

Sunday, December 23, 2018

The Death of America's Justice System

One thing the Dems have become experts at is exploiting the rule of law to exact Elitist rule over American life by hindering all things Conservative and especially manufacturing non-existent crimes to investigate all things, Donald Trump. Justin Smith weighs in.

The Death of America's Justice System

The Death of America's Justice System
President Trump: Besieged by Enemies of the State

By Justin O. Smith
Sent 12/21/2018 6:44 PM

President Donald J. Trump is currently besieged by an out-of-control anti-American Robert Mueller and his Special Counsel team of Democrats, who are abusing the rule of law and wielding the law like a 20-pound sledgehammer to smash President Trump's existential threat to the Establishment ruling class's monopoly on power. This “special counsel”, Mueller, an un-elected political hack and Hillary sycophant, is moving against our elected representative to the White House, attacking conservative American's interests, in an effort to prove President Trump unworthy of the office. And this double-standard of "law" only highlights the fact that our "justice system" has died.

America has become punch-drunk from the blows She has recently taken from these self-serving globalists, communists, and tyrants of both parties, and we need to return to a true and genuine rule of law rather than the medieval-cum-Bolshevik practices of the Deep State style justice. And in the process, Mueller himself should be prosecuted for overstepping the bounds of common decency and entrapping General Michael Flynn, President Trump's former National Security Advisor.

Flynn's guilty plea was based on yielding to the FBI's assertion that he had lied about his perfectly legal conversation with Russia's Ambassador Kislyak and had concealed a discussion on sanctions. Flynn's plea was coerced by Mueller, who had the full weight of government behind him since the legal battle bankrupted him and placed his son under the threat of criminal prosecution. All of this aimed at a real-life war hero, Lt. General Flynn.

Flynn is only one of several Trump associates charged with making false statements, during the Russia probe; however incredibly, not one Hillary Clinton aide, not even Cheryl Mills, were charged with making false statements, even though several aids and Clinton herself flat out lied many times, during the FBI's Clinton email investigation.

In October, U.S. District Court Judge Royce Lamberth noted:

"I had myself found that Cheryl Mills (senior aide) had ... lied under oath ... I was quite shocked to find that she had been given immunity ... by the Justice Department ... ".

Along with this, on December 17th, we had to listen to another Hillary minion, James Comey the Hypocrite, speak about President Trump's so-called "attacks" on the rule of law, the very rule he abrogated when he superseded U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch and declared the Hillary Clinton email case closed, despite ample evidence of criminal wrongdoing. Comey himself was instrumental in going outside normal White House channels and entrapping Flynn, so ever intent as Comey was on bringing down the President.

Equally curious, the original interview FBI 302 document, in which two FBI agents state that Flynn did not lie, an exoneration, has magically disappeared and left us to rely on a half-assed interview of the two agents a half year after they originally interviewed Flynn, even though DC District Federal Judge Emmett Sullivan order Mueller and his lackeys to hand over the original 302, by December 14th. Mueller is pretending he can't find them, while essentially symbolically telling a federal judge to "go to hell".

Mueller and his group of Democrat lawyers, who represented the Clinton Crime Syndicate, are seeking any crime they can find or manufacture, in order to give Democrats ammo to impeach President Trump and undo the results of the 2016 election; even legal hush payments to Stormy Daniels, a whore, is now being turned into a crime, although Congress has maintained a fund to pay off sexual harassment claims against their members since 1995. "Treason" is the mantra of the day, even though the treason rests squarely in their own hearts and actions.

Mueller is applying the law against Trump and his associates in a bizarre and creative manner, putting them in peril from the law, when they could have never imagined that their conduct was somehow "illegal". He's charging the hell out of top conservative political shakers and movers while refusing to give the socialist and communist elitist proponents of high treason skate clean away. making himself a tool of the ruling class to dismantle President Trump's opposition and stop the draining of "the Swamp".

No one is pretending now, and the mainstream media offers nary a peep over a rising and dangerous situation in our nation. If Trump had erased 30,000 emails that were under subpoena, he'd have been thrown under a prison in a Louisiana swamp somewhere, but not Hillary Clinton. Andrew McCabe and Comey lied through their teeth to Congress, but no one need look for them to ever be charged.

The Democrats erased a boatload of texts and used deception to acquire a FISA warrant to spy on President Trump, but who cares, aside from the true American patriots? Nothing seems to matter to half of the country, other than their next welfare check and getting $15 an hour on the job and destroying our republic, "by any means necessary". So, the Democrats get a pass.

If you and I had done a fraction of what Lying James Comey says Hillary "Felonia" Clinton did with classified information, we'd be in a cell using a plastic bag in the toilet to ferment the fruits we smuggled out of the chow hall.

Mueller's appointment is full of conflicts, from his relationship with Hillary Clinton to his close relationship with fired FBI Director James Comey, who deliberately set the special counsel in place with his leaked documents. And both men have accepted millions from the Clinton Foundation and the Clinton Crime Syndicate. Their pal, Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, helped them set in motion this probe, that has been stacked against President Trump from the beginning, after spending millions of taxpayer dollars, only to find there wasn't any collusion between President Trump and the Russians, or for that matter, between Russia and any Trump associate.

As noted by Kurt Schlichter, the editor at Townhall:

"[Lady] Justice is no longer blind. Her blindfold is off and she is picking favorites"

No matter how awkward or embarrassing some Americans might view President Trump, the actions of his opponents make them dangerous enemies of the state and America's public interest. They are the aspiring tyrants, who long to use government agencies full of people with guns to enforce their will, as they circumvent legal statutes and the courts, and abrogate the rule of law; and President Trump must use any power at his disposal, including investigating the investigators, firing and charging them with their known crimes and putting an end to this dismantling of the rule of law, in order to preserve freedom and liberty in America and prevent Her from being forced into a hot civil war.

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