

Tuesday, September 25, 2018


Senator Dianne Feinstein (left), Christine Blasey Ford (right)

Rape Accuser Allegedly Sent Feinstein SAME Letter Last Year — About Someone Else

Christine Blasey Ford’s rape accusations are falling apart, and now, we get this shocking news. According to inside sources, Ford allegedly sent the same rape accusation letter to Senator Dianne Feinstein a year ago, except she named another very high profile Washington, DC official as her rapist. Usually, we would chalk this up to just gossip, but then we discovered why this very well may be true. You don’t want to miss this.

The rumor started with a tweet, which Fox News contributor Kevin Jackson picked up on and posted on his website. According to Jackson, “And now [the Democrats] have a new poster child, this one part of the plot to bring down men. Professor Christine Blasey Ford finally came forward as ‘anonymous’ to accuse Judge Brett Kavanaugh of sexual assault 36 years ago, when she was 15 and he 17. According to this tweet, Ford may have sent the same sexual abuse letter about [SCOTUS Justice] Neil Gorsuch?”
The tweet by Trump supporter Josh Cornett says, “BREAKING: According to sources Diane Feinstein’s reluctance to mention the Kavanaugh accuser’s letter during confirmation session is because the accuser sent a similar letter directed at Judge Gorsuch last year. The whereabouts of the earlier letter remain a mystery.”

🚨BREAKING: According to sources Diane Feinstein's reluctance to mention the Kavanaugh accuser's letter during confirmation session is because the accuser sent a similiar letter directed at Judge Gorsuch last year. The whereabouts of the earlier letter remain a mystery.developing
At first, we dismissed this as a kooky conspiracy theory. Then, as time went on, Feinstein threw Ford under the bus, saying, “I can’t say everything’s truthful. I don’t know,” regarding Ford’s accusations. So, we started to take a deeper look at Christine Ford, her motives, and her connection to Neil Gorsuch, which makes this allegation plausible.
First, Ford’s accusations don’t ring true for many reasons. She is now refusing to appear to testify. Unlike other victims of trauma, she can’t remember any of the details, which psychiatrists would find alarming.
Anyone who has ever been traumatized will say they remember every tiny detail surrounding the traumatic event. You remember the day, the time, and the place. You remember what you did before and after the event. You remember strange things like smells and sounds. You remember it so well because it’s seared into your brain.
Christine Ford can’t even remember the month this happened, the place, or any other details that should be scorched into her memory.
The Washington Examiner reports, “[Ford] doesn’t remember much of the day except for the attack — she can’t recall when it happened, but believes it was the summer of 1982, nor can she recall how she got to the party, how she got home, or whose house she was in.”
They add, “She also discredits part of the therapist’s note that says four boys were in the room during the attack and now claims it was only two, a key detail that she chalks up to an error on the part of the therapist. Her only other piece of evidence is lie detector test results, which is junk science and inadmissible in court.”
So, it’s reasonable to say Ford’s motives are political and that it’s plausible she may have very well come forward last year to thwart Neil Gorsuch’s nomination. You see, Kavanaugh and Gorsuch were schoolmates in high school. They both attended Georgetown Preparatory School, an exclusive Catholic all-boys institution, at the same time. The enrollment is a mere 490 students, grades 9-12. Kavanaugh graduated in 1983, two years ahead of Gorsuch, who graduated in 1985.
Christine Ford graduated in 1984 from the private non-religious college prep Holton-Arms School, which is an all-girls institution, in the same area. And, this raises another issue.
It’s more likely Kavanaugh and Gorsuch would have been mixing with the girls from Georgetown Visitation Preparatory School, a Catholic all-girls high school near Georgetown Prep. The two schools are both Catholic and plan dances and other activities together.
Ford’s high school, Holton-Arms, is in the same area but not a Catholic-affiliated school. It’s a small community of private schools. As The Washington Post reports, “At the time, Ford said, she knew Kavanaugh and Judge as ‘friendly acquaintances’ in the private-school social circles of suburban Maryland. Her Holton-Arms friends mostly hung out with boys from the Landon School, she said, but for a period of several months socialized regularly with students from Georgetown Prep.”
You see, at these private all-boys and all-girls institutions, they align with a “brother or sister” school. For Ford, at Holton-Arms, her brother school is the all-boys private non-religious Landon School. So, her claim that she was mixing with the Georgetown Prep boys is suspect. It’s also strange she feels the need to stress she really didn’t hang out with boys from Georgetown Prep. It’s just another part of her story that doesn’t ring true.
If Christine Ford was on board to thwart the nomination of a Catholic, who the Democrats and leftists see as pro-life and who will end Roe v. Wade, then she and the Democrats may have hatched this plan during the Gorsuch hearings. Remember, Ford wanted to stay anonymous, but when fate came calling again and Kavanaugh was nominated, it’s possible the radical leftists pressured her to pull the trigger on this scheme.
We don’t know and probably will never know for sure. But, it sure is an interesting turn of events in this web of corruption surrounding Judge Brett Kavanaugh, who should be confirmed without delay. The Democrats will go to any lengths to stop his confirmation, so while the GOP has the votes, it’s time to stop this insanity. Let the GOP know we want the vote now — we are sick and tired of this ridiculous circus.

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