

Friday, August 31, 2018


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  "Meet The Press" host Chuck Todd raised eyebrows yesterday when he gleefully speculated that a big announcement is imminent from Special Counsel Robert Mueller.  Here's what Todd said:

"I think he [Mueller] knows, more than anything, he keeps quiet between Labor Day and Election Day [to avoid accusations of election interference]. . .  I'll be honest, I'm not missing work tomorrow.  I wouldn't miss work tomorrow. Tomorrow is the last business day of the pre-Labor Day to Election Day window."

I can't help but wonder if Mueller has given a heads-up to a few swamp reporters to set the stage.  Or is this just part of the ongoing psychological warfare against the president of the United States and his team?

If some bombshell is dropped later today or over the weekend, we will call our staff back in and reach out to sources we respect to give you the most complete report we can on Tuesday.  Meanwhile, please pray for the country, the president, and vice president.

Department Of Injustice

The conflicts of interest in the Mueller investigation continue to pile up.  Here's the latest.

Wednesday we told you that demoted Justice Department official Bruce Ohr (whose wife, Nellie, worked for Fusion GPS, which was paid by the Clinton campaign to produce the Steele dossier) informed congressional investigators that he had been passing updates on the dossier to multiple officials in the Justice Department, even though that had nothing to do with his official duties.

His actions obviously stoked a very anti-Trump atmosphere among the Obama appointees and other swamp creatures at the Justice Department.

Well, Fox News is reporting that one of the people Ohr regularly "kept in the loop" was Andrew Weissmann, who is now one of Mueller's top deputies.

One of the famous symbols of justice is Lady Justice, holding an old-fashioned scale that is supposed to be balanced.

But it is becoming more apparent every day that on one side of that scale was every significant official at the Justice Department, all of them out to ruin Donald Trump.  It was for an indeterminate period of time the Department of Injustice.

Speaking at a rally in Indiana last night, President Trump issued a stern warning, saying:

"Our Justice Department and our FBI have to start doing their job and doing it right and doing it now.  Because people are angry!  People are angry!

"What's happening is a disgrace.  And at some point, I wanted to stay out, but at some point if it doesn't straighten out properly. . . I will get involved and I'll get in there if I have to."

Anti-American History

Given the left-wing mindset of Hollywood, I am always dubious about what they will do to the great moments of American history.  So when I heard about the film "First Man," which is about Neil Armstrong's historic moon landing, I grew concerned.  And apparently with good reasons.

Yesterday we learned that they left out of the film Armstrong's planting of the American flag on the moon.

Actor Ryan Gosling, who portrays Armstrong, was asked about the omission, and said, "I think this was widely regarded in the end as a human achievement [and] that's how we chose to view it."

Once again, we see that these left-wing elites view themselves as citizens of the world, and they are perfectly happy to rewrite history.

Granted, Gosling and the film's director are Canadians.  It's also true that Armstrong famously referred to his landing as "one giant leap for mankind."  That was a symbol of America's largess and intention to share the benefits of our research.  But you have to ignore history to not know that the moon landing was a tremendously patriotic endeavor.

The Soviet Union stunned the world when it put Sputnik into space 12 years earlier.  America was in shock.  A young president went on national television and declared that we would beat the Soviets to the moon.

That is what a great country does.  And every communist nation in the world got the message when they had to watch Neil Armstrong unfurl the American flag on the moon.

If during his presidency Barack Obama had decided it was time to go back to the moon, he likely would have picked left-wing astronauts, just like all his appointees.  And they probably would have taken the flag down.  Or perhaps they would have taken a knee in protest of America's great injustice.

Join Me In D.C.

Join me in our nation's capital September 21st – 23rd for the 2018 Values Voter Summit!

Vice President Mike Pence said, "The Values Voter Summit [is] the greatest gathering of conservative pro-family Americans in the nation." And he is absolutely right!

That is why American Values, my non-profit public policy organization, has been a proud sponsor of the Summit every year.

This year's Summit features an incredible lineup of speakers, including:

David & Jason Benham
Dr. Bill Bennett
Gov. Matt Bevin
Secretary Ben Carson
Brigitte Gabriel
Dr. Sebastian Gorka
Dana Loesch
Rep. Mark Meadows
Lt. Col. Oliver North
Dr. Everett Piper
Secretary Mike Pompeo
Rep. Steve Scalise
Todd Starnes
And Many More!

There will be educational and informative breakout sessions, as well as a gala dinner honoring my good friend former Congressman Frank Wolf for his years of leadership on religious liberty issues.

American Values will be hosting a special luncheon Saturday, September 22nd.

Seats are going fast, so register today.

I look forward to seeing you there!

NOTE:  Our offices will be closed Monday, September 3rd.
The End of Day report will resume Tuesday,

Campaign for Working Families
PO Box 1222
Merrifield, VA  22116-1222

Friday, August 31, 2018
To: Friends & Supporters
From: Gary Bauer

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