

Monday, July 16, 2018

Petition: Demand Congress Prosecute the Deep State

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The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) memo was released! Thanks to you and #releasethememo, we have proof the Obama administration, DNC, and the Clinton campaign weaponized the FBI to target President Trump before and after the election. Now, we must demand congress fight back and PROSECUTE the DEEP STATE.
President Trump said a lot of people should be ashamed of themselves. Let's LOCK THEM UP! The memo contains beyond earth-shattering revelations that can potentially bring down the corrupt house of cards built by the Clinton/Obama cartel. BUT, we need to act quickly. We must keep the pressure on and let Congress and President Trump know the American people stand with him and will no longer accept lies and doublespeak from the Deep State. Heads MUST roll.
With the release of the memo, we know for sure the dubious "Steele Dossier" was used by the FBI to secure warrants to electronically surveil members of the Trump team under false pretenses, and there was NO RUSSIAN COLLUSION. The only collusion was between the Obama administration officials, FBI, DOJ, DNC, Hillary Clinton, Fusion GPS, British spy Christopher Steele, and plenty of others yet to be revealed. President Trump has ripped off the band-aid covering up an infected, festering wound within our government that needs to be fully exposed to the light of day to heal. It's up to all of us to let the Congress know we will not stand for the corruption any longer. NOW is the time for you to take action!

The entire Obama administration knew what was going on - Obama, Holder, Comey, McCabe, Lynch, Rosenstein, Yates, Rice, Ohr, Strzok, Page. Hillary Clinton knew! YOU would never get away with this kind of deception! That's why we demand that Congress PROSECUTE the DEEP STATE and everyone involved!
According to the memo released by the House Intelligence Committee, Former FBI Director James Comey, Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, Sally Yates, then-Acting DAG Dana Boente, and Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein each signed one or more FISA applications. THEY WERE ALL IN ON IT. The FISA memo names names with more to come, and it is time for Congress and President Trump to DRAIN THE SWAMP of all of these corrupt individuals. It's time for YOU to put your name down and SIGN the petition to PROSECUTE the DEEP STATE.
This is an incredible abuse of power and intentional omission and manipulation of facts and judicial processes. Our founding fathers warned us against the enemy within!  We are witnessing infiltration instead of invasion to seize our democracy. We need your help to hold the Deep State accountable. It's time to call out Obama, Comey, McCabe, Rosenstein, Ohr, Strzok, Page, Hillary, Holder, Lynch, Rice, Lerner, to name just a few. They ALL need to be exposed and sent to jail - sign the Tea Party PROSECUTE the DEEP STATE petition and let them know the PEOPLE are back in control of our great country! No one is above the law.
The weaponization of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act under the Obama administration can't be overlooked or swept under the rug. Obama has destroyed these institutions. We have real momentum now. Let's keep it going. Americans know there are true patriots in the FBI, DOJ, CIA and thankfully now the White House, but some of the Obama holdovers are as rotten as it gets. They destroyed the honor and integrity of the FBI because they didn't like Trump, and they DON'T like conservatives - including everyday Americans. They went after Trump, it's only a matter of time before they can come after YOU.

Mark my words: We will not rest until the truth is known, and the Deep State is utterly defeated!
Steve Eichler,

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