

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Goodlatte And Gowdy Say Crooked Mueller’s Report On Trump ‘Must Be Trusted’

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Retiring Reps Goodlatte And Gowdy Say Crooked Mueller’s Report On Trump ‘Must Be Trusted’
 Top Republican Chairmen Goodlatte and Gowdy released their key findings from a joint committee investigation into the DOJ’s probe of Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump.
Reps Bob Goodlatte and Trey Gowdy, who are both retiring this year sent a letter addressed to McConnell, Whitaker and IG Horowitz on Friday stating crooked Mueller’s report “must be trusted by Americans.”

Above: Gowdy, Goodlatte

“Contrary to Democrat and media claims, there has been no effort to discredit the work of the Special Counsel. Quite the opposite, whatever product is produced by the Special Counsel must be trusted by Americans and that requires asking tough but fair questions about investigative techniques both employed and not employed,” the letter read.
Gowdy and Goodlatte say Americans must trust Mueller’s report, screenshot:
Robert Mueller’s report should not be trusted by Americans — the Special Counsel appointed to investigate ‘Trump-Russia collusion’ has been corrupted since its inception.
Fired FBI Director James Comey gave classified memos to a friend to leak to the New York Times in order to prompt a Special Counsel.
The team of angry Democrat lawyers working for Robert Mueller is a who’s who of Clinton-Obama donors — FBI agent Peter Strzok and his paramour FBI lawyer Lisa Page were fired from Mueller’s team after the Inspector General discovered thousands of anti-Trump text messages exchanged between the two lovebirds.
The Russia dossier, which formed an essential part of the initial FISA warrant and three FISA renewals against Carter Page was paid for by Hillary Clinton and to this day has not been verified.
Mueller’s witch hunt is all part of the slow-motion coup to remove President Trump and Americans should never trust any report that comes from him. Mueller is a corrupt DC swamp dweller with years of botched investigations and overall abysmal history of questionable conduct.
Goodlatte and Gowdy also asked for a Special Counsel to investigate the mishandling of the Trump/Clinton investigations. Will Acting AG Matt Whitaker now listen?
In the last paragraph of the letter, the outgoing Reps state that they believe that a Special Counsel should be created to investigate the actions by the FBI and DOJ related to the Clinton and Trump investigations before and after the election.
The joint committee investigation of the DOJ’s probes of Clinton and Trump began in October of 2017 and Rosenstein stonewalled Republicans’ efforts the entire way. Now Goodlatte and Gowdy wait until the last minute to ask Whitaker to appoint a Special Counsel?
Democrat Congressman Jerry Nadler of New York is expected to take over as House Judiciary Chairman next week and has chimed in with other Dem leaders like Adam Schiff in his desire to ramp up investigations into President Trump — Gowdy and Goodlatte wasted their time because their investigation yielded ZERO indictments of the Deep State thanks to Sessions’ recusal.

Goodlatte and Gowdy Stick to the Low Road on Their Way Out

Two House Republicans are tarnishing Congress and their party up to the very end.

Gowdy, Goodlatte react to inspector general's report on FBI

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