

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Razin' Cain : 01/07/19,Minnesota Congresswoman Ilhan Omar

Razin' Cain

 By RazMaTaz

A Spoonful Of Sugar 
Helps The Bitter Taste of Reality 
Go Down Easier 

The  Sugar Of  Reality 
Is Anything 
BUT Sweet

Image result for Razing Cane world

And You'll Find Me Passing Out The Sugar

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Minnesota Congresswoman Ilhan Omar

Did Michigan's Congresswoman marry her own brother?

Why wasn't there an investigation into Ilhan Omar's background before she ran for Congress?  Why has the media grown silent over this issue?

Did Ilhan Omar break immigration laws by marrying her brother?

Are we seeing the same deceitful ways as witnessed during Hillary and Obama's presidential run whereas important information had been buried deep in order for them to be able to run for the highest office our nation has to offer? 

If we make allowances for someone who has broken our Rule of Law to enter into our political arena, then why have laws to begin with?  

Many people assume that the FBI does a background check prior to a candidate running for Congress, but guess what?  NOPE!  

Wouldn't you agree that if someone were running for office in Congress, which could eventually lead to a campaign for our nation's presidency (which it can), they should have had a background check?  

What if the candidate were in league with some shady people like the "Deep State" or allegiance with a foreign country that wants to take control of our government?  Or what if the candidate had a habitual drug problem which could make them see favorably toward drug cartels and Big Pharma lobbyists?  Or have an alcohol problem which could impede good judgment calls?  What if the person you elected were involved with child trafficking and was responsible for protecting laws that centered around the welfare and well-being of our children and future children?  Don't forget those Executive Orders!  Further, all of these "what ifs" could also lead to blackmail, placing our nation into the hands of nefarious people or hostile nations.  Let's ponder about the mess in Europe.  Better yet, let's think about someone's environment in Somalia? 



Isn't it better to have any felony acts out in the open so constituents can decide if the candidate is worthy to run for office?  And whatever happened to being a native born in order to run for any local or federal office?  How can a foreigner appreciate, or to even endeavor to protect and promote our nation's values when they were not raised by Western Civilization standards?  Not only do we need to get a handle on rampant voter fraud, but having candidates pass a background check is imperative for this country to prevent any domestic onslaught attempt within our government.  We must nominate those who are raised and willing to conform to the Constitution and Rule of Law in order to protect our nation's sovereignty.  We need to elect people who are exemplary and in good standing, worthy of our trust, not to blindly accept for face value.  One can't judge a book by it's cover.  For example, would you be willing to form a union, inviting a complete stranger into your home, a partner who would have the ability to affect your everyday life, trusting them with your most valuable possessions and your finances, yet is someone you have no idea of what their character is or what they stood for?  This nation conducts background checks as well as drug tests on people who work with children and special needs adults in the medical and home care businesses.  Isn't America our home?  Why not apply this concept to our nation's leaders? 

Our nation is not a "democracy", it is a Constitutional Republic.  Only the left would cloud Americans' judgment by describing our nation as a democracy.  Our forefathers created a Constitutional Republic to avoid the dangerous extreme of either tyranny or mobocracy, to prevent a vile takeover.  But this is all useless if we don't take steps to prevent a hostile takeover of our government by elected officials who don't appreciate American values, who hide their past and who commit crimes. Therefore, we need to know who candidates are before they are put on the ballot and voted into office.  This should also be in conjunction with preventing voter fraud through the use of electronic machines or paper ballots and by those people entrusted to accurately tally those ballots.  Furthermore, when someone seals their records, preventing Americans from seeing their past, shouldn't that an alarm signal?  If someone wants to run for office, shouldn't their life basically be an open book?  Why would you vote for someone to govern over you who hides their past, or commits crimes, or has no sense of what America's values are?  Ignoring what is obvious to question, is not the way for voters to trust someone who wants to be involved within our government. Haven't conservatives learned a lesson when Obama was elected into office for two terms?  


Further Investigation Suggests Omar Married Brother - 8/22/16

Elected Officials DO NOT go through Background Checks Prior to Taking Office 

Somalia is NOT favorable toward Christians 

America is a Constitutional Republic . . . NOT a Democracy - 9/9/06


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