

Saturday, October 27, 2018


Janet Varney

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In a world where the Rule of Law still matters; a world in which the mainstream and social media don’t get to be the political arm of the Democrat Party, Barack Hussein Obama should be charged with “harassment”.
‘Harassment of the Masses’ is what Obama would be found guilty of if charged, guilty by refusing to go away but instead defiantly continuing to lead the “Resistance” in civilian life.


In a world where the Rule of Law still matters; a world in which the mainstream and social media don’t get to be the political arm of the Democrat Party, Barack Hussein Obama should be charged with “harassment”.

‘Harassment of the Masses’ is what Obama would be found guilty of if charged, guilty by refusing to go away but instead defiantly continuing to lead the “Resistance” in civilian life.

Obama’s Harassment of the Masses was unsolicited by untold millions of people who want America returned to what it was before the eight long years he pillaged it with corrosive progressive policies intended to totally transform it.
By rule of all existing law, Obama has no legal authority to be out there harassing American citizens. As an EX-PRESIDENT, Obama should be legally charged with ongoing harassment now that his two-term tenure has come and gone. Now out of office, and just a common citizen like millions of others in the masses, but performing as “Resistance” leader in hiding, Barack Hussein Obama flatly refuses to go away.

In 242 years of recorded history, what other former president has ever done that?
Keeping him the outlandish legend he is in his own mind,, the media continue to give Obama top spot in the news cycle, continuing to post Obama lies as if they were the irrefutable truth.

A recent example:
 “When I walked into office 10 years ago, we were in the middle of the worst economic crisis of our lifetimes.
“By the time I left office, wages were rising, the uninsured rate was falling, poverty was falling, and that’s what I handed off to the next guy.”
Obama handed nothing to “the next guy”, the people of America handed the next guy the presidency.
“The next guy” of whom he speaks is the one he recently called a “tinpot dictator”. Talk about Marxist Projection 101!

“On stage at the University of Nevada in Las Vegas—a venue that showed mostly empty seats—Obama spent much of his speech on a long defense of his own presidency, and condemnation of Republican governance. “When you hear all this talk about ‘economic miracles’ right now, remember who started it,” Obama said. He denounced Trump’s attempts to pressure the FBI and Department of Justice to target political foes. “That is not how America works. That is how some tin-pot dictatorship works,” he said.”

Tin-pot dictatorship is one with which Obama should be very familiar.  It also happens to be the one in practice by his Central American protégé Bartolo Fuentes who is leading an Invasion of America-on or before November 6 Election Day.

“Gang members and criminals are part of the migrant caravan currently in Mexico and heading north to the United States, U.S. officials said.
“Sara Carter, a Fox News contributor who has also been traveling with the caravan, said that Guatemalan intelligence discovered people from India, Bangladesh, and Africa in the Caravan. “I bumped into a number of young MS-13 gang members,” she said, referring to the violent gang known for its obscene ways of killing people.” The real bomb waiting to detonate at the southern border of America on or close to November 6

There is a provable connection between Obama and Chief Caravan instigator Bartolo Fuentes, a former congressman for the Liberty and Refoundation Party (Libre) through Obama’s support of deposed Honduran President Manuel Zelaya, socialists who claim “revolution is inevitable” on a path to “economic and social equality.”

• Behind the Honduran March on America: Barack Obama
• March-of-the Made-To-Order-Migrants, Fake News Played Out Before Our Very Eyes
That’s the real bomb waiting to detonate at the southern border of America on or close to November 6.
But the media is consumed with the (mercifully) undetonated bombs sent in the names of Democrat leaders, including Obama, et al.

Metaphorically speaking Obama threw more ‘bombs’ at America when he was in the oval office by sowing the seeds of resentment against America among its sworn enemies.

Obama’s Apology for America tour began in the first four months of his election.
“A common theme that runs through President Obama’s statements is the idea the United States must atone for its past policies, whether it is America’s application of the war against Islamist terrorism or its overall foreign policy. At the core of this message is the concept that the U.S. is a flawed nation that must seek redemption by apologizing for its past “sins.”

“On several occasions, President Obama has sought to apologize for the actions of his own country when addressing a foreign audience. The President has already apologized for his country to nearly 3 billion people across Europe, the Muslim world, and the Americas. “The Obama Administration’s strategy of unconditional engagement with America’s enemies combined with a relentless penchant for apology-making is a dangerous recipe for failure. The overall effect of this approach has been to weaken American power on the world stage rather than strengthen it.” Apologizing for his country “to nearly 3 billion people across Europe, the Muslim world, and the Americas”, now that’s real bomb-tossing of the most divisive kind. Even long after dropping these kinds of destructive-to-America bombs; even though long out of elected office with no known way back, Obama continues to work at undermining America from a Secret Service-protected D.C. bunker.

If there is anyone who should be legally charged with the harassment of American civilians, it should be Barack Hussein Obama.

By Janet Varney And Janet Varney's America


Obama’s Harassment of the Masses

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