

Saturday, September 22, 2018


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Janet Varney

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Image result for Hillary Obama and FBI

About Hillary Obama and FBI

 Worth taking the time to read because this story is starting to leak out from FBI agents and others "who are in the know" inside the Washington beltway! The agents at the FBI are livid that Comey did what he did. They are claiming there was more than sufficient evidence to bring several indictments against Hillary Clinton. It wasn't a slam dunk case, but it had more than a good probability of a conviction for Hillary Clinton. Lynch and Obama made it clear to Comey that if he pressed for an indictment, he would be taking the Democrat nominee for president out of the election. If he failed to get a conviction he would be facing charges of tampering with and changing the outcome of a federal election, to which he would be facing the rest of his life in prison, and Obama and Lynch, as well as others, would see to it that he did.

 Now you know why he presented his case the way he did and why it was so obvious he was reluctant to not press for an indictment. Hillary's statement to the FBI was intentionally given without a court reporter present or without any recording of her testimony to prevent her from having any further exposure to legal charges like perjury. If she lied to Congress, they have no written FBI deposition to confront Hillary with. This was set up to let her walk without fear of being charged with giving False Testimony or being charged with Obstruction of Justice. This is what those in the "legalese world" call a "Straw Man" legal charge. (It is a charge designed to make someone appear innocent of the charges!)

 EXAMPLE: Bill beats up Shirley at their home. Bill is arrested for "Felony Spousal Abuse". Bill's lawyer gets the charges dismissed because Bill is not married to Shirley! (They are only "live in boyfriend and girlfriend".) Bill walks out of court totally exonerated of the charges thanks to a technicality! The twist in the case is the arresting officer knew all along Bill was not married to Shirley because the officer and Bill are old fraternity brothers. The officer intentionally charged Bill with something he knew would not stick. Bill would easily have been convicted of Assault and Battery, but he was not charged with that! This is what is known as the "STRAWMAN" charge. It is how you make a guilty person appear innocent.

This is exactly what was done with the Hillary Clinton case! If she had been charged with "Destruction of Government Documents", she would have easily been convicted, because she admitted to doing this! Instead, she was charged with "Mishandling Classified Documents" which has wiggle room for reasonable doubt regarding Criminal Intent! I think citizens are finally fed up with the Clintons and the cesspool of corruption that is our current government. Real Americans are ready to take our country back.

All of these years of corruption have taken a toll on American lives. Citizens opinions of a lying White House, a corrupt Congress, the "pay to play" politicians, the legalese lawyers and lobbyists, big overspending "welfare mentality" government, the "looking for a loophole" justice system, the lying media, and our censored educational system with an agenda to dumb down the next generation, is at the lowest point ever. Hillary is on the wrong side of every issue. The British Exit from the EU (Brexit) is just a small sign that real citizens of civilized nations are ready to take their country back. They are sick of the results of open borders and globalization led by power hungry elites. Hillary Clinton has no character or integrity. She is an arrogant, condescending political elite who is only interested in lining the Clinton pockets with donations to the Clinton Foundation (wink, wink) from PACS, lobbyists, and foreign nations that buy access and favors.

The Clinton Foundation is nothing more than an operation used to launder money for the Clintons and other politicians involved in illegal activities. The Clintons are able to use the information of those participating to obtain cover for their activities, or blackmail those who are laundering money through them. Just count the number of politicians who arrive in Washington with nothing, but leave as millionaires and billionaires. Did their votes serve in the best interest of their constituents or did they only benefit themselves? If the representatives of your state fall in this category, then I suggest an investigation be launched. FYI....It has come to light that Comey was (or still is) on the Board of Directors of the HSBC Bank where the Clinton Foundation has holdings. ED KLEIN who wrote the book on the Clintons - coming out next week -- said Hillary was called to the office of Valerie Jarrett and Obama back in 2009 and told her she had to stop sending emails thru her personal server ---OBVIOUSLY, SHE DIDN'T LISTEN TO THEM.

So, YES, Obama knew and Jarrett Knew and Huma knew along with how many others!!!! READ ON.....very interesting...... "FBI Director James Comey basically delivered a coded message to the American People and the world. He said...she is guilty beyond any reasonable doubt, certainly should not be president and should be brought to justice ..however, our country has been infiltrated and is basically corrupt! Lynch and Obama made it clear to him...if he pressed for an indictment, he would be taking the Democrat nominee for president out of the election...If....he then failed to get a conviction...he would be facing charges of tampering with and changing the outcome of a federal election to which he would be facing the rest of his life in prison... Now you know why he presented his case the way he did and why it was so obvious he was reluctant to not press for indictment.

Also....The key is in what Comey said...80 email chains.....that means an exchange between people...Hillary sending AND if he charges Hillary he has to charge the others in the chain...what if the exchange is with is not a stretch to think the Sec of State would be in email contact with POTUS (PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES).... Let's just say...Bill went to Loretta and said shut this down...or else Hillary is charged she will tell under oath that some of the emails were with the he is also guilty of a felony...THAT is IMPEACHABLE...the Republicans would go for it...the Dem would yell racism and the country erupts in violence......Lynch tells better watch it or you could be to blame for violence tearing this country part...what is he to do???...

So Comey takes 20 minutes spelling out everything bad Hillary did....just like a trial in public.....then stops short to prevent any unrest......" BART LESLIE - Coincidence? The law firm Kahn worked for is also the law firm for the royal court of Saudi Arabia and the tax lawyers for the Clintons and for the Clinton Foundation and is also the firm Loretta Lynch work for. They also represent a small Tech firm in Denver Colorado which so happens to be the same Tech firm that managed Hillary's private server....


By Janet Varney

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