

Saturday, May 26, 2018

ROUNDED UP OF- Individuals with Involvement or Affiliation in Trump Surveillance

Image result for ROUNDED UP OF- Individuals with Involvement of Affiliation in Trump Surveillance

A Listing of Participants

The following is an attempt to begin compiling a more complete list of individuals with involvement or affiliation in Trump Surveillance, Steele Dossier and/or the Russia Narrative.
Updated: 5-12-18. Information on UK private intelligence firm Hakluyt, Alexander Downer and Stefan Halper added. FBI Agent Pientka.
Individuals have been placed into the following groups:
  • Resignations/Firings – Department of Justice (Non-FBI)
  • Resignations/Firings – FBI
  • FBI/DOJ Watch List
  • FBI – Assignments Away from FBI Headquarters
  • Other Notable Retirements
  • Intelligence Officials – United States
  • Intelligence Officials – Britain
  • Intelligence Officials – Australia
  • Obama Officials
  • Clinton Campaign/DNC
  • Clinton Confidants
  • Perkins Coie
  • Websites/Blogs – Lawfare, Just Security, Moscow Project
  • Think Tanks – Center for American Progress, Atlantic Council, Brookings Institution
  • Crowdstrike
  • Fusion GPS’ (Bean LLC) Principals and Key Staff
  • Fusion Affiliations
  • Christopher Steele Connections
  • Hakluyt – UK private Intelligence firm
  • Penn Quarter Group
  • Papadopoulos Related
  • Trump Tower Meeting
  • Individuals Relating to Magnitsky Act
  • Oleg Deripaska Connections
  • Mueller Team
  • Congress
  • FISA Court Judges
  • Print Reporters
Treat this post as a work in progress. Names will be added as we move forward.
To the extent you believe something to be materially wrong or missing, let me know. I will attempt to verify.
Work. In. Progress.
Resignations/Firings – Department of Justice (Non-FBI):
  • John Carlin – Assistant Attorney General – Head of DOJ’s National Security Division – announced resignation on September 27, 2016, after filing the Government’s proposed 2016 Section 702 certifications on September 26, 2016. The filing does not disclose known FISA Abuses. Carlin is aware NSA Rogers is conducting a compliance review which will uncover the FISA Abuse. The 2016 certifications are scheduled for Court approval on October 26, 2016. Trump surveillance originated under Carlin’s tenure.
  • Sally Yates – Deputy Attorney General & Acting Attorney General (replacing Loretta Lynch – 10 days) – fired January 30, 2017. Complicit in Flynn Surveillance and surveillance of Trump Campaign.
  • Mary McCord – Acting Assistant Attorney General – Acting Head of DOJ’s National Security Division (replacing John Carlin) – announced resignation on April 17, 2017 – Left on May 11, 2017. Complicit in Flynn Surveillance and surveillance of Trump Campaign.
  • Peter Kadzik – Assistant Attorney General for Legislative Affairs. Resigned January 2017. On May 19, 2015, Kadzik sent Podesta an email appearing to tip off Clinton Campaign about the Justice Department’s review of Clinton’s emails.
  • Bruce Ohr – Associate Deputy Attorney General – demoted twice. Stripped of Associate Deputy Attorney General title on December 6, 2017. Removed as head of the Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Force January 8, 2018. Unofficial liaison between Fusion GPS and FBI/DOJ. Wife worked at Fusion. Long-standing ties to both Christopher Steele and Glenn Simpson/Fusion GPS.
  • David Laufman – DOJ National Security Division, Deputy Asst. Attorney General in charge of counterintelligence – resigned on February 7, 2018. Laufman “played a leading role in the Clinton email server and Russian hacking investigations.”
  • Rachel Brand – Associate Attorney General – number three official behind Deputy AG Rosenstein – resigned February 9, 2018. Takes top legal position at Walmart. Brand “played a critical role in Congress’ re-authorization” of section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act.
  • Matthew Axelrod – Principal Associate Deputy Attorney General. May have been individual who had a phone call with Deputy FBI Director McCabe re: Clinton Foundation. From IG McCabe Report: “A senior Justice Department official called Mr. McCabe to voice his displeasure at finding that New York FBI agents were still openly pursuing the Clinton Foundation probe during the election season. The Justice Department official was “very pissed off,” according to one person close to McCabe, and pressed him to explain why the FBI was still chasing a matter the department considered dormant…” Axelrod resigned on January 30, 2017, when AG Sally Yates was fired.
  • Preet Bharara – U.S. District Attorney. Involved in Prevezon Case. Used as a threat by AG Lynch re: Weiner email/Clinton email case. Fired by President Trump on March 11, 2017.
