

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Senator Feinstein’s Christine Ford Letter – Looks Like A Fraud

 Image result for Document Expert: Multiple Discrepancies Discovered In Senator Feinstein’s Christine Ford Letter – Looks Like A Fraud

Document Expert: Multiple Discrepancies Discovered In Senator Feinstein’s Christine Ford Letter – Looks Like A Fraud
 Another Internet sleuth released a series of tweets that are damning to the letter provided by Senator Feinstein from Dr. Ford who accused Judge Kavanaugh of sexual misconduct nearly 40 years ago.
The Internet is the place where individuals with different backgrounds and skill sets are able to combine their efforts to address the many lies in the MSM today. This happens all the time and the MSM hates it when their lies are uncovered or questioned.
Yesterday Dr. Dannielle (Dossy) Blumenthal released a series of tweets that dissect and refute the letter provided by Senator Feinstein from the accuser of Judge Kavanaugh. Dr. Ford’s letter is full of flaws which lead one to realize something just doesn’t add up!
Dr. ‘Dossy’ Blumenthal states that she believes Ford’s letter is written by a third party –

Dossy lists her credibility reviewing letters to Congress –

16) It is important you know that I speak only for myself, because in this next part I am going to offer my professional opinion as to why this letter seems fake.
17) My professional opinion is based on 2.5 years of being responsible for constituent letters from Congress. Meaning, I have scanned, read, reviewed, routed and responded to hundreds of them.
Dossy also has a Ph.D. with a focus on creative writing –

18) I have been a professional writer for 30 years.
19) I have a Ph.D. in sociology and a bachelor’s degree in interdisciplinary studies with a focus on creative writing.
Dossy overall believes that an educated person did not write Dr. Ford’s letter –
Dossy provides a copy of the letter –
Dossy notes that the first clue is “high school” is capitalized when it shouldn’t be –
Dossy says people use their best English when writing Congress yet Dr. Ford’s letter is sloppy 

23) The first clue is that she capitalized “high school.” In this sentence, it doesn’t need to be capitalized.

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24) It has been my experience at work that private citizens generally use their best English writing skills in communicating to Congress. Dr. Ford has a Stanford pedigree, is a PhD, and is heavily published. The letter is sloppy.
The font size of the first line of the second paragraph is in a different font – would a professor send such a sloppy letter to Congress?

23) The first clue is that she capitalized “high school.” In this sentence, it doesn’t need to be capitalized.

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24) It has been my experience at work that private citizens generally use their best English writing skills in communicating to Congress. Dr. Ford has a Stanford pedigree, is a PhD, and is heavily published. The letter is sloppy.
The font size of the first line of the second paragraph is in a different font – would a professor send such a sloppy letter to Congress?

24) It has been my experience at work that private citizens generally use their best English writing skills in communicating to Congress. Dr. Ford has a Stanford pedigree, is a PhD, and is heavily published. The letter is sloppy.
25) The second clue is the first line of the second paragraph. As others have pointed out, the font size is not consistent; is this a sloppy printout she is sending on a letter of historic importance?

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Dr. Ford wrote “in the early 1980’s” – wrong grammar – should be “1980s” –

25) The second clue is the first line of the second paragraph. As others have pointed out, the font size is not consistent; is this a sloppy printout she is sending on a letter of historic importance?

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26) Also noteworthy is that she says “in the early 1980’s.” The grammar here is wrong - you would write “1980s” without the apostrophe.

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Emotional constituents would not be so vague –

26) Also noteworthy is that she says “in the early 1980’s.” The grammar here is wrong - you would write “1980s” without the apostrophe.

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27) Further, in the letters I have reviewed, emotional constituents are usually hyper-specific about their complaints — never vague. Logically, that is why they are writing to Congress: to remedy a wrong that is clear to them, but not others.

So “early 1980’s” is not normal.

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It’s odd that Judge Kavanaugh’s name is not in the first line – why? –

27) Further, in the letters I have reviewed, emotional constituents are usually hyper-specific about their complaints — never vague. Logically, that is why they are writing to Congress: to remedy a wrong that is clear to them, but not others.

So “early 1980’s” is not normal.

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28) Here’s another odd thing. Why didn’t she put Kavanaugh’s name in the first line, eg “I am writing to express my concerns about Judge Brett Kavanaugh.”

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Why did Dr. Ford say she hasn’t “knowingly” seen Kavanaugh since? Was she drunk?

28) Here’s another odd thing. Why didn’t she put Kavanaugh’s name in the first line, eg “I am writing to express my concerns about Judge Brett Kavanaugh.”

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29) Why did the writer of the letter go to such pains to say: “I have not knowingly seen Kavanaugh since...”

What does “knowingly” refer to?
Was she drunk at other parties and can’t remember him?

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Dr. Ford says “they” locked the door – which one – both?

29) Why did the writer of the letter go to such pains to say: “I have not knowingly seen Kavanaugh since...”

What does “knowingly” refer to?
Was she drunk at other parties and can’t remember him?

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Dr. Ford writes a “very drunken” – poor English again – should be “very drunk” –

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