

Thursday, September 13, 2018


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To be or not to be is the question, well how many times have we heard that line or some equivalent? It is a Primal Simplistic Thought, nothing more, nothing less...Perhaps I'm one of those people who Ask, Ponder, Wonder & still Seeks answers to Questions...And yes I know some are Redundant & some may be Stupid...But as Cliches go I've always heard the only Dumb or Stupid Question was the One You/we didn't ask! By that I take it means it could be Deadly & Important, who's to say! It's all apparently Opinion...
And while I touched or spoke the word, just what is OPINION anyway...We all apparently Have one & Hopefully it's one of our Own & not one Beat into us by the Teachers, Preachers or Creatures of the Media Circus! Once Upon A Time, OPINION was a Collective Thought based on Experience & Knowledge...Oh Well, the Lord knows that was a "Long Time Ago" ...Wasn't it a story in a Fable or something akin to that? Who knows anymore, crap does anyone know anything anymore "Based on Evidence, Truth or Facts?" For all Practical Purposes the Terms Reason, Rational, the Art of Deductive Reasoning are Forbidden...I guess Chemical Lobotomies are now the Norm after a Birth...

But ask yourself this; have we "Relinquished all our Rights" to be Subjective? And if we've done that then what is "This Life All About" now? Have we Reduced our Rules to the Point we are just Meaningless Playthings or Toys for the Rich Perverted Oligarchs to Play "War Games, Sex Games, Sadistical Games or Slave Games" with...I mean is this "Who We Are Now" or have Become! Didn't you Want your Son or Daughter (sorry I don't buy the TRANNY Crap) to become more than you? Didn't we want them to Work to Fulfill their Every Dream? I mean what was your Dream? Do you still remember the now seemingly outdated Idea called "The American Dream?" It was even considered an IDEA we Prayed Collectively For...But then again in those days, we could Still Pray, not anymore...At least not in Public & Not if you Really: "Mean It"...In today's world its more or less "Pomp & Circumstance" just a Ceremony no one pays any attention too...

And while I realize I'm a Relic of the Past that this Government will "Soon Exterminate" I still don't understand why there aren't "More Voices" out there in this "Liberal Hell-Shit Hole" asking & demanding some kind of Accountability from the "Mentally Ill Insane Narcissistic Prick Sociopaths" in the Government & the "Shadow Government"....Come on now, most of us Know there is a GAME being Played but what Most People miss is What Part They Played or Play in this CHARADE or FRAUD...

Let's put it this way, when you Put your Hand into a Flame it will cause you "Great Pain" but did you EXPRESS your Pain or did you Quietly Walk away to Sulk or Cry to yourself? When your Father, Mother or Old friend was Sick & Dying, did you give comfort to them, wasn't it an Emotional Moment? Didn't it give you Pause & force you to Rethinks your own Life, that includes the Good, the Bad & the Ugly...To one degree or another it' can be one of those "Defining Moments" an "Epiphany" if you will...There is another cliche or idea that "What Doesn't Kill Us, Makes us Stronger!" What or why do we let SOME THINGS "Define who we are?" And I am not talking about Personal Family/Friend issues...I am talking about the "Fake World We Now Live In"

There is a Bible Quote that works here & in my opinion, its Overlooked & Misconstrued, so here you are: "The Lord Helps Those Who Help Themselves!" What does that MEAN to you? Do that Tell you if you want something its all right to TAKE It? I Don't Think So...To me it means we MUST "Lift Ourselves Up!" I see it a bit like the Term "RESPECT" we have to EARN it...We Don't Deserve it "Just Because" And while I'm on a RANT, I don't see a Successful Life as one "Full Of Material Things!" All these Toys, Pleasures are nice but they Are Not Real, Tangible yes, Necessary No! Another Cliche, "There Are No Pockets In Shrouds" I'll use an old Hank Williams line here; "No One Get Out Of This World Alive"...we can't take it with us, period!

In today's World, we are Told we have Choices but do we? We have TWO "Political Parties" but are Corrupt, both are lying to us, both have Made EVERY PROBLEM we have WORSE...So when we VOTE for Either of them, what kind of Message we're sending to Them & Others...I see it as an Endorsement For Corruption & Mediocrity...And that's the way they see it...The "BEST & The BRIGHTEST they are not...They are just Criminals, Cons, Perverts & Sociopaths...They are no Better than the MAFIA Boys like "Al Capone!"

Everything in Life has a PRICE...If you Smoke Cigarettes you just may get Cancer...There is a Risk Reward for Everything...There are no exceptions, however, the Rich Elite play by a Different Set Of RULES...We go to JAIL for things they get a "FREE PASS" For...And What do we do about it? ANSWER: Not one damn thing...Oh, we Bitch a little bit, roll our eyes but we've apparently accepted their BAD CRIMINAL Behavior as the NORM...WHY? If it Fear, are we Cowards or have we actually "Sanctioned" It by allowing it... We Had a Choice (at one Time) & Squandered it...

Who do you TRUST these days? And Why should you TRUST anyone? What are their Qualifications? Does Chicanery cut it? Or Bribery, Theft, Extortion much less Murder or War? You have to answer that one for yourself? MONEY IS THE ROOT OF ALL EVIL...What are Governments all about? What are their Goals? They want to CONTROL...Many of them have Messianic Complexes...And that being said; "What Have They Done For Us Lately"...They have Empowered our ENEMIES! They Enable the Parasites, they dumbed down this Culture to the Point that NO ONE Has a Clue about what TRUTH Ever was...Right or Wrong was once a choice, but not anymore, according to the LIBERAL COMMUNIST PARTY... Every Taboo we were Taught is now "Sanctioned" & now Perverts as Praised & Treated as if it was or is NORMAL...Well to Hell with them, it is not!

But I suppose it is TRUE we do Have Choices, but not good ones! Die a Coward or Risk Death & Stand (Battle)for What we Believed in...The OLIGARCHS that Rule this World will not get Bored & Go Away. The Genie will Not Willingly Go Back Into The Bottle...Orwell & Huxley were both Right, we were Warned & we were TRICKED into Trusting People that shouldn't be TRUSTED with the "Time Of Day" It seems the VILLAINS are now the VICTIM...The Game is Predictable but isn't it time we STOPPED Playing this Deadly Stupid Game!... We've Fallen & Destroyed Ourselves Willingly thanks to LIBERALISM AKA Communism ...Orwell also said this: "The Best Way To Lose A War Is To Surrender!" We Best Remember that!

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One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. -- Plato (429-347 BC)


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