

Wednesday, October 17, 2018



Ford calls it quits on Kavanaugh: Wants no prosecution, no investigation, no impeachment

 Christine Blasey Ford’s letter to Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) kicked off what has to be—and will go down in history as being—among the most embarrassing and shameful episodes related to the confirmation of a Supreme Court Justice in recent memory. 

Feinstein chose to sit on the letter and only reveal it after the confirmation hearings had concluded, putting Ford in the unenviable position of having to present her testimony to the Senate Judiciary Committee under the media spotlight and with all the hopes and dreams of vindication of the radical left on her shoulders.

She couldn’t deliver.  The persons she claimed were witnesses were unable to substantiate her claims, and it didn’t help that her story didn’t hold up even under the most casual scrutiny.  Where did this assault take place? She didn’t know.  When did it take place?  She didn’t know.  How did she get to the location of the assault or get home from that same location?  She didn’t know.  Who was there?  She claimed that four people were and named them, but none of them substantiated her claim.

Republicans did everything they could to hear her out, even offering at one point to come to California since she claimed she had a fear of flying (a fear that is debunked by her extensive air travel records).  She had her day in front of the Senate committee, and it didn’t go well for her.

To her credit, she appears to be done with the entire thing and expresses no interest in making the destruction of Supreme Court Justice Kavanaugh her life’s work.  Indeed, Ford’s lawyers have publicly stated that she does not wish to see Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh impeached nor does she want further investigation into her claims.

With a Senate confirmation of Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh all but guaranteed, Christine Blasey Ford has no further plans to pursue her sexual misconduct allegations against Kavanaugh.
When asked about the possibility of impeachment proceedings, attorney Deborah Katz told CNN: “Professor Ford has not asked for anything of the sort. What she did was to come forward and testify before the Senate Judiciary Committee and agree to cooperate with any investigation by the FBI, and that’s what she sought to do here.”
“She does not want him to be impeached?” CNN’s Dana Bash later asked.
“No,” Katz replied flatly.
Ford’s attorney Lisa Banks added that Ford feels she did the right thing by testifying and has no regrets.
According to Ford’s attorney, Ford wanted to be heard, she was, and now she wants to move on with her life.

Ford’s attorney Debra Katz tells CNN’s Dana Bash in an interview that Ford only wanted to tell her story to Senate Judiciary Committee members. She doesn’t want the process to drag on into the next Congress should Democrats end up winning control on Capitol Hill.
“Professor Ford has not asked for anything of the sort. What she did was to come forward and testify before the Senate Judiciary Committee and agree to cooperate with any investigation by the FBI and that’s what she sought to do here,” Katz said.
She came forward, and she was heard.  And now, she’s done.
I’m good with that, but I suspect we’ll be hearing very soon that we can’t accept Ford’s decision.  After all, everyone has to believe and support the “survivor” . . . until they say or do something rational, like give up on a lost battle.


So, she willing to drop the whole accusation, now that Kavanaugh has been confirmed. I’m sure that the fact that there is no evidence that any of her story is true, that the statute of limitations on the reported incident has long since lapsed, that, if she and her story are further investigated, she might end up facing criminal charges and she made a pile of money through her Go Fund Me accounts have absolutely nothing to do with her decision. How nice of her.

The hard left has been slapped hard and they know it. What will they do when Ginsberg gets replaced…nothing, just sit down and whimper! They know that the Republicans will fight back, yet they still have that craving for power that needs to be met.
I wouldn’t be surprised with an assassination attempt being made on select people in authority, but the cat is out of the bag. The libs are going to have a hard time wrangling the Republicans for a few years.

They aren’t the ‘radical left’. They are Democrats.
They aren’t Democrats. They are Marxists.

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