

Wednesday, July 18, 2018

The downfall of America...

by Don Pedigo

Why is it important for the world to see America fall. I can answer it in a word "Israel". America was once a Godly nation and protected by God. Beelzebub and his human agents throughout history have gone after Israel. America has gone to living by their flesh, the push for same-sex marriage is a great example of living by the flesh, overeating, government getting everything "God" out of America. 

America is Israel's protector, to get at Israel, America's Army must be taken apart, it must not be able to defend Israel. Keep in mind America is the only country that defends Israel. Christians must be defeated in America (look at Obamacare a full frontal attack on God's people). The world is at war with Christian's, now that war has come to America. Take a close look at who is attacking Christian's, the media, our government, our politicians, Hollywood, abortions on demand followers (hail satan). Christian's stand in the way of the demise of America & Israel. Many but not all Christian's know it's a spiritual war between God of Israel and Beelzebub and his human agents.

Here are some suggested reading on what is going on in the middle east and what's about to happen (Ezekiel chapters 38 and chapters 39 )Chapters 36 and 37 is good reading too. The hatred of Israel and Christian's has become so blatant in America and around the world today. All I have learned on this subject in the last 25 years, I wasn't sure I would be around to see it, this very day I see it coming to fruition, it took a life of its own in 2008. Everything in world History centers on Israel ( the apple of God's eye )it's still true today. 

I made a prediction about 15 years ago, that Christians would one day have to make a mass exodus to Israel for safety, and that it would be the only place that would allow Christians that have kept the faith. The gentiles (non-Jewish) are about to reach its numbers in God's kingdom. Then God will shut the door on the Gentiles. Then God will soften the Hearts of Israelites and they will begin to see Gods plan for them. Make no mistake about it America must fall in order for the Armies of the world to be able to attack Israel. 

Those that live by the Spirit know what I'm saying is from God others will not be able to understand or comprehend what is happening around them in America today. The democratic party has made it clear they do not want God in their party and many Republicans feel the same way! One of the first signs of the downfall of America is Gods church and it's falling away from God and giving into flesh.

Image result for The downfall of America.

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