

Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Christine Ford Caught In Major Lie – Photos Prove House Updates Occurred Much Earlier Than Claims In Senate Testimony!

Image result for Breaking: Christine Ford Caught In Major Lie – Photos Prove House Updates Occurred Much Earlier Than Claims In Senate Testimony!

Breaking: Christine Ford Caught In Major Lie – Photos Prove House Updates Occurred Much Earlier Than Claims In Senate Testimony!

Supporters of Christine Ford protested outside her home in Palo Alto, California two weeks ago. CBS Local included a photo of Ford’s home in their coverage.
The address has been widely reported online and the home was pictured in the local news.
Dr. Christine Ford’s last-minute accusations against squeaky-clean Judge Brett Kavanaugh stunned the political world.

But Ford’s accusations were questioned when she provided no date, no location and all of the alleged witnesses, including her friend, denied the allegations.
We now have information that shows Christine Ford lied about the entire story.
In her testimony on Thursday, Dr. Ford stated that she put a second door on her house in 2012:
Over the years, I told very, very few friends that I had this traumatic experience. I told my husband before we were married that I had experienced a sexual assault. I had never told the details to anyone — the specific details — until May 2012, during a couples counseling session.
The reason this came up in counseling is that my husband and I had completed a very extensive, very long remodel of our home and I insisted on a second front door, an idea that he and others disagreed with and could not understand.
In explaining why I wanted a second front door, I began to describe the assault in detail. I recall saying that the boy who assaulted me could someday be on the U.S. Supreme Court, and spoke a bit about his background at an elitist all-boys school in Bethesda, Maryland. My husband recalls that I named my attacker as Brett Kavanaugh.
We now have proof that this was a lie — a major lie.
This was the basis for the entire story she told the US Senate Judiciary Committee under oath — And this is a lie.
Christine Ford perjured herself.
The problem with Ford’s testimony is that the the second front door was built on their home long before that date.
According to online queries and pictures of the property from as early as 2007, the house in question had two doors in the front since at least 2011 and probably earlier.
Thanks to time stamps available on the Internet, we can determine roughly when the 2nd door was put in Dr. Ford’s house.
A simple query of Palo Alto, CA building inspections of properties related to Dr. Ford and her husband result in an inspection in 2007. When you link on the same address on Zillow, you see that this house was last remodeled in 2008.
Ford’s house in 2007 – there was only one door pictured.
Ford’s house in March 2011 – This clearly shows the second front door is already there.
Ford’s house in November 2011 – The second front door is there.
Here is the same address in 2015 — the same home where the protests took place last week.
Dr. Ford’s testimony does not add up for many reasons.
This falsehood in her testimony about the timing of the remodeling projects on her home is not accurate.
This is a national disgrace thanks to the eager Democrats and their conflicted witness Christine Ford.
Hat tip Christina
UPDATE: Christine Ford spoke about the second front door at least three times in her testimony.
She talks about it again here. She says the incident in the 1980’s is in her medical records twice: “The first time is in 2012 with my husband in couples therapy with the quibbling over the remodel”. Very much present tense, as in remodeling happening at same time as couples therapy.
Again, this is from her opening statements:
“I had never told the details to anyone, the specific details, until May 2012, during a couples counseling session. The reason this came up in counseling is that my husband and I had completed a very extensive, very long remodel of our home, and I insisted on a second front door, an idea that he and others disagreed with and could not understand. In explaining why I wanted a second front door, I began to describe the assault in detail.”
And then with Dianne Feinstein during her testimony.
“Our house does not look aesthetically pleasing from the curb.”
This implied that currently, today, it does not look pleasing. But you can’t even see the 2nd front door anymore. Back in the November 2011 google map shot, they already had started putting up posts of the wooden wall, and the walkway and new flowerbeds are already in.
DiFi asks “And do you have that second front door” – totally implying that she wants to know how the “quibble” with her husband turned out.
The March 2011 picture shows the new door, and you can see that the remodel (new space) was in the back of the house; by comparing with 2007 photo, you can see the new roofline in the back. The November 2011 image shows the wood wall posts and a new pathway in front of the new door area.

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