

Sunday, June 3, 2018


Janet Varney


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Homelessness is the condition of people lacking "a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence" as defined by The McKinney–Vento Homeless Assistance Act. Homelessness emerged as a national issue in the 1870s. Many homeless people lived in emerging urban cities, such as New York City. Into the 20th century, the Great Depression of the 1930…caused a devastating epidemic of poverty, hunger, and homelessness.

The number of homeless people grew in the 1980s, as housing and social service cut increased. There are homeless vets, homeless children, homeless college youths, homeless families and homeless women with children living on the streets of America today.

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In the state of California, it seems that many of the Golden State’s extraordinary advantages are being recklessly undermined by a governor who likes to think of himself as a beacon of rectitude – but who has a record of bumbling incompetence, special interest corruption and ideological extremism that places him firmly on the Loony Left.

So where has all the money gone? That’s where the special interest corruption comes in. Brown has repeatedly used public money to reward his – and his party’s – paymasters in the public sector unions.

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The California Democrats, biased newspaper writer’s care more about the heroin-addicted homeless than the safety and welfare of children and families

Adding insult to injury, the ACLU constantly threatens to sue cities to allow the homeless to use (live in) the parks and encourages tent cities.

And don’t blame the homeless population in California on Ronald Reagan—he did not close the state’s mental hospitals as the leftist media has incorrectly repeated for 50 years. It was President John F. Kennedy who in his October 31, 1963 legislation—The Community Mental Health Act of 1963—ordered the building of 1,500 mental health centers so people with mental illnesses living in state mental hospitals could be treated while working and living at or near home. Kennedy’s program closed many hospitals over time, known as deinstitutionalization.

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Democrat politicians normalize homelessness. They are trying to make Californians accept volumes of homeless as a standard population component of any city.

The explosion of California homelessness can be directly linked to the radical left’s determination to empty out the jails and prisons through legislation and ballot initiatives, claiming to be for safe neighborhoods and the well-being of our children. Combine that with the outrageous housing costs and lack of available affordable housing and California is ground zero for a homeless explosion comparable only to colonies of feral cats.

The Democrat-dominated California Legislature has pushed and legislated policies that do nothing to decrease homelessness.

Ironically, the failed mayors of hell-hole California cities (Antonio Villaraigosa of Los Angeles, and Gavin Newsom of San Francisco, home of the Human defecation map), are running for Governor of California—just as current termed-out Governor Jerry Brown did, after making Oakland, CA an even bigger drug and crime-ridden hell-hole than it already was.

The leftist Sacramento Bee Associate Editor Erika Smith is playing a nasty game of class envy and “getting even,” by using the homeless people she claims to care about as punishment to a nearby neighborhood.

She is challenging the city to install huge pop-up tent facilities for homeless at a site next to Sacramento’s largest regional park. But this park, visited by 1. 5 million people a year, is also home to the Sacramento Zoo, children’s Fairytale Town and Funderland Amusement Park, and William Land Park 9-hole golf course.

Why would she want to put Sacramento’s children in harm's way? A giant tent does nothing to help the homeless get the much-needed drug abuse and mental health services they need.

Some of the 200 occupants of a homeless tent/shelter would obviously spend their days loitering in the park, smoking pot, crack, injecting heroin, and yelling at imaginary enemies and passers-by, rather than inside the homeless shelter. It’s already home to 44% of the city’s low-income housing..

Gov. Jerry Brown’s A.B. 109, ‘realigned’ California’s overcrowded prison system, shifting the responsibility of repeat, newly classified ‘nonviolent’ offenders from state prisons to county jails. Those released were assigned county probation officers rather than state parole officers. Those newly ‘non-violent’ criminals let out of county jails due to overcrowding are living on the streets, living on our parkways, rivers, and canals, and using the streets as their toilets.

The Obama-Holder prison reform program, which subverted the actual law, encouraged states to ignore certain crimes, decriminalize certain crimes, in exchange for receiving extra federal grants… along with a massive homeless population.

The federal Housing and Urban Development agency published its 2017 report on homelessness which found California not only has the largest homeless population in the country, the population grew from 2016. California had 134,278 homeless in 2017, of which 91,642 were unsheltered—a 13.7% increase from 2016.

The HUD report found the number of homeless declined in 30 states during the same time period between 2016 and 2017, with the largest decreases in Georgia (2,735 fewer people), Massachusetts (2,043 fewer people), and Florida (1,369 fewer people). The largest percentage decreases were in South Carolina (23%), Georgia (21%), and Louisiana (17%).
The number of homeless increased in 20 states between 2016 and 2017, with the largest increases in California (16,136 people), New York (3,151 people), and Oregon (715 people). The largest percentage increases were in North Dakota (18%), California (14%), New Mexico (10%), and Vermont (10%).

Now, cities are even repealing anti-begging laws.

And don’t blame the homeless population in California on Ronald Reagan—he did not close the state’s mental hospitals as the leftist media has incorrectly repeated for 50 years. It was President John F. Kennedy who in his October 31, 1963 legislation.

The most shameful and vivid symbols of Jerry Brown’s failure must surely be the staggering, Third World-style homeless encampments on the streets of California’s big cities.

By Janet Varney

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