

Wednesday, October 31, 2018


Janet Varney

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Image result for Obama THE ARTFUL DODGER


Yo, Desperado Democrats, your “Resistance” leader Barack Obama is a joke.

Darting in and out of the public spotlight like the Artful Dodger he’s always been, Obama’s been tossing the odd Midterm stink bomb at his Republican enemies from the safe distance of his multi-million dollar D.C. bunker.

Notice how he never quite comes out into plain view where his comments and behavior can be more closely analyzed?

Could that be because he can remain in the shadowy background while false flag operations like the one allegedly pulled off by the deliberately dubbed “MAGA Bomber”  supposedly tooling around town in what Fake News Media calls the pro-Trump, decal plastered van that the FBI first covered with a blue tarpaulin before whisking away?
Wife Michelle or Valerie Jarrett should have warned their dear “Resistance” leader to stay away from the ‘Making Stuff Up Department’.
“Unlike some, I actually try to state facts,”

Obama snaked passive-aggressively in a swipe at President Donald Trump. “I don’t believe in just making stuff up. I think you should actually say to people what’s true.”

LOL, Barack!

You made an entire political career of “making stuff up”.  Some would say including your own birth certificate.

Patriots will never forget how Obama, with the help of Hillary Clinton, Susan Rice and others made an obscure, anti-Muslim video as the reason for the Benghazi slaying of four Americans, including Ambassador Christopher Stevens.

Obama and Clinton most shamefully stuck to the video fiction even as they greeted the returned bodies of the slain Americans in front of their grieving relatives at Joint Base Andrews (Andrews Air Force Base renamed by Obama).
“Ex-president joins campaign trail and says ‘the character of our country is on the ballot’.

Barack Obama criticized Donald Trump’s tenure in office on Friday in a series of speeches in Milwaukee and Detroit that took aim at the president and other Republicans for “making stuff up.

“The speeches were among Obama’s sharpest and most direct critiques of his successor, but he was careful to not mention Trump by name. He said the “character of our country is on the ballot” in the first midterm election since Trump took office.

Obama cited a recent Trump comment that he would pass a tax cut before the November election. Congress isn’t even in session before the election. He just makes it up, he said.

Just Like Obama, President Trump has access to Executive Orders, which he can use to get the tax cut rolling before the November elections.

Obama: “Here’s the thing. Everything I say you can look up.”
Wasn’t it Glenn Beck who pioneered the “you can look it up” meme?
Nor did Obama spare the Republicans more broadly. They were lying when they said they wanted to protect people with pre-existing conditions while trying to repeal the Affordable Care Act, he said, a reference to Wisconsin’s governor, Scott Walker.

“What we have not seen before in our public life are politicians just blatantly, repeatedly, baldly, shamelessly, lying. Just making stuff up,” Obama said. “Calling up down. Calling black white. That’s what your governor is doing with these ads, just making stuff up,” he said.”

Who does Obama really think he’s kidding?
We’ve not seen before in our public life “politicians just blatantly, repeating, baldly, shamelessly lying, just making things up”?
Yes, we have, during eight insufferably long years of the Obama administration.

Who does Obama really think he’s kidding?
Straight from “Resistance” Central Obama used the subject of Hillary Clinton’s private email server to accuse Republicans of trying to “scare the heck out of people before every election and also to mock Trump about the Chinese spying on his cellphone:
“In the last election, it was Hillary’s emails. ‘This is terrible’ ... ‘This is a national security crisis’. They didn’t care about emails and you know how you know? Because if they did, they’d be up in arms right now that the Chinese are listening to the president’s iPhone that he leaves in his golf cart.”

Has Obama been snooping around golf links to spy on Trump?
You can’t make this stuff up only Barack Obama can.
Obama was a Hidden President who went on in civilian life to be a Hidden “Resistance” leader
Not surprisingly, Obama spoke about the migrant caravan from Central America bound for the United States as another example of a Republican scare tactic.

“Now the latest, they’re trying to convince everybody to be afraid of a bunch of impoverished, malnourished refugees a thousand miles away,” he said. “That’s the thing that is the most important thing in this election,” he said.

So the American citizenry shouldn’t be afraid that tens of thousands of invaders are on their way to storm America’s southern border on or before election day?

It’s pure irony that, when the invaders who outright refused Mexico’s offer of refuge, including free housing, saying “We want America!” get done with the USA, it won’t be what they want anymore.
Meanwhile, people should stop waiting for Obama to step out of the wings to claim his “Resistance”.

The real Obama is infamous for remaining hidden from the masses. 

The biggest elephant in the room that egomaniac Obama fails to see is that Americans have long gone from trying to out him to easily ignoring him.

That’s why we can call the Desperado Democrats’ “Resistance” leader one big not-so-hidden joke.

By Janet Varney And Janet Varney's America

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