

Thursday, December 20, 2018

7 CHRISTMAS MIRACLES...That Will Restore Your Hope for the Holidays


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“Our constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.”

by John Adams

Christmas is supposed to be a time of great joy, yet many people struggle to find God’s joy and peace this time of year. Whether because of financial pressures, strained relationships, health problems, or just the busyness of the holidays, some people see Christmas as a time of stress, pain, or depression rather than joy.
So how can God intervene in your circumstances this year, giving you a holiday season that is truly filled with His peace and joy? Sometimes amid all the festivities and anxiety of the Christmas season, it’s easy to forget…
Right from the beginning, Christmas was a time of miracles!
Mary must have been stunned when the angel Gabriel appeared one day and told her, “Rejoice, highly favored one, the Lord is with you; blessed are you among women!” (Luke 1:28)
Of course, the angel’s message was great news. Mary was “highly favored”…the Lord was with her…and she was blessed!
Take a few moments to read Gabriel’s proclamation again, because God wants to give YOU this same message today. He wants you to know you are highly favored and blessed. And He wants to reveal Himself as Immanuel, the One who is always with you (Matthew 1:23).
However, Mary didn’t immediately celebrate Gabriel’s announcement. “She was troubled,” and the mighty angel had to calm her fears: “Do not be afraid, Mary, for you have found favor with God” (Luke 1:29-30).
What a great lesson for us: Mary was right on the brink of an incredible breakthrough of God’s favor, but she had to overcome FEAR.
My friend, hear this message loud and clear: You must never allow fear to hold you back from obeying God and receiving His blessings in your life!

Nothing Is Impossible

If someone promised to give you their favor, that would be a good thing. But the value of that favor would be limited to the resources they were able to offer you.
Yet Mary “found favor with God”—favor that was supernatural and unlimited! Her son would be Jesus, the Savior: “He will be great, and will be called the Son of the Highest” (Luke 1:32).
God was about to do something GREAT in Mary’s life, and I’m convinced He wants to do something great in your life as well. But perhaps you are skeptical, just as Mary was: “How can this be?” she asked (Luke 1:34).
Mary knew that God’s incredible promises to her were impossible without a miracle, and Gabriel explained how the miracle would occur: “The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Highest will overshadow you” (Luke 1:35).
In a similar way, God wants His power to “overshadow” whatever difficult situation you’re facing today. A health crisis? A family conflict? A financial setback? No matter what you are dealing with, God can give you victory through His supernatural favor.
“But David,” you may be thinking, “my problems are so severe I doubt even God can help me!”
Mary must have felt the same way. That’s why Gabriel told her this amazing truth…
“With God, NOTHING will be impossible!”

When the Bible says nothing is impossible with God, it means NOTHING. So go ahead and pray BIG prayers for your Christmas miracle! But as you pray, make sure to listen for God’s instructions, as Mary did. “Let it be to me according to your word” (Luke 1:38). You see, God wanted to do miracles in Mary’s life, but it was crucial for her to submit her life to Him and obey His directives.

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Image result for Christmas miracles

Through The Eyes Of A Child The Wonders Of Christmas
The Miracles Of Christmas 
Have You Ever Experienced
A Christmas Miracle
Well I have

God Chose Me One
A week before Thanksgiving some 40
Years Ago To Help A Family Of 4
Living In A shack in the Woods, They literally had 
nothing, So I was there answer to their Prayers 
And The Lord sent me on A mission to help and Give joy 
and Hope, That All Is Possible Through Him.
Enjoy the Story below 
Merry Christmas To You All 

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But the best times of all are when we view Christmas, with all of it's seasonal wonders and spiritual awe, through the eyes of a child

Christmas Countdown :
How Many Days Till Christmas

A Holiday Story

Image result for 7 True Christmas Miracles

7 True Christmas Miracles That Will Restore Your Hope for the Holidays

These true stories prove that a well-timed letter, a handful of pennies, or a single gust of wind can make an ordinary Christmas a cherished memory.

old letters and antique french postcards. vintage sentimental retro style background

