

Saturday, September 29, 2018

Kavanaugh Accusation Goes Down In Flames As Accuser Denies Own Story

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Kavanaugh Accusation Goes Down In Flames As Accuser Denies Own Story
  More allegations made against Brett Kavanaugh have begun to fall apart; this time, a recent account of the sexual assault on the part of the SCOTUS nominee was discredited by the accuser themselves.
These latest accusations were brought to the attention Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse of Rhode Island by one of his constituents who claimed a close friend of his had been assaulted by Kavanaugh in 1985.
He said that “that early on a Sunday morning in August of 1985, a close acquaintance of the constituent was sexually assaulted by two heavily inebriated men she referred to at the time as Brett and Mark,” according to a transcript recently released by the Senate Judiciary Committee.
This man claims to have been able to identify Kavanaugh as this “Brett” after seeing Kavanaugh’s yearbook picture in the news.
Kavanaugh, as he has systematically done with each preceding allegation, adamantly denied having anything to do with this account.
“I was not in Newport, haven’t been on a boat in Newport. Not with Mark Judge on a boat, nor all those three things combined. This is just completely made up, or at least not me. I don’t know what they’re referring to,” Kavanaugh said.
This is pretty believable, as we would soon find out.
He’s now recanted.
Here’s what happened:
While the identity of the man who came forward with this account was redacted from the Committee transcript, reporters were able to trace him to a social media account that reveals he may have highly politically-motivated reasons for coming forward with this account.
Drumroll please…he’s a massive Trump-hater.
“Dear Pentagon, please save my country from the parasite that occupies the White House. Are you waiting until Russians parachute in like in Red Dawn? Please help!” wrote the man identified by reporters as Jeffrey Catalan.

Dear Pentagon,
Please save my country from the parasite that occupies the White house? Our you waiting until Russians parachute in like in Red Dawn ? Please help! !!!!!!!!!!
As soon as his identity was uncovered, he promptly recanted, giving a pathetic excuse for his perjury:
Do everyone who is going crazy about what I had said I have recanted because I have made a mistake and apologize for such mistake
This man is doing what every single Democrat is doing: leveraging false assault claims for the sake of political expediency, and it’s disgusting.
If anyone of these women is telling the truth about what happened to them, even if it’s not Kavanaugh that did it to them, this man just discredited them completely.
But coming forward with dubious, unsupported claims at the eleventh hour right before a judge they’ve opposed from the beginning appointed by a President they hate vehemently discredited their stories enough already.
This is a character assassination, plain and simple, and this guy is the only one admitting that that’s what’s going on.

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