

Sunday, December 23, 2018


by Joe Esposito


The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag: “I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.”, I pledge my allegiance to the Constitution of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible, with liberty and justice for all, Amen!

by Joe Esposito



Joe Esposito

In our WACKY POLITICAL WORLD, there is much dysfunction as the year is fast coming to a close. The Government is once again shut down. When will it reopen? Who the hell knows? We have a President and a Democrat Party at each other’s throats. It is over the funding of a much-needed WALL that the President desperately wants but as of now, he doesn’t have the votes. Our body politic is in such disarray. It is so utterly depressing as we approach Christmas Day. This should be a time of merriment and cheer but leave it to the Democrats to play Scrooge. When it comes to obstructionism the PARTY OF HATE is without peer. They insist that they will not allocate 5 billion dollars for the damn WALL to be built. They insist on open borders and if any American is killed by an illegal they have absolutely no sense of guilt.

We have a POLITICAL WORLD not only WACKY but extremely POISONOUS and that is something I can unequivocally state. They’ll endanger our beloved America just to spite Trump. Now that is what I would call real HATE. These dirtbags are the same ones who a little more than a decade ago were all for a WALL. But now they are adamantly opposed. But it is even more than that for this is what Trump ran on and as we all know they go against anything he has proposed. An open border policy fits into their disgusting agenda. They salivate at the millions who will pour in and vote for them. This puts them in a state of splendor. The media helps to push the LEFT’S narrative, that if you want one built you are heartless, a racist conservative.

Yes. This is an INSANE POLITICAL ENVIRONMENT that is in need of a little ‘butt kicking’ and we have the right person to truly do this. It is, of course, Donald Trump who we proudly put in the Oval Office. He said he’d shut down this government if the WALL wasn’t funded. He did. And now the media acts so very dumbfounded. It is a POLITICAL WAR fought on many fronts you would have to say. Metaphorically speaking it is Donald Trump that they so wish to slay. The WACKY WORLD OF POLITICS is an ongoing ‘Soap Opera, a kind of high stakes REALITY SHOW of which Trump is indeed a master. I don’t need to tell you this. It is something that I’m sure you all already know.


When it comes to one’s feeling about Donald J Trump there really is no middle ground. You either absolutely LOVE or HATE him. If you are part of the latter you’re convinced he’s unfit for the Presidency and that he’s mentally unsound. All across America millions of families will gather to celebrate the holidays. If the talk gets around to politics some will surely suffer a MALAISE. It is impossible to have a debate about our body politic before tempers reach a hyperbolic state. For you see that there is in many families a few who suffer from TRUMP DERANGEMENT SYNDROME. In our beloved America, there is for our President plenty of HATE.

To say there is a great divide in our country is to state the obvious. The Media contributes mightily to this great division. It is extremely serious. The Government is SHUT DOWN as it should be. The FAR LEFT LUNATICS led by Chuckie and Nancy don’t give a damn about border security. It’s all about spiting our Commander in Chief. It seems like ages ago when the Dems and the GOP had some semblance of comity but now there is absolutely none. Trump gets not a smidgen of relief when all is said and done. A WALL-less border is in our immediate future and that is extremely sad but this is what happens when party politics rears its ugly head. How can you deal with these Democrats who act as if they’re brain dead?

This may come as a shock to these loons but a President is supposed to make sure that we are safe. National security is the number one priority. But to these moronic HATERS what matters most is adding millions who here come here to keep them in power forever. This is what they long for, to take control of eternity. In the coming year don’t expect Trump to stop being Trump for that is not going to be. It is something that one must get used to. He will be more disruptive than ever. That we will surely see. After all isn’t that why we voted for him in the first place? Of course, the HATERS will have their knives out. You can count on this. Don’t you just love the reaction of the media over the forcing out of Mattis? They didn’t give a damn when he was forced out of the previous regime. They were silent as one can be. Now they express outrage. I would say there is a tad of their neverending  HYPOCRISY that we certainly see.

Controversies just keep multiplying under Trump as do the media’s disgusting HATRED of him increases. Substance is always overshadowed by his unique style. The HATERS always underestimate him. He displays such cunning and guile. This is a high stakes game that we see being played out. It will be more so when the House of Representatives is taken over by the PARTY OF HATE. The funding of the WALL is of paramount importance. It was the cornerstone of Trump’s campaign. It is something we cannot overstate. He promised to build that WALL and because of it into the Oval Office, he was swept. He has been the KEEPER OF PROMISES. At rallies there are many, many signs that read PROMISES MADE, PROMISES KEPT. It is what makes him a President like no other. He has a most loyal, devoted political base that supports him to the hilt. It would most of irritation and disappointment if we never see that WALL being built.

Written by Joe Esposito,

Apparently, they have not learned their lesson from this election loss. In Congress, they apparently are determined to stay in the minority. Need proof?? Their caucus leadership is still in the hands of that brainless twit, Nancy Pelosi. George Soros will still pull the strings more than ever. It is his bidding they will continue to do as they will further move Left and off a cliff, they will surely go. It's a death wish they have and their radicalism will soon bury them. Mark my words. This will be so.

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One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. -- Plato (429-347 BC)


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