

Monday, January 21, 2019

RAZIN 'CAIN ~ 1/21/19 ~ HOW LOW DO DEMOCRATS GO? Native American vs Junior Catholic High School Student ~ It's all about Trump!

Razin' Cain

 By RazMaTaz

A Spoonful Of Sugar 
Helps The Bitter Taste of Reality 
Go Down Easier

At Times, Reality Is Anything BUT Sweet

Image result for Razing Cane world

And You'll Find Me Passing Out That Sugar

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Nicholas Sandmann 

Covington Catholic High School Junior Student

It began with a class trip arriving in Washington, D.C. for a group of boys who attended Covington Catholic High School Junior, Kentucky.  They were attending the March for Life rally, Friday, Jan 18th, to then separate into groups for a bit of sightseeing.   When a group arrived at the Lincoln Memorial, there were present four African American protesters claiming to be Hebrew Israelites.  Upon noticing the group of Catholic boys, the four Israelites began tossing slanderous remarks.  The four even slandered an African American who was a part of the Catholic group.  Because of the verbal attacks against the boys, it was requested by a student of a chaperone if they could chant a school spirit song in response.  The song was not one of hate; it was permitted. 

Suddenly, a group of Native Americans appeared on the scene. Nathan Phillips, an Omaha elder (or is it Michigan?) who is also a Vietnam veteran and former director of the Native Youth Alliance was among the group which had a photographer in tow.  Were these students targeted because a majority of them were wearing Trump paraphernalia?

NATHAN PHILLIPS:  “What the young man [Nicholas Sandmann] was doing was blocking my escape. I wanted to leave. I was thinking, ‘How do I get myself out of this? I want to get away from it.”   By beating a drum and chanting in the boy's face?!

Watching the video link posted below, one can see Nathan Phillips freely wandering through the crowd, people are not  blocking his path, to stop in front of Sandmann who stood there with a smile.  Sandmann did not approach Phillips nor was he  grimacing or sneering at him. As Phillips stood face-to-face with Sandmann, the crowd began to grow, surrounding both Phillips and Sandmann as Phillips continued to chant and play his drum, and at times, in Sandmann's face.  Phillips was the intrusive, abusive factor.  The standoff stopped when a chaperone came to lead the teens away.  

Here's another side of Nathan Phillips . . . 

Nathan Phillips is an actor who gets paid to act

He starred in a 2012 Skrillex video called, “Make It Bun Dem,” in which Phillips does some spiritual warfare connected to a violent attack on a police officer. Phillips was identified as the star of the video in his speaker bio for Tribal Hemp & Cannabis Education and discussed the role in a 2017 interview.

AND . . . Let's look at this . . . 

 Stealing honor?!

But it doesn't end there.  Oh NOoooo. . . . 

It now comes to the attention of Democrats who want to escalate this situation.  Keep in mind, we are witnessing a group of liberal adults (media included) vs ONE child.  

Congresswoman Deb Haaland, one of the first Native American women to be elected to Congress tweets . . .  (link)  

DEB HAALAND:  “I feel like some of that has truly been lost and that's all condoned by our president. . . . You could tell that by the hats they were wearing."  

Well, there you have it folks.  The reason behind this fake narrative!  But why at the expense of one white teenager?  Democrats and their liberal-owned media venues intend to ruin Sandmann's future for what?  To get at Trump?  Can we finally see just how evil this party is at destroying people's lives?  What about Sandmann's future?  What about his family?  They are generating hatred toward this school, these children, their families by sharing and televising a segmented, propaganda video.  They simply don't care how destructive they are!   What if it were your life?  Or someone you cared about?  Are you going to sit there to say, I'm glad it's not me?  Issuing a public apology doesn't matter as the damage is already done.  Personally, it was intentional to create division, discord and/or possibly a distraction used by the media.

Found on Nicholas Sandmann's twitter page . . . 

Yes, a U.S. House of Representative, John Yarmuth, from the 3rd District of Kentucky.  As we are all aware, the House is dominated by the Democrats.  It was interesting to note that Yarmuth was a Republican before he switched parties.  Yarmuth also endorsed Barack Obama in his bid for the Democratic Party nomination for President of the United States.  Yarmuth appears to have the habit of failing to look into details before giving his full support.  I truly feel sorry for the people of the 3rd District of Kentucky as this clearly shows a serious fault in his character.  Will Yarmuth use his political influence to sway the school to discipline these children?  
How ludicrous is Rep. John Yarmuth's tweet? 

But look who else has also decided to voice her ultra-negative opinion . . . Kathy Griffin.  Not only does she call out the boys from the Catholic school, but she posts the address and phone number of the school so her sheep can harass the school to punish the 'nonexistent actions' of these students namely, Nicholas Sandmann. 

What does our brave student have to say?

Let's not forget that Kathy Griffin uses Trump to gain attention because when he was a TV entertainer, it was OK to have her photo taken with him.  It's just more prosperous for her now to go against him.  

BUT . . . Kathy Griffin makes her own disasters

Because of the heightened fervor, Covington Catholic High School Junior had to issue an immediate statement prior to an investigation.  (link)  But how tainted will this investigation become when we know liberals will be calling the school to make false allegations?  

To appease the crazed media (CNN), Nicholas Sandmann released a statement of what he claims had happened. 

Ask yourself:  When is it acceptable for a political party to attack children in order to promote a political agenda?  To use the media to slander children?   When does wearing a symbol of support for the president become a target for acceptable abuse?   It seems today, one merely has to point a finger and say it is so, and some people will believe it, without even questioning.  It's sad to see people would rather embrace hatred rather than to understand facts.  Has the Democrat party become so inept and immoral that it has become a free-for-all against white teenage males?  We are talking about adults (including media) vs children.   This is worse than bullying!   Com'on now! 



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