

Saturday, October 20, 2018

Persuasion Expert Who Predicted Trump’s 2016 Victory Has Another Big Prediction For The 2018 Midterms

Image result for Scott Adams Makes Huge Announcement About Midterms That Has Democrats Facing Their Worst Fears: Record Republican Turn Out

With just over two weeks left to go until the big game, it’s anybody’s guess on which team will emerge victorious on Tuesday, November 6th with control of Congress hanging in the balance.

Scott Adams with Dilbert

Scott Adams Makes Huge Announcement About Midterms That Has Democrats Facing Their Worst Fears: Record Republican Turn Out
 In an electorate as deeply divided as the one we are experiencing, turnout will determine the outcome of the 2018 midterms.  That is the reality facing Democrats as Republican voters begin gearing up to party like it’s 2016.
Forget the polls.  They mean nothing either because they’re deliberately skewed or because their methodologies are faulty – or both.
As we learned in 2016, polls are inherently inaccurate for a variety of reasons, including reasons of manipulation for political purposes – fundraising and voter suppression – and because there is no truly adequate measure of voter intensity.
Eighteen days out from the 2016 election Hillary Clinton was being hailed as our next president and left-wing pundits were touting her chances of sweeping the House and gaining a ruling majority in the Senate.
How did that turn out?
The world was shocked, then it shouldn’t have been, because political outsider Donald Trump connected with Republican voters in a way that had been missing since the days of Ronald Reagan.
The same way that Obama invigorated Democrat voters with hope and change, Trump renewed a sense of patriotism that had been beaten into submission in Republican voters by the succession of the past four Globalist presidents.
Trump promised a return to past glory and voters turned out massively to attend his rallies and hear him extol America First.
And, therein lies the reason to expect a repeat of the Republican red wave in 2016.
As president, Trump has fulfilled his promise to restore much of America’s greatness but there is still much to be done.
A Kaiser Family Foundation Health Tracking Poll released yesterday found that 25% of Republicans ranked immigration as the most important midterm issue while the “Economy and Jobs” (23%) was second.
How closely do both of these issues track with both Trump’s accomplishments and Democrat promises to reverse both if they are given the reins of power in November?
Almost simultaneous to the release of the poll, Trump appeared to have successfully diffused a border crossing crisis intended to coincide with the midterms.  It should be noted that this is not completely certain yet, CNN is reporting that the Mexican Ambassador is saying that no deal has been reached.
Trump’s triumph yesterday came a day after the U.S. was declared the world’s most competitive economy.
Republican voters also realize that Trump’s promise to drain the swamp is the only way to ensure Trump’s victories on our behalf can be enduring.
There is also empirical evidence that points to a coming red tsunami.  President Trump’s rallies are more well attended and raucous than they were in 2016 when voters were unsure their hero would be able to deliver on his promises.
Trump voters have gotten their first taste of winning since the 1980’s and they’re going to do everything they can to participate in maintaining his (and their) winning streak.
This is similar in many ways to how attendance surges for winning teams.
We are not alone in this assessment.
Scott Adams, the creator of Dilbert, has emerged as one of our more insightful political commentators.  He accurately predicted Donald Trump’s election in 2015. Adams came to this conclusion based on Trump’s persuasive skills.
This brings us back to Trump’s tireless string of campaign rallies we referenced earlier.  He is making the case to Republican voters that these individual races have serious national implications.
While Adams told Breitbart that predicting the outcome of district-by-district battles based on the persuasive abilities of a president, because there are so many other bigger variables to take into count, he did predict record turnout by Republican voters.
“… one of the patterns Republicans enjoyed in 2016 was having the other side be surprised. And they really enjoyed it — I’m talking about the kind of joy you can talk about over the course of your lifetime. And the Republican personality — I realize this is a gross generalization — is that it’s not always about the talk, it’s about the showing up. Republicans are going to show up.”
When Adams was asked who has the more persuasive message as we enter the final countdown to the midterms he didn’t hesitate to answer, probably because the president had commandeered Adams’ own message during last night’s rally in Montana:
“Democrats produce mobs.  Republicans produce jobs.”
but he predicts that we will see “the greatest turnout by Republicans, maybe ever.”
His explanation:
My hypothesis is that humans are primed by whatever they’ve already seen. So if they’ve seen a pattern, they’ve already fallen into it. And one of the patterns Republicans enjoyed in 2016 was having the other side be surprised. And they really enjoyed it — I’m talking about the kind of joy you can talk about over the course of your lifetime. And the Republican personality — I realize this is a gross generalization — is that it’s not always about the talk, it’s about the showing up. Republicans are going to show up. And they’re driven by all the things people are talking about, but you cannot underestimate the fun, either. I’ll tell you this: if the Republicans pull out the House [win] — I’m still thinking it’s unlikely, only because other people say so and I don’t know any different — it’s because there’s a shitload of Republicans who are saying to themselves, “They’re gonna be surprised.” It’s predictable from the fact that they have felt that pattern and that payoff before. They see the same thing happening again, and are reminded of it.
Asked whether Democrats or Republicans have the more persuasive message heading into the final two weeks of the midterm elections, Adams notes that Democrats’ claim that Republicans want to take away people’s health care was undone with a single tweet earlier Thursday, in which the president promised to sort out any Republicans who dared propose denying coverage for pre-existing conditions — a move Adams called “magically good.”
All Republicans support people with pre-existing conditions, and if they don’t, they will after I speak to them. I am in total support. Also, Democrats will destroy your Medicare, and I will keep it healthy and well!
Republicans, he suggests, have a stronger message, in pointing to the “mobs” that the left has mobilized in protest around the country over the confirmation of Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh and other issues. Fear is the most powerful persuasive force, he argues. That — and the sheer fun of winning big — could drive GOP voters to the polls.

Adams is a fan of the president but is not reluctant to be critical, where he disagrees. He tells me that he is “disappointed” that the president has not achieved more on health care — though he notes that Trump still could, given more time. Nothing seems impossible anymore.
One reason health care has become a salient issue for Democrats in the closing weeks, Adams argues, is simply that Trump has already succeeded in so many other ways.
He adds — in case Democrats are paying attention: “If I were going to recommend an argument against Trump in 2020, it would be that he did a good job on the things he’s good at — but that we don’t yet have health care, good race relations, or immigration reform.”
Trump’s fight against the opioid epidemic recently hit home — hard. Three weeks ago, Adams lost his 18-year-old stepson to what he believes is an overdose of fentanyl. He now says that the U.S. must step up the fight against Chinese manufacturers who create and ship the deadly drug to Americans — encouraging the Chinese government to apply the death penalty for “mass murder.”

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