The mail train’s gift: a life-changing Christmas miracle message

My mother told me this story from World War I many years ago. Christmas 1917 was coming, but because her brother Archie Clikeman was missing in action and presumed dead, the family was not going to celebrate.
The townspeople of Parker, South Dakota, always joked that the small-town postmaster read all the postcards whenever the mail train came into town. On that Christmas Eve, he lived up to his reputation.
The family was always grateful that the postmaster, instead of waiting for the rural mail to go out the day after Christmas, called my grandmother and told her that Archie was being held as a prisoner of war. Archie even wrote on the postcard that he was well.
Of course, my mother said, that turned out to be the best Christmas ever. Archie came home after the war and lived to a ripe old age. —Kay Johnson, Parker, South Dakota

Flat view pennies. United States currency penny, many old new dirty clean viewed from directly above. The penny is the lowest denomination coin in the U.S. currency.

 Our pennies made all the difference

Many years ago, when I was making 75 cents an hour, my three children asked for bicycles for Christmas, but I couldn’t afford them.
So that January, I put three bikes on layaway. I paid all through the year, but a week before Christmas, I still owed $14.50. The Saturday before Christmas, my son Ricky asked how much I needed. When I told him, he asked if he could pour the pennies out of the penny jug we kept.
I said, “Son, I don’t care, but I know there’s not $14.50 worth of pennies in there.”
Ricky poured them out, counted them, and said, “Mom, there’s $15.50 worth of pennies.” Ecstatic, I told him to count out $1 for gas so I could go get the bikes.
I’ve always thought of this as our little Christmas miracle. It was as blessed a Christmas as anyone could ever have. —Dot Williams, Canton, Georgia.  Check out the best Christmas town in every state.

red retro car with a Christmas tree on top and presents

Santa found us on the road

At Christmastime, in 1961, our family was on the way from Seattle to a new assignment on the East Coast, and we checked into a motel in Watertown, South Dakota. It was not the best time to travel with young children, who were concerned about Santa finding us on the road.
We headed into town to find a store, and as our car approached an intersection, there was a Santa right in the crosswalk! He held up his hand for us to stop, and we rolled down our windows.
Santa poked his head through a window and said to our kids, “Oh, there you are! I was wondering where I’d find you tonight.”
Naturally, the kids were thrilled to pieces. They made sure we told Santa which motel we were staying at so he could find them. My wife and I had tucked away gifts for the trip, as we knew we wouldn’t have time to shop along the way.
The cartop carrier and out-of-state license plate might have been a giveaway, but whatever it was, that Santa really made Christmas 1961 a memorable one for our kids. —Dave Grinstead, Bellingham, Washington. Movies are another great way to experience a Christmas miracle. These are the 40 best Christmas movies of all time, ranked.


Fate threw a tree at us

During the hustle and bustle of Christmastime 1958, we told our children, ages 3 and 4, about the beautiful Christmas tree we would have in a few days. On Christmas Eve, at the bakery we had recently purchased, we counted the receipts, cleaned the shop and headed for home with our two sleepy children.
Suddenly, we remembered we had not gotten a tree. We looked for a vendor who might have a tree left, to no avail.
About a mile from home, we stopped for a red light. Suddenly, a gust of wind blew, and something hit the front of our truck. My husband went out to investigate.
The next thing I knew, my husband was throwing a good-sized evergreen into the back of the truck. He went into the mom-and-pop store at the corner where we were and asked the proprietor how much he wanted for the tree. He said he wasn’t selling Christmas trees that year.
It was a Christmas miracle! We never did find out how the tree got in the middle of the road, but somehow we feel we know. Incidentally, it was the most beautiful tree we have ever had. —Gertrude Albert, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Christmas Sheet Music

Our carols hit the right ears

I was with a small group of young guys and gals caroling on Christmas Eve, in 1942 San Diego, California. We wandered downtown to Broadway, the main street, and stopped at a block of green grass with a fountain on the plaza.
The streets were streaming with aimless servicemen, all missing the joy and solace of being home for Christmas.
We began singing familiar Christmas songs, and in a short time, the volume increased markedly. I climbed up onto the rim of the fountain to an astonishing sight—a sea of servicemen on the plaza singing with all their hearts. When a song ended, I started another, just beginning the words, and it was immediately picked up.
We sang every traditional song I could think of and didn’t leave the servicemen until near midnight, carrying a beautiful memory with us. —Winnie Phillips Stark, Modesto, California. Although the holidays should be about cheer and joy, it’s still nice to enjoy a thoughtful gift. Finding the right one, however, is a Christmas miracle all by itself. Here are 30 last-minute Christmas gifts with free overnight shipping.

