

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

NBC Interviews Wrong Caravan Member, Destroys Her Own Asylum Claim

The latest caravan of migrants making their way from Central America toward the U.S. border has sparked new debate over the immigration problem … but growing evidence also shows that the liberal narrative about the issue is dishonest.
Image result for NBC Interviews “Asylum Seeker” In Migrant Caravan, Who Reveals the Real Reason They’re Headed For The US
NBC Interviews “Asylum Seeker” In Migrant Caravan, Who Reveals the Real Reason They’re Headed For The US
The Democrats and the liberal media are hoping that the latest caravan to make its way across Central America, headed for the US, will tug on the heartstrings of Americans just enough that we’ll all start calling for the borders to be opened wide to anyone who needs shelter and refuge.

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Unfortunately, evidence that these migrants are hopeless refugees in desperate need of American aid does not seem to be panning out.

To make the case that the US is morally obligated to let these migrants into our country, despite an already crippling number of illegal immigrants in our nation, the media has been following the caravan, focusing on the women and children seeking a better life in our nation by walking across Central America.

Unfortunately for the preferred narrative, many of the migrants interviewed do not seem to be seeking protection from political violence or oppressive governments, but rather, better job opportunities.

NBC ran an interview this week with a woman they were clearly hoping would exemplify the desperate state of the migrants, but instead, she exemplified the reality of what these people are after.

Several thousand Honduran migrants moved this week through Guatemala, many heading to shelters in Guatemala City for food and rest before they continue on their journeys.

Among them is Karen Aviles. She hopes to reach the U.S. and find work to send money back home.
“Among [the caravan] is Karen Aviles,” NBC News captioned the video shared on Twitter. “She hopes to reach the U.S. and find work to send money back home.
Aviles is not an exception among this crowd, but rather, her motivation for the trek to the North is indicative of many of the interviews the media has landed with folks who, when pressed, reveal not only that they’re seeking better economic opportunities rather than refuge, but that they also are bringing their children with them in the hopes they’ll help them gain entry to the US.
“Most migrants said they were aware that jobs were plentiful in the United States, and many said they believed that having a child accompany them might help them avoid long-term detention,” reports The New York Times.
“Asked why they had come north, one man after another said ‘trabajo’ — work — in construction, restaurants, landscaping or cleaning,” the Times continued.
The Times quoted several other migrants expressing the same motivation.
“Though members of the migrant caravan have been portrayed by the establishment media as ‘asylum-seekers,’ fleeing drug-fueled communities and looking for work are not grounds for asylum in the U.S.,” Breitbart News explains.
After all, on the government’s official list of valid reasons to seek asylum…”job-hunting” is not on there:
“Fleeing drugs,” you may notice, is also not on the list.

Asylum appears to only be available to those being persecuted for their ethnicity, religion, political views, nationality, or social association.

“An asylum seeker is an individual who meets the international definition of refugee – a person with well-founded fear of persecution for reasons of race, religion, nationality, political opinion or membership in a particular social group, who has been forced to flee his or her country because of persecution,” explains The National Immigration Forum.

At the risk of being redundant…looking for a job does not qualify one for asylum.

So let this sink in: not only is the media spinning a narrative about these migrants that is seriously off-base but, when interviewed, the migrants themselves destroy their own asylum claims.

It’s not like there are no legal means for these migrants to seek employment in the US–our nation has a front door, after all, and we allow a million legal entrants each year to seek employment and do what they please.

Storming towards our borders in a violent brigade of job-seekers isn’t the only option, and it’s far from the best.

Particularly with small children in tow.

Let’s not forget that many of these people, like Karen Aviles, has also fallen for the narrative that America is the land of plenty that will welcome job-seekers with open arms, even if they’re planning to waltz across the border unchecked.

The liberals don’t care about them any more than they claim people on the right do.

More On This:>>>>>>>>Here

Also, This Might Interest You:
Two Examples of Mexican Government Officials Blackmailing U.S. by Threatening Flood of South American Immigrants…

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