

Thursday, November 1, 2018


Janet Varney

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Vicious #MeToo-like allegations of sexual misconduct are hovering over the head of Special Counsel Chief Robert Mueller III, a virtual untouchable ever since his rise to Russian Collusion investigation prominence.

The Mueller allegations have surfaced a little over a month after Palo Alto Professor Christine Ford tried to throw a proverbial monkey wrench into the Brett Kavanaugh Supreme Court nomination, and just one day after revelations that Mueller may have found the way on the QT to subpoena President Donald Trump.

Small wonder why so few believe in the concept of a coincidence these divisive days!
‘Special counsel Robert Mueller accuses opponents of offering women money to make ‘false claims’ about him’

How long before “opponents offering women money to make false claims” about Mueller turn out to be President Donald Trump and supporters?
Mueller has apparently referred the allegations over to the FBI.  Count on controversy following from those who will accuse the FBI of investigating the FBI.
“Special counsel Robert Mueller has referred to the FBI allegations that women were “offered money” to make “false claims” about him, a spokesman said Tuesday.

“When we learned last week of allegations that women were offered money to make false claims about the Special Counsel, we immediately referred the matter to the FBI for investigation,” spokesman Peter Carr says.
“Mueller is investigating Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election and possible coordination between the Kremlin and Trump’s campaign.

“Jack Burkman, a conservative commentator who claims to be a registered lobbyist, said in a tweet Tuesday that “we will reveal the first of Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s sex assault victims” on Thursday.

“Burkman has frequently called on Trump to fire Mueller, along with Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, who oversees the special counsel, and Attorney General Jeff Sessions, who had recused himself from interfering in the probe.

“He even offered a $25,000 reward to any whistleblower who could offer concrete evidence of FBI wrongdoing in those investigations, The Washington Times reported in February.

“The special counsel’s office confirmed to CNBC that it learned about the “scheme” from journalists who had been approached by a woman alleging that she had been offered $20,000 by Burkman “to make accusations of sexual misconduct and workplace harassment against Robert Mueller.”

“In a Facebook video also posted Tuesday, Burkman claimed, “we will unveil the first of the sex assault victims of Robert Mueller.” In the video, Burkman said the “first” alleged accuser is “coming out this Thursday at high noon.”

“He added: “Robert Mueller is a bad guy not just because of what he does inside the courtroom, but because of what he does outside the courtroom.”
Wait a minute, we may not like Mueller, but shouldn’t we wait for proof of what he does “outside the courtroom”?

“The statement from the special counsel, which rarely comments on matters related to its ongoing investigation or Mueller in particular, comes just one week before the November midterm elections.
And then there’s this Halloween Howler from Politico to consider:
‘Has Mueller Subpoenaed the President?’
“A careful reading of court filings suggests the special counsel hasn’t been quiet. Far from it.
“These months before the midterm elections are tough ones for all of us Mueller-watchers. As we expected, he has gone quiet in deference to long-standing Justice Department policy that prosecutors should not take actions that might impact pending elections. Whatever he is doing, he is doing quietly and even farther from the public eye than usual.

“But thanks to some careful reporting by Politico, we may have stumbled upon How Bob Mueller Is Spending His Mid-Terms: secretly litigating against President Trump for the right to throw him in the grand jury.
“As a former prosecutor and Senate and White House aide, I predicted here last May that Mueller would promptly subpoena Trump and, like Independent Counsel Kenneth Starr back in 1998, bring a sitting president before his grand jury to round out and conclude his investigation. What Trump knew and when he knew it, and what exactly motivated his statements and actions, are central to Mueller’s inquiry on both Russian interference and obstruction of justice.”

Cunningham recounts how quiet the special counsel (sic) has been… “Labor Day came and went without a visible move by Mueller to subpoena the president, and we entered the quiet period before the midterms.”

All may have been “quiet” on the Western Front as far as Mueller’s special counsel is concerned but the silence has been downright deafening on the approach to Nov. 6 Midterms.

Meanwhile, the main worry shouldn’t be that Mueller will spring a last-minute subpoena on the president, but that he will charge the president with Russian Collusion and Obstruction of Justice without a lick of proof just as he claims unnamed “opponents” are purportedly paying women to make against him.

By Janet Varney And Janet Varney's America

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