

Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Mueller Withheld Exculpatory Evidence From Court To Exonerate Trump – Mueller Lied To The Court!… Will He Be Sent To Jail Too?

Is justice still alive in America? Will Robert Mueller see jail time?

Mueller Withheld Exculpatory Evidence From Court To Exonerate Trump – Mueller Lied To The Court!… Will He Be Sent To Jail Too?
  Is justice still alive in America? Will Robert Mueller see jail time?
A new report by journalist Paul Sperry says conflicted Robert Mueller withheld evidence from the court that would exonerate President Trump from the latest accusations of Russian collusion during the 2016 election.
Mueller withheld information to the court that would exonerate President Trump. Will Mueller be tossed in prison for lying?

Or do only Trump associates got to jail for lying to the court?

1. Mueller’s plea deal with Trump’s personal lawyer Michael Cohen offers further evidence that the Trump campaign did not collude with Russians during the 2016 election, according to congressional investigators and former prosecutors.
2. Cohen pleaded guilty to making false Statements to the Senate as discussions about the so-called Moscow Project continued 5 months longer in 2016 than Cohen had initially stated under oath....

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A 9-page charging document filed with the plea deal shows Mueller is using the Moscow tower talks to connect Trump to Russia. But congressional investigators with House & Senate committees involved say Mueller withheld from the court details that would exonerate the president....
On page 7 of the statement of criminal information filed against Cohen, Mueller mentions that Cohen tried to email Putin’s office two times in 2016. But Mueller omitted the fact that Cohen did not have any direct points of contact at the Kremlin....

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Sources who have seen these additional emails point out that this omitted information undercuts the idea of a “back channel” and thus the special counsel's collusion case.
Page 2 holds additional exculpatory evidence for Trump, sources say. It quotes an August 2017 letter from Cohen to the Senate intelligence committee in which he states that Trump “was never in contact with anyone about this [Moscow Project] proposal other than me.”

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This section of Cohen’s written testimony, unlike other parts, is not disputed as false by Mueller, which sources say means prosecutors have tested its veracity through corroborating sources and found it to be accurate.
Mueller did also not challenge Cohen’s statement that he “ultimately determined that the proposal was not feasible and never agreed to make a trip to Russia.”

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Dirty Cop Robert Mueller LIED to the court!
Via Real Clear Investigations:
Contrary to media speculation that Robert Mueller is closing in on President Trump, the special prosecutor’s plea deal with Trump’s personal lawyer Michael Cohen offers further evidence that the Trump campaign did not collude with Russians during the 2016 election, according to congressional investigators and former prosecutors.
Cohen pleaded guilty last week to making false statements in 2017 to the Senate intelligence committee about the Trump Organization’s failed efforts to build a Trump Tower in Moscow. Discussions about the so-called Moscow Project continued five months longer in 2016 than Cohen had initially stated under oath.
The nine-page charging document filed with the plea deal suggests that the special counsel is using the Moscow tower talks to connect Trump to Russia. But congressional investigators with House and Senate committees leading inquiries on the Russia question told RealClearInvestigations that it looks like Mueller withheld from the court details that would exonerate the president. They made this assessment in light of the charging document, known as a statement of “criminal information” (filed in lieu of an indictment when a defendant agrees to plead guilty); a fuller accounting of Cohen’s emails and text messages that Capitol Hill sources have seen; and the still-secret transcripts of closed-door testimony provided by a business associate of Cohen.
On page 7 of the statement of criminal information filed against Cohen, which is separate from but related to the plea agreement, Mueller mentions that Cohen tried to email Russian President Vladimir Putin’s office on Jan. 14, 2016, and again on Jan. 16, 2016. But Mueller, who personally signed the document, omitted the fact that Cohen did not have any direct points of contact at the Kremlin, and had resorted to sending the emails to a general press mailbox. Sources who have seen these additional emails point out that this omitted information undercuts the idea of a “back channel” and thus the special counsel’s collusion case.
Source :>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Here

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