Close-up detail of cogwheel on a vintage bicycle

It takes a village

Johnny and I, along with our two young sons, Barry and Doyle, lived in a small rural community in southern Alabama in 1959. We had bought Barry a bicycle and Doyle a tricycle for Christmas and had hidden them in the carport, where Johnny would assemble them on Christmas Eve after the kids were asleep.
But on Christmas Eve day, Johnny had to go to Brookley Air Force Base in Mobile, an hour away, to repair a Thunderbird F-100 Super Sabre jet. I had my hands full with baking, preparing for Christmas dinner and caring for two energetic boys.
Just as I was making my favorite frosting for the chocolate cake, a neighbor knocked on the door. Beatrice was the only person on our road with a telephone. The base had called to say that a heavy torque wrench had come apart in Johnny’s hand, knocking his elbow out of joint and chipping the bone. My sister-in-law Ruth and her husband, Otto, took me to the hospital while my mother-in-law stayed with the children.
We got there to find Johnny with a cast on his arm, raring to get home despite the doctor’s orders that he stay. It was Christmas Eve, Johnny argued, and he had bikes to assemble for his boys. The doctor said he’d consider dismissing him the next morning if Johnny could find someone to drive him home.
On Christmas morning, Johnny contacted the base and was told everyone was off duty; there was no one to drive him home. Then he tried the motor pool. They said orders would have to come from higher up, so Johnny kept making calls. At last, a big blue car with the Air Force insignia rolled up to the hospital asking for the man who needed a lift home so he could put together Christmas bikes for his boys.
Johnny’s mother and I were putting dinner on the table when we heard the car. We were thrilled to see Johnny, his arm in a sling, getting out, assisted by a uniformed Air Force officer. With Otto’s help, Johnny assembled the boys’ gifts, and they all had a jolly time playing together that afternoon.
Johnny would later require two surgeries on his arm, but those were in the future. That cold Christmas Day, our hearts were full of gratitude for the many people who had gone the extra mile to bring us together on the holiday. — Jeanette Dyess Ryan, Robertsdale, Alabama. Avoiding family stress during the holiday season is pulling off a Christmas miracle all your own. Here are 8 ways to enjoy the holidays with a blended family.

Blank of craft paper, paints and brushes on blue table with copy space for greeting text viewed from above, Christmas holiday theme

A bother’s work of love

Because of my father’s poor health during World War II, our family moved from a tenant farm in Virginia hills to the city of Harrisonburg so my mother could work in a silk mill making parachutes for the boys overseas. On Christmas Eve, I felt lonely and misplaced as I listened to the strange city noises, so different from the familiar sounds of the countryside. Much to my dismay, the family had been so busy moving that we had no tree to decorate. As a 5-year-old, I yearned for a real tree; my older brothers had always enjoyed selecting a cedar or pine from the nearby woods when we lived on the farm.
My brother Gary sensed that something was bothering me and asked, “What’s the matter, Janie? Why are you so sad?”
“We don’t have a tree and It’s Christmas Eve,” I replied. “Where will Santa leave our presents?” To soothe my nostalgic tears, my older brother found a large paper sack, upon which he drew a  beautiful green Christmas tree with big red and blue bulbs and bright yellow tinsel.
“This will have to do this year,” Gary explained. “I’m sure Santa will understand.” The next morning, I received a tiny toy phone from Santa and homemade popcorn balls from Mother and Daddy, but my special gift was my brother’s work of love: the paper tree hanging on the wall. — Jane Allen, Arab, Alabama. Next, check out the best Christmas market in every state.
For more heartwarming memories and incredible true stories from the past, check out our sister publication, Reminisce magazine.


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