

Sunday, June 17, 2018


Janet Varney


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Image result for HAPPY FATHERS DAY

While almost any man can father a child, there is so much more to the important role of being a dad in a child’s life. Let’s look at who the father is, and why he is so important.

Studies show that if your child’s father is affectionate, supportive, and involved, he can contribute greatly to your child’s cognitive, language, and social development, as well as academic achievement, a strong inner core resource, sense of well-being, good self-esteem, and authenticity.

Girls will look for men who hold the patterns of good old dad, for, after all, they know how “to do that.” Therefore, if father was kind, loving, and gentle, they will reach for those characteristics in men. Girls will look for, in others, what they have experienced and become familiar with in childhood. Because they’ve gotten used to those familial and historical behavioral patterns, they think that they can handle them in relationships.

Boys, on the other hand, will model themselves after their fathers. They will look for their father’s approval in everything they do, and copy those behaviors that they recognize as both successful and familiar. Thus, if dad was abusive, controlling, and dominating, those will be the patterns that their sons will imitate and emulate. However, if the father is loving, kind, supportive, and protective, boys will want to be that.

I thought it might be appropriate to gather the ingredients to mix up the perfect dad. Think of it like baking a cake. Except we're making a dad, so we won't actually put him in the oven.

Just like flour is the main ingredient in a cake, love is what you need most of when whipping up a dad.

Love is the adoring look as he gazes at his baby. Love is the wonder of first steps and that pang on the first day of school. Love is watching soccer in the rain, driving lessons and saying yes to that over-priced prom gown.

Love is the tear that flows when your child says, "I do," and the feeling of awe when you hold your grandchild.

In addition to love, our recipe needs a cup and a half of patience. Dad will need it to cope with a crying baby, a mischievous toddler and the little ones who fail Potty Training 101.

He will need it when Junior forgets his lunch when he learns Cub Scouts starts in 45 minutes and when those hormones kick in during middle school.

The recipe also calls for a teaspoon of discipline. With tots, discipline is a firm "No." Later, it becomes "Because I said so," which can be followed by a slammed door.

Now today is the age of a Transgender ‘Dad’ that becomes the “norm” in a society that accepts any and all. To try and change God’s creation is immoral and sacrilegious.

Nothing’s changed.  God Almighty still assigns gender.  Little boys are still little boys, and little girls still little girls to their doting parents even though little girls now face the risk of running into males posing as females in public school washrooms,  courtesy of former President Barack Obama; even though they’re stretched like bubblegum in class with no Mamas around. Biology can’t be changed by politics.

Why are little kids going off to kindergarten each September knowing who and what they are, (“Don’t let anyone play with my bike while I’m at school!”) but coming home confused about their genders?

Don’t blame Bruce (Caitlyn) Jenner or even the deeply confused Bradley (Chelsea) Manning.
Blame politicians like Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and French President Emmanuel Macron, not just for blowing good money on cosmetics, but because both continue to identify as ‘Feminists’.

Ask the wives of both prime minister and president if their husbands are “guys”.
The best way possible to catch Trudeau and Macron up on their insincerity about identifying as ‘Feminists’  is to tune in to C-SPAN on Canadian Parliament when Trudeau’s in the House and to whatever the French version of C-SPAN is in France when Macron’s in political action.

Do you ever hear either one of them using Gender Neutral/Gender Inclusive Pronouns they force on the rest of society?

“A gender neutral or gender inclusive pronoun is a pronoun which does not associate a gender with the individual who is being discussed

“Some languages, such as English, do not have a gender neutral or third gender pronoun available, and this has been criticized, since, in many instances, writers, speakers, etc. use “he/his” when referring to a generic individual in the third person

Also, the dichotomy of “he and she” in English does not leave room for other gender identities, which is a source of frustration to the transgender and gender queer communities.”

 So Trudeau, who tried to foist the term “PEOPLEKIND”  rather than “Mankind” on a woman at a town hall gather,  later claiming it was only a “dumb joke” could be referred to by the term “emself” without anyone but “emself” raising an eyebrow!

Ditto for confused about “emself” Macon.
Good monikers for both who only identify as ‘Feminists’ to pander to the Woman’s Vote.
Dried up like the breastmilk of CNN’s Transgender ‘Dad’ (who had his breasts removed in May) would be transgendering over from one sex to another if the surgery to make it possible was forced back on would-be transgenders rather than the public purse.

Finally, on this Father’s day, it is important to recognize and reward dads for being there, and actively teaching important life skills to children. It is important to their children, and meaningful to dads everywhere when you say “Thank you, job well done.” This, after all, is what makes life worth living. This is your true legacy: ensuring the health and well-being of your children, that future generation to be.

Meanwhile, Happy Father’s Day to all fathers even though most can easily see that the Alpha Male lies bruised and bleeding on the cutting room floor.

Thanks, Dad in heaven and on earth.

By Janet Varney

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