

Friday, October 19, 2018


Janet Varney

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Image result for juan orlando hernandez y barack obama
 What can hidden “Resistance” leader, former President Barack Obama and his handpicked protégé for the 2016 presidential election possibly do to the USA from their D.C. underground activism network?

Send a 2,000-and-still-growing march of Hondurans on the U.S.—with a Nov. 6 Midterm Election Day arrival just for sport!

The marching Hondurans are marching on America now because Obama and Clinton planned it that way since as far back as 2009. In trying to take down President Donald Trump, any port will do for activism-crazed Barack Obama and hopelessly embittered- in-defeat Hillary Clinton.

“Obama and his then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton supported Manuel Zelaya in the 2009 Honduran coup d’état and registered deep dismay when he was forcefully sent into exile.

“The 2009 Honduran coup d’état, part of the 2009 Honduran constitutional crisis, occurred when the Honduran Army on June 28, 2009, followed orders from the Honduran Supreme Court to oust President Manuel Zelaya and sent him into exile. The crisis was prompted when Zelaya attempted to schedule a non-binding poll on holding a referendum on the subject of convening a constituent assembly to rewrite the constitution. After Zelaya refused to comply with court orders to cease, the Honduran Supreme Court issued a secret warrant for his arrest dated 26 June. Two days later, Honduran soldiers stormed the president’s house in the middle of the night and detained him, forestalling the poll. “

Zelaya, who usually sported a cowboy hat, was dressed in his pajamas when detained.
“Instead of bringing him to trial, the army put him on a military airplane, which flew him to Costa Rica. Later that day, after the reading of a resignation letter of disputed authenticity, the Honduran Congress voted to remove Zelaya from office, and appointed Speaker of Congress Roberto Micheletti, his constitutional successor, to replace him.

“The United States has strongly informed the President of Honduras that if the large Caravan of people heading to the U.S. is not stopped and brought back to Honduras, no more money or aid will be given to Honduras, effectively immediately!” Trump tweeted Tuesday morning.

“The comment came more than three days after 1,000 people set out from San Pedro en route to the US. The caravan, which has now grown to more than 2,000 people, was blocked by Guatemalan police at the border on Monday but was then permitted to enter Guatemala from Honduras.”

The seeds for the Honduran marching caravan were planted by Obama back in 2009, but somehow the massive march has morphed into it being Donald Trump’s fault.

“Honduran activists blamed Donald Trump and the United States for the situation forcing thousands to flee Honduras after the US president warned he may cut aid to the country if a migrant caravan isn’t stopped.

“Honduran human rights activist Dunia Montoya, who accompanied the caravan to the Guatemalan border and whose husband, Bartolo Fuentes, was detained in Guatemala after crossing with the group, said Trump’s tweet “seems like a further abusive comment on the situation in the country”.

Fuentes is a former LIBRE party congressman and a longtime social movement and migrant rights, activist.  LIBRE is the party founded and led by Zelaya.

“[Trump] is responsible for the situation in Honduras. The Trump government validated an illegitimate government,” she told Al Jazeera.”

Not only is Montoya’s husband Bartolo Fuentes a henchman of Zelaya, but Trump was not in office when the U.S. supposedly “validated an illegitimate government”.

“One of them, a victim of threats on his life from Zelaya supporters, has separated from his family to go into hiding.

“We spent the weekend taking food and water to police officers.  We know what is going on in the streets of Tegucigalpa and we are worried,” he said.

“Our prayer to the Creator is that today won’t be the death of democracy in the beautiful country of Honduras,” he told CFP on the third anniversary of Zelaya’s exile in Brazil.

“There was a protest 12 blocks long by the resistance to Zelaya but very little coverage of it.”

Still holed up at the Brazilian embassy, Zelaya has called on his backers to stage mass protest marches in what he called a “final offensive” against the government.”

“Honduran CFP contacts worry that the international community, led by the Obama administration has turned a deaf ear against them.

“Sources sent a copy of the August 2009 Report for Congress as a reminder that the removal of President Jose Manuel Zelaya Rosales removal from office was legal under the Honduran Constitution.”

On October 1 2009, U.S. Sen. Jim DeMint (R-South Carolina), member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and chairman of the Senate Steering Committee, made the following statement after Foreign Relations Chairman John Kerry (D-Massachusetts) and President Obama’s State Department blocked Senator DeMint’s planned fact-finding trip to Honduras at the last minute.

“These bullying tactics by the Obama administration and Senator Kerry must stop, and we must be allowed to get to the truth in Honduras. Not a single U.S. Senator has traveled to Honduras to learn the facts on the ground. And the Obama administration won’t allow Honduran officials or even businessmen to come to the U.S., either. While this administration has failed to act decisively in Afghanistan, it has no problem cracking down on a democratically and one of the poorest nations in Latin America,” DeMint said.

“Meanwhile, a thorough report from the Congressional Research Service directly contradicts President Obama’s snap decision about the legality of then-President Zelaya’s removal from office in June. Now, President Obama and Democrats’ blind support for this would-be dictator and friend of Hugo Chavez will prevent members of Congress from learning the truth first hand.”

“Largely on foot at this point, the caravan continues its journey towards the US, though it will likely be days before participants reach Guatemala City. The group left Esquipulas Tuesday morning to try to head another 50km up the road to Chiquimula.

“The Honduran national anthem rang out in the plaza outside the Cathedral Basilica, as the last hundreds of migrant caravan participants prepared to leave the city.

“As they prepared to leave Esquipulas on foot, Honduran migrant caravan participants followed up the national anthem with cries of, “Let’s Go!” and the occasional “Fuera JOH!,” in reference to Honduran president Juan Orlando Hernandez. “Hundreds more are attempting to catch up and join the caravan, and many set out from Honduras for Guatemala Tuesday.

According to local news reports and footage Tuesday afternoon, Honduran security forces blocked their exit from the country.”

Meanwhile, make no mistake about where “Resistance” leader Barack Obama is during the last weeks of the Midterm Election campaign.

He’s fomenting the march from Honduras

By Janet Varney And Janet Varney's America

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