

Thursday, October 25, 2018


Janet Varney

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There’s a kind of goose-bump-causing fear in knowing that anyone’s life can be left in heartbreaking tatters by unproven but salacious allegations of sexual assault, and that the agent who brought the allegations forward could disappear from news headlines enriched by three quarters of a million dollars in Go-Fund me donations and leaving a ‘Believe Women’ meme in place to potentially
entrapping the next hapless victim.

It’s downright scary that on the evening of the same day that nine packages said to contain pipe bombs discovered en route to powerful Democrat leaders, an aging celebrity and a television network could be blamed on President Donald Trump.

The Captain called Sanity has abandoned the ship now floundering in the middle of the ocean, jumping off into shark-infested waters portrayed as being the only option to make your getaway.

Exiled by a massive loss of power they refuse to believe, the prog-left have made citizen life two years of hell since Election 2016. They rely on fear mongering to try to regain control and most know that their fear mongering will continue right up to November 6.

This will be followed by two straight years of the Democrats looking for a way—anyway—to impeach Donald Trump and Supreme Court Justice,
 Brett Kavanaugh.

Somewhere along the way the Robert Mueller III Special Counsel could charge and arrest President Trump for unsubstantiated Russian collusion.

But it is the reality of the Midterm Elections here and now, that is most important.

Get ready for it: before this day is out there will be live television interviews of Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Debbie Wasserman Schultz and Eric Holder fighting back tears while they describe how they fear for their very lives with ‘big, bad, bomb guy’ President Donald Trump still out there —un-impeached.

Mercifully, none of the bombs in suspicious packages intercepted by America’s savvy Secret Service today ever went off, but count on that detail being downplayed in most media reports. The use of bombs in politics or any other realm of life is roundly condemned by all decent people.

Meanwhile, look for suspicious package delivery stories dominating the mainstream and social media every day between now and November 6.

There’s a track record guarantee that the party in opposition always win in Midterms. But Midterms 2018 is a rare opportunity, a do-or-die chance for voters to vote out more Democrats allowing President Trump to keep his America First agenda up and running until the 2020 presidential election and perhaps even beyond.

True, outsiders like George Soros and his bags of cash will still be there. True, outsiders hanging on as insiders like Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden will still be there. Ditto for Hollywood, the entertainment industry, assorted witches, wizards. millennials and wailing snowflakes.

But this time out, all votes for Republicans clear the path for Trump to keep America standing as the Shining Light on the Hill, not just for Americans but for the Free West that has been keeping human body and soul together for more than 200 years.

For certain, the mainstream and social media will continue to blame President Trump for everything, up to, during and after Midterms, but with a Republican-controlled House and Senate, they will be, like Hillary and Obama, merely hollering down the rain barrel.

Knowing that the next 12 days are going to be ones with bombshell news coming from every direction, how to survive them? Use the one privilege that, try as they might, they have never been able to take away from the masses. Get out and exercise your vote first, shelter in place until November 6 if necessary, pray that the days in between will melt like the coming winter snows.

Any fervent and sincere prayer will do, but the prayer called ‘St. Teresa’s Bookmark’ is a Godsend for times like this.St.Teresa, a revered Carmelite nun, mystic, and Doctor of the church, who wrote the prayer in the 16th century, was (and still is) a real person.

You don’t have to be Catholic to find solace from this wise little prayer when it can easily be seen as Commonsense Christianity:

Let nothing disturb you,

Let nothing frighten you,

All things are passing;

God only is changeless.

Patience gains all things.

Who has God wants nothing.

God alone suffices.

All things, no matter how powerful they seem at the time, are passing.

No one, not George Soros, not Hillary, Obama, Hollywood or the media can keep you from calling on the Almighty through prayer.

May God bless you every single day between now and November
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By Janet Varney And Janet Varney's America

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