

Monday, June 11, 2018

JANET'S WORLD: HER THOUGHTS FOR TODAY,06/11/18 - Mess With the Bull You Get The Horns!

Janet Varney


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Image result for Mess With the Bull you get the horns!


Almost 17 months into the Trump presidency, even among world leaders once appalled by his pathological narcissism and aggressive ignorance, a certain level of acceptance has taken hold. To be sure, they once hoped the madness could be managed, but those days clearly are over.

The “adults” in the Trump administration have mostly been expelled. Those who remain are letting Trump be Trump. And he’s having a ball. So the questions that are posed in the wider world are about isolating his craziness, enduring it, or like embracing the madness as if it were just a game, a shrewd negotiating ploy.

Will we all just get used to Trump? And, yes, despite continued talk of “the resistance,” that is exactly what’s happening at all levels of society.

Many in the public may simply tune out, but heads of state and senior policymakers cannot do that, so confusion continues to reign, and that’s what we saw at the G7 on Friday and Saturday. It’s very likely that’s what Trump intended, which is crazy like a fox, or just crazy….. Or conceivably both.

Amid headlines about tariff disputes, a basic fact is lost. The so-called Group of Seven “most industrialized countries in the world” is not just a club for the rich, but for leaders who traditionally assumed they shared the same basic values: belief in empirical facts, fundamental human freedoms, sacrosanct democratic processes, and the rule of law. All of which is to say it’s a club where Trump doesn’t fit in. He has shown he shares none of those values.

 “The American President may not mind being isolated, but neither do we mind signing a 6 country agreement if need be,” Macron tweeted going into the summit. “Because these 6 countries represent values, they represent an economic market which has the weight of history behind it and which is now a truly international force.”

So, what does Trump do when he comes across a club that doesn’t want him as a member? He starts his own. (Ask people in Palm Beach.) That may be what he had in mind when, as he set off for his hit-and-split visit to the G7 in Canada, he shouted to the press the need to bring Russia back into the group as “the G8.”

In fact, Russia never had a place there. Its economy by comparison with the G7 countries is insignificant, on a par with Australia’s. It was brought into the “G8” in 1997 as a gesture in hopes post-Soviet Russia would embrace, yes, the values of the G7. By 2014, under Vladimir Putin, that clearly was not the case: Putin seized Crimea, annexed it, and launched a war in eastern Ukraine that has cost more than 10,000 lives, including hundreds of innocents killed on a Malaysian airliner shot down by one of Putin’s anti-aircraft missiles. That’s why Russia was expelled from the G8, and that’s why it won’t be invited back.

But Trump is comfortable with Putin. He has made that more than clear. And he is comfortable with China’s Xi Jinping, whom he likes to call “my good friend.” Perhaps coincidentally, Putin and Xi met in Beijing on the eve of the G7, acting like besties, and signing $3 billion worth of nuclear energy deals. Would Trump have preferred to be there rather than in Canada? Very likely.

As Trump checked out of the G7 early, ostensibly so he could head off to Singapore for his “hot date with Kim Jong Un”, the impression lingered that he was much more at ease with the tyrants who are America’s adversaries than with the leaders of the countries that have been its closest allies for the last 70 years.

Trump said the G7 should do away with all tariffs. As the Financial Times reported, that left the other leaders “flummoxed.” This especially at a time when Trump has been promising to tax all German cars off the streets of the United States, even though most are assembled therein plants that employ tens of thousands of people in South Carolina, Tennessee, and Alabama…

Here’s the thing, nobody expects Trump to be rational anymore. And few people really believe this madness will end any time soon. Crazy as it sounds, the world is just getting used to him, and while Trump’s counterparts scramble for answers, the rest of us are left searching for a way to be, in the classic line from Pink Floyd, “comfortably numb.”

Reporters, including those on Air Force One en route to the Kim Jong Un summit in Singapore, were told that the United States would sign the G7's anodyne joint declaration. But no. Trump went into a rage aboard the plane, apparently after watching a press conference held by Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau at the conclusion of the summit, which Trump had not bothered to attend.

President Donald Trump’s top economic and trade advisers on Sunday doubled down on the president’s attacks on Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, saying there’s a “special place in hell” for the “weak” and “dishonest” Canadian leader. “Based on Justin’s false statements at his news conference, and the fact that Canada is charging massive Tariffs to our U.S. farmers, workers and companies, I have instructed our U.S. Reps not to endorse the Communique, (a statement made to the media), as we look at Tariffs on automobiles flooding the U.S. Market!,” the President tweeted on Saturday.

In a second tweet, President Trump said, “PM Justin Trudeau of Canada acted so meek and mild during our G7 meetings only to give a news conference after I left saying that, ‘US Tariffs were kind of insulting’ and he ‘will not be pushed around.’ Very dishonest & weak. Our Tariffs are in response to his of 270% on dairy!”

One of the basic issues here is Canada's dairy tariffs, which are definitely protective and have grown worse for U.S. farmers after Canadian regulators moved to close a huge loophole.

The name-calling underscores the growing rift between the U.S. and one of its closest allies over trade policies and tariffs, threatens to further upend the progress on key economic issues that world leaders say they made at the G7 summit over the weekend.

Could this whole thing be getting out of hand? It feels like everything’s becoming transactional somehow.

By Janet Varney

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