

Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Actor James Woods Puts Pelosi in Her Place


In her typical anti-American rant, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi tried to downplay the latest news on America’s booming economy and jobs numbers. She blatantly stated that the jobs numbers mean little to American families who are having to cope with the rising costs due to Republicans.

Actor James Woods, a longtime staunch Republican, responded to Pelosi’s absurd comment by saying that she is terrified over the fact that Americans are working and that the Democrat’s rely on a strategy of welfare, illegal immigration and taxing everyone for working and creating things. He went on to say that the recruiting engine of the Democratic Party is built on misery and poverty.

(Sarah Palin) – James Woods just took House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi to the woodshed and this brutal takedown won’t be quickly forgotten.

Pelosi, the gift that keeps on giving to the Republican Party, had a major blunder on Friday when she said that “strong employment numbers mean little.” Pelosi made the comment in a statement after a historic jobs report came out from the Trump administration.

“May’s jobs report shows that strong employment numbers mean little to the families hit with soaring new costs under the Republicans’ watch,” Pelosi’s statement read.

Cue Woods.

“Pelosi is terrified that Americans are working again, of course,” he said, before ripping the entire Democrat Party…

If you listen to Democrats already in Congress and those running for Congress, you will hear how they want to undo all of the things that President Trump and Republicans have done to bring the economic prosperity America is now enjoying. They want to repeal the tax cuts, raise taxes, shut down oil and coal and spend billions of dollars on green energy. They want to put millions of Americans out of work and reliant on the government for their every need – a program known as socialism.

James Woods May Have Just Forced Pelosi Into Retirement After This Brutal Takedown
James Woods just took House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi to the woodshed and this brutal takedown won’t be quickly forgotten.
Pelosi, the gift that keeps on giving to the Republican Party, had a major blunder on Friday when she said that “strong employment numbers mean little.” Pelosi made the comment in a statement after a historic jobs report came out from the Trump administration.
“May’s jobs report shows that strong employment numbers mean little to the families hit with soaring new costs under the Republicans’ watch,” Pelosi’s statement read.
Cue Woods.
“Pelosi is terrified that Americans are working again, of course,” he said, before ripping the entire Democrat Party.
“The entire Democrat strategy is based on welfare, illegal immigration, and taxing those who work and create. Misery and poverty are the recruiting engines of the Democratic Party,” he added.
is terrified that Americans are working again, of course. The entire strategy is based on welfare, illegal immigration, and taxing those who work and create. Misery and poverty are the recruiting engine of the Democratic Party. 

Check out some of these responses:

In other words, keep people and make them depend on the government’s aid. The more free stuff they get, the better your chances are of getting re-elected. Right from the Saul Alinsky playbook.

They have to, especially after yesterday’s unemployment numbers came out. And they didn’t even mention 4.7% GDP number for May. The last prez had a hard time reaching 2.5%. I remember when he said, “those jobs aren’t coming back”. Welp๐Ÿคท๐Ÿผ‍♂️๐Ÿ˜‚

If Woods is right and Pelosi is against job growth, then it makes sense as to why she is unimpressed with the new jobs report.
The May jobs report said:
  • 223,000 jobs were created in the month of May
  • Unemployment among women is at 3.6 percent, the lowest since 1953
  • Black and Hispanic unemployment are also at historic lows
  • And, Black unemployment is now lower than at any point under the Obama presidency
  • General unemployment hit an 18-year low at 3.8 percent
  • Finally, more than 1 million jobs have been created since the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act was signed into law
Pelosi’s statement continued: “Republicans’ cruel, cynical healthcare sabotage campaign is already spiking families’ premiums by double digits and pushing millions off their coverage, according to the nonpartisan CBO.”
And, “Big Pharma continues to hoard the benefits of the GOP tax scam, using their handouts to further enrich executives and shareholders instead of lowering prescription drug costs for seniors and sick kids. At the same time, the President’s reckless policies are exploding gas prices, wiping out the few meager gains that some families should have received from the GOP tax scam, as wages remain stagnant.”
“From day one, the White House and Republicans in Congress have sold out working and middle-class families to further enrich the wealthy and big corporations shipping jobs overseas,” she added. “Thanks to the massive windfall of the GOP tax scam, Wall Street, and wealthy corporations are on track to spend $1 trillion on dividends and stock buybacks while simultaneously announcing tens of thousands of layoffs and shipping jobs overseas and refusing to raise workers’ wages.”
“Democrats know that the American people deserve A Better Deal, with Better Jobs, Better Wages, and a Better Future,” Pelosi concluded. “We are committed to creating millions of new good-paying jobs and raising wages, lowering the soaring cost of living for families and giving every American the tools to succeed in the 21st Century economy. Democrats will never stop fighting for the hard-working middle-class families who are the backbone of our nation.”

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