

Monday, November 5, 2018

TOWN CRIER: Information That's Become Available And More...11/05/2018 - REAL NEWS IS COMING AFTER THE ELECTION

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The real news is coming after the Red tsunami!!

President Trump preparing to send high-ranking US citizens to a detention camp
President Trump has ordered the notorious Guantanamo Bay detention camp in Cuba to prepare for “high-level” American prisoners, according to a new Military of Defense report.

The MoD report has been confirmed by General Staff Deputy Defense Minister Tatiana Shevtsova after a copy was obtained by the Kremlin. Shevtsova stated that Russia has “high confidence” that Donald Trump is preparing to transfer an unknown number of “high-level” American citizen detainees to the United States’ GTMO prison in preparation for their trials before a US Military Tribunal.

Over recent months, reports have been surfacing about those connected to the Uranium One scandal being placed in custody such as Hillary Clinton and the Podesta brothers.
The last time such preparations were made was during the 1945-46 Nuremberg Trials held to prosecute German Nazi war criminals. Just like what happened in 1945, we are now seeing hundreds of highly trained and specialized US Army Military Police being rushed to Cuba to oversee this process.
According to this report, on 11 April 2017, SCT, while conducting routine training missions in Cuba, intercepted an unusually large number of encrypted communications emanating between the Guantanamo Bay Naval Base (Cuba) and Luke Air Force Base (Arizona)—immediately after which they made a request to SVR counterintelligence analysts for an explanation of—with the SVR, in turn, then reporting to SCT that these communications were being conducted between the Guantanamo Military Commission (that holds US Military Tribunals) and US Attorney Generals Jeff Sessions. On 11 April 2017, also, this report says, the SVR reported to SCT that Attorney General Sessions was at Luke Air Force Base to “hold/conduct” meetings with various commanders of the Arizona Army National Guard (AZ ARNG)—with the longest of them being with the commanders of the 850th Military Police Battalion—that numbers nearly 800 highly trained and specialized US Army Military Police forces.

Since its beginning on 11 April 2017, this report continues, SCT intercepts of communications between Guantanamo Bay Naval Base and Luke Air Force Base continued on an unprecedented basis—with the largest amount of such communications being reported on 7 July 2017—and was the date Attorney General Sessions and Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein made an unannounced visit to the Guantanamo Bay Naval Base—and whose meetings there on that date included the commanders of the 850th Military Police Battalion who had been flown there the day prior.


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