stand at the gap when it is in the wrong no matter what the cost! 

3) Patriots Get Involved:

Patriots get involved in every aspect of the political system which is open for involvement...unwavering and open! When we call ourselves patriots we have a responsibility to exercise. That is what real patriotism is actually about. Just a few years ago the term “patriot” evoked images of angry white men who stocked their homes with survival gear and guns while warning their friends against contrail and weather warfare. Either that or it meant you were just weird, as in my case. I was raised in a large patriotic family which was once the norm in this Country. It has been largely replaced since the ’60s by the one or two parent 17 children, sports and entertainment obsessed societal unit.

4) The Home Schooled Patriot:

We were weird, no doubt. First of all, there were a lot of us. We didn’t wear our baseball caps backward. Mother stayed home with us and even cooked a full dinner every evening. When she went shopping she took her Bible along. We were allowed to talk to strangers. Yet everyone was sure we were sheltered. We didn’t seem to make the connection between the First Amendment and the view that we weren’t supposed to discuss religion in public. We could even quote the First Amendment. We went to the County Council Meetings for social studies. And that, more than anything else is why people thought we were weird. We were proudly American and unabashedly political. In other words, we were Patriotic.

5) Taught to Love America:

We were taught from an early age to love and respect our country. We went to Valley Forge on the 4th of July. We held flags at Memorial Day and Veteran’s Day Parades. It was not that we wanted to. We felt strange because none of the other kids were holding flags. But Mother told us that is all the more reason to hold the flags and show our patriotism. We had to stand outside the polls on election day and help the campaign. That included handing out information on candidates and issues that were important to us. We hated it but enjoyed it at the same time. such a life was certain to draw attention when “public school kids” (as homeschooling kids termed them) spent all their time in sports or watching television. We didn’t even have a TV but we did read quite a bit, which made us look even more weird to them. We never saw kids our age at County Council Meetings. Not even their parents showed. 

6) The Apathetic Public:

Most people just didn’t seem to care what the government was doing so we got plenty of attention from plenty of people. Many of them were nice folks but as we got older we realized we were more than just different. To some, we were a threat! Some people would warn us not to let our parents think for us. We needed to be our own person. Of course, we realized that while they urged us to think outside the box they were really saying that our parents were thinking too far outside the box and we should think more like the rest of society. (to be continued) Part-2,7through 12
 The Compromisers:


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