

Friday, June 22, 2018

Time Propagates Bald-Faced Fake News

Time Propagates Bald-Faced Fake News

The magazine egregiously and falsely suggested an illegal alien girl was separated from her mother.


The cover of the latest issue of Time magazine features two individuals. One is a little Honduran girl crying while juxtaposed and looking down at her is President Donald Trump. The caption reads, “Welcome to America.” The clear message being sent by the leftist magazine is that this poor little girl is alone, separated from her parents because of Trump’s zero-tolerance illegal immigration policy. In announcing its cover, Time tweeted “TIME’s new cover: A reckoning after Trump’s border separation policy: What kind of country are we?”
However, as has become all too common with the Leftmedia narrative, there is one massive problem with Time’s cover — that little Honduran girl was never separated from her mother. In fact, after leaving the rest of her family, her mother had paid a human trafficker $6,000 to smuggle them across the U.S. border, where they were subsequently arrested by Border Patrol agents. Border Patrol agent Carlos Ruiz explained, “We were patrolling the border. It was 10 o'clock at night. We asked her to set the kid down in front of her, not away from her — she was right in front of her … so we can properly search the mother.” Ruiz added, “So the kid immediately started crying as she set her down. I personally went up to the mother and asked her, ‘Are you doing OK? Is the kid OK?’ and she said, ‘Yes. She’s tired and thirsty. It’s 11 o'clock at night.’”
Was the minor separated from her mother later? No, both mother (Sandra) and child (Yanela Denise) were detained at a family residential center in Texas together. The Daily Mail tracked down Sandra’s husband still living in Honduras. He explained that his wife desired to go to the U.S. to seek a “better future,” but that he did not support the idea. Sandra left behind three other children on her trek to seek asylum in the U.S. But, if she was seeking asylum, why did she not go to a port of entry and do so legally? Because Sandra is a repeat offender. Back in 2013, she was arrested and deported for illegally crossing the border. It would appear that this illegal alien had no grounds for claiming asylum, thus her decision to break U.S. law. This may be more common than the Leftmedia would care to report.
Clearly, none of these facts matter to Time, for the agenda being pushed is open borders. The powerful emotive image of a crying little girl offered too much potential as a tantalizing piece of propaganda to be ignored. And if the truth gets out, no matter — it’s the immediate emotional impact that moves people. It’s become common practice for the Leftmedia to package the news not to inform but to disinform. And Times coverage is one of the most egregious examples to date.
So, as the saying goes, don’t believe the hype. Discretion and reasoned inquiry must precede any acceptance of news from any media source. Blindly trusting a news report simply because of the notoriety of the media organization is foolishly naive. Thankfully, a growing majority of Americans are recognizing just how biased mainstream media has become.

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