

Friday, October 5, 2018


Janet Varney

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What is with the Senators from Arizona? Since the death of Senator No Name, another NeverTrump, this time The Flake gives us his best Snake-Performance, with his last chance to slither from under another rock in the Arizona desert into the limelight, to prove to the world just how much hatred he has for President Trump and, of course, there was the possibility (wiggle room) for that-one-last-big-payoff before he retired.

The entire elevator fiasco with the two hysterical women was another seemingly totally Soros funded, concocted and staged sham, which was set in motion as soon as the perfectly placed cameras were ready to roll.

The first issue is that nowhere in the Capitol Buildings are the general public allowed to be anywhere near, or ever ride in exclusive Senate elevators. But, more importantly, why didn’t Senator Grassley replace Flake The Snake on the Judiciary Committee as soon as he announced that he would not seek reelection? Senator Grassley simply shrugged his shoulders and allowed The Snake to be in a no lose, all win, position to throw a wrench into the confirmation process. Sad.

The more than likely scenario was that those screaming protesters were paid-agents who right on schedule met The Snake in or in front of the elevator, where one of the couriers slipped him a note or gave him the thumbs-up that, “A deposit has allegedly been made to your Cayman Island account, signed GS.” If not, we are supposed to believe that a conscientious and honorable member of Congress can change his mind based on two wackos screaming at him by an elevator they were not supposed to be anywhere near. Sorry, just like DiFi waiting until the 11th hour, timing for The Snake was everything, just as it was planned.

But, truth be told, the fault for their latest delay tactic for a week-long FBI investigation sits on the shoulders of Grassley and McConnell. For beginners, why are they investigating a 36-year-old misdemeanor with a one-year statute of limitations? If Mitch had better control of his conference, as leaders are supposed to, he would have ignored their ruse and scheduled a vote for Tuesday morning, October 2nd, to see which one of the RINOs or Red State Demonic Dems would risk voting against Kavanaugh. He could have gotten his 50 votes with just Murkowski, Collins and Joe Minchin, and have Pence make the tiebreaker. But, no, McConnell would rather play-along-with-their-delay-game than take a chance that the Demonic Ones (or the Chamber of Commerce) might get mad at him. It’s all a game, that unfortunately,  We The People are losing badly.

This is just one more reason why we need to stop using ‘spineless’ or ‘lack of courage’ to describe the GOP as they seemingly sit on their hands and will never fight back against the Demonic Dems. Unfortunately, their lack of fighting back has nothing to do with lack of courage or fortitude and everything to do with the fact that 85% (guesstimate) of Repulsive Republicans in Congress are as corrupt as the Demonic Dems, working in concert together as the Uniparty. It is all kabuki theater. They care little about what you think, say, or do. They are paid by their Special Interests or Globalists, who meet them for dinner, or in hallways or even elevators to pass off notes or a nod confirming deposits made, just as described The Snake is apparently doing.

Why do so many conservative friends or TV-talking-heads have to qualify their statements with, “She did sound convincing. Something definitely happened to her…” STOP! This entire fiasco has been a well-rehearsed con job, with a little valley-girl-talk and fake crying thrown in for greater effect. But, does anyone care that she lied during her introduction. Dr. Christine Blasey Ford began her testimony wherein she stated under oath saying, “My name is Christine Blasey Ford, and I am a professor of psychology at Palo Alto University a research psychologist at the Stanford University School of Medicine.”

Dr. Ford used the title “psychologist”, which is just another fabrication of her life story; but, unfortunately misrepresenting herself as she did, is not only taken very seriously in the field of psychology, but it is a crime under the laws of California. Multiple sources are now saying that the FBI is opening an investigation of feloniously lying to Congress by making false statements. We’ll see where this goes, but note that Christine is obviously pathological, where facts or the truth are the enemies of her entire testimony.

By the way, a search of the California License Bureau under psychologists found no listing, active or inactive for a Dr. Christine Ford, or any variation of the spelling with or without her maiden name Blasey. As a matter of fact, there was no listing for a Dr. Christine Ford as a psychologist anywhere in the entire country. And, Stanford recently scrubbed the title psychologist from her listing on their website.

But, the best mockery of the truth came when the Honorable (that was a joke..;) Richard Blumenthal of Connecticut, who by the way, lied about being a Marine who served in Vietnam, would hypocritically question Judge Kavanaugh using the Latin phrase ‘falsus in uno falsus in omnibus’, which means ‘false in one thing, false in everything.’ Using his own line of thinking, every word out of Blumenthal’s mouth should now be considered a lie.

But, as long as Blumenthal brought it up, then let’s see if that same shoe fits on Dr. Ford. Why, yes it does. If the shoe fits, we must convict. She lied about being a psychologist, and therefore she’s lying about everything.

We’re done here. Schedule the vote, McConnell. Kavanaugh is confirmed. Move on to Rosenstein resigning and the declassification.

We received a wonderful poster that describes our situation most succinctly. It had the stern face of President Donald Trump pointing back at you saying, “In reality they’re not after me, they’re after you. I’m just in the way.”

Yes, you are in their way, President Trump, and we thank God for it, daily.
One closing thought: If the Demonic Dems foolishly attempt to delay the Kavanaugh confirmation until after the elections on November 6th, they will be responsible for the greatest Midterm-Red-Wave of not only Republicans but Democrats and Independents, who have all had enough of their shenanigans.

The rest of the law and order is at hand. Think Safe. Trust the Plan. Be Prepared. Pray for our President. Pray for our country. Amen.

By Janet Varney And Janet Varney's America

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