

Saturday, July 21, 2018

Jeanine Pirro, Whoopi Goldberg Get into Shouting Match on ‘The View’

 Image result for Jeanine Pirro, Whoopi Goldberg Get into Shouting Match on ‘The View’

Jeanine Pirro, Whoopi Goldberg Get into Shouting Match on ‘The View’ – ‘Goodbye, I’m Done’
On the popular talk show “The View” Thursday morning, host Whoopi Goldberg ended the show abruptly after getting into an argument with Fox News host Jeanine Pirro over President Donald Trump.
Pirro was originally invited on the show to talk about her new book, “Liars, Leakers, and Liberals: The Case Against the Anti-Trump Conspiracy.” But the conversation soon spiraled into an argument after Goldberg broached the subject of the president.
According to The Washington Examiner, Pirro insisted, “I’m not here to talk about what Donald Trump is and isn’t,” but Goldberg still began to pressure Pirro to answer whether or not she thought Trump was an “ideologue that is faithful to conservative policies.”
Pirro replied, saying she thought Goldberg suffered from “Trump Derangement Syndrome,” referring to people who bash Trump simply because they hate him as a president.
“Listen, I don’t have Trump Derangement,” Goldberg replied.

“Let me tell you what I have. I’m tired of people starting a conversation with, ‘Mexicans are liars and rapists.’”
According to The Hill, Goldberg continued to argue, “Listen, I’m 62 years old. There have been a lot of people in office that I didn’t agree with.”
“But I have never, ever seen anything like this. I have never seen anybody whip up such hate. I have never seen anybody be so dismissive.”
“What I suffer from is the inability to figure out how to fix this,” Goldberg continued. “That’s my issue.”
“The View” host then began to pressure Pirro to share about the opening statement of her book, which addressed the “Deep State” of running the government.
“How long has the ‘Deep State’ been there, and who’s running it?” Goldberg asked, to which Pirro responded she would rather address Goldberg’s opening statement about Trump.
“Your opening statement which was how horrible it is that Donald Trump is talking about all of these people,” Pirro said.
“I’m sorry, that’s not what I said,” Goldberg responded.
“You know what’s horrible?” Pirro immediately responded. “When people who shouldn’t be here end up murdering the children of American citizens.”
The conversation quickly came to an end when Goldberg shouted, “What is horrible is when the president of the United States whips up people to beat the hell out of people! Say good-bye. I’m done!”
After an abrupt commercial break, Goldberg addressed her audience about her reaction.
“You saw me do something I very rarely do. You saw me lose my cool. And I’m not proud of it and I don’t like it. But I also don’t like being accused of being hysterical, because that’s one of the things I try not to be on this show.”
Update: Pirro addressed the explosive exchange on “The Sean Hannity Show” later on Thursday.
“I’m still reeling from it, to be honest with you,” she told Hannity’s radio audience. “I went on thinking that we would have a discussion about the book. The truth is, that it was an attack on Donald Trump, and then on me.”
“I sat there as Whoopi Goldberg pontificated about how horrible Donald Trump was and at one point I said ‘you know I’m here to talk about the book’ and then she went ballistic – ended the segment,” Pirro added.
The former judge told Hannity she tried to talk to Goldberg after the program telling her, “something like ‘Whoopi I fought for victims my whole life,’ and she came at me as I was leaving and she said, ‘F you’ in my face – literally spitting at me, ‘F you, get the F out of this building.’”
Pirro recounted that she felt like she was walking out of the building like a kicked dog.
“So forget about what she did to me on set,” she said, “which was horrific in itself but the treatment by Whoopi Goldberg is typical of what is going on in this country.”
Pirro concluded: “I’ll tell you, Sean, I’ve been a prosecutor, a judge for 30 years. I’ve sat on murder trials – I’d go toe-to-toe with anyone. I’ve tried murder cases, I’ve gone against drug cartels… I have never been treated like that in my life. I was stunned.”


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