Resignations/Firings – FBI:
  • James Comey – FBI Director – fired May 9, 2017. Oversaw all FBI operations – including exoneration of Clinton and Trump-Russia Investigation. Reported to AG Lynch.
  • Andrew McCabe – Deputy FBI Director – on December 23, 2017, announced retirement effective March 22, 2018. Forced to resign active position on January 29, 2018. Fired on March 16, 2018. Involved in all aspects. Subject of IG Report – will be featured in future ones. Reported to Comey.
  • Peter Strzok – Deputy Assistant Director of FBI’s Counterintelligence – forced off Mueller’s team – demoted August 16, 2017 to FBI’s Human Resources. IG Horowitz discovered texts July 27, 2017. Strzok involved in all facets of Clinton exoneration. Working member of “Insurance Policy” group.
  • Lisa Page – FBI/DOJ Lawyer – forced off Mueller’s team – demoted August 16, 2017. IG Horowitz discovered texts July 27, 2017. Working member of “Insurance Policy” group. Page resigned/fired May 4, 2016.
  • James Baker – FBI General Counsel – demoted and reassigned on December 20, 2017. Working member of “Insurance Policy” group. Senior-most legal counsel at FBI. Baker resigned/fired May 4, 2016. Took position at Lawfare.
  • James Rybicki – Chief of Staff to FBI Director James Comey & successor Chris Wray – resigned/forced out January 23, 2018. Working member of “Insurance Policy” group.
  • Josh Campbell – Special Assistant to James Comey – resigned on February 2, 2018. Writes op-ed in New York Times on why he is leaving but does not disclose in op-ed that he was Special Assistant to Comey – or that he had been offered lucrative CNN job. Takes a job with CNN on February 5, 2018.
  • Michael Kortan – FBI Asst. Director of Public Affairs – resigned on February 8, 2018 – effective February 15, 2018. Kortan served as assistant director for public affairs, an influential job that controlled media access.
  • Greg Brower (FBI) – Assistant Director for the Office of Congressional Affairs. FBI’s liaison with Congress. Listed by Devin Nunes as one of the individuals he wants to interview. Resigned suddenly on March 30, 2018.
  • James Turgal (FBI) – Executive Assistant Director for Information and Technology Branch. Retired from FBI sometime prior to January 9, 2018.
  • Michael B. Steinbach (FBI) – Executive Assistant Director for the National Security Branch. Was FBI’s top national security official. Some reports state Steinbach replaced John Giacalone who quit over frustration with Clinton Investigation. Other reports say it was McCabe who replaced Giacalone. Steinbach claims to have personally handled the Clinton Email Investigation. Retired from FBI in February 2017.
  • Bill Priestap – Assistant Director – Head of FBI Counterintelligence – Holds same position. Strzok’s boss – reported directly to McCabe. More herehere and here.
FBI/DOJ Watch List:
  • David Bowditch (FBI) – Replaced Andrew McCabe as Acting Deputy FBI Director. Bowditch’s name is featured in emails and Strzok texts.
  • Trisha Anderson (DOJ) – adviser in the Justice Department’s Office of Legal Counsel, was previously an attorney at Attorney General Eric Holder’s former firm, Covington & Burling. Attended two April 25, 2016, White House meetings with FBI Counsel James Baker and several DOJ FISA lawyers – Tashina Guahar, Christopher Hardee, Brad Wiegmann. Anderson’s name appears in Strzok/Page texts.
  • Sally Moyer (FBI) – Attorney. Listed by Devin Nunes as one of the individuals he wants to interview.
  • Dana Boente (DOJ/FBI) – FBI General Counsel – Appointed on January 23, 2018 – replacing James Baker who was demoted and reassigned. Acting Head of DOJ’s National Security Division until January 23, 2018 and the US Attorney for the Eastern District of Virginia. Replaced Mary McCord in NSD Role. Was briefly Acting Deputy Attorney General until Rosenstein appointed. Likely White Hat.
  • Edward O’Callaghan (DOJ) – became Acting Assistant Attorney General and Acting Head of DOJ’s National Security Division on January 27, 2018, replacing Dana Boente.
  • Jonathan Moffa (FBI) – Copied on Comey’s Draft Statement exonerating Clinton of Email Scandal. Mentioned in Strzok/Page texts. Surprisingly hard to find any information on Moffa.
  • Michael Gaeta (FBI) – Ran FBI’s Eurasian organized crime unit in New York. Has known Steele previously. Led the 2013 FBI investigation of Russian mafia boss, Alimzhan Tokhtakhounov. For two years ending in 2013, the FBI had a court-approved warrant to eavesdrop on Tokhtakhounov’s money-laundering network that operated out of unit 63A in Trump Tower. Gaeta was the FBI Agent sent to London to meet with Christopher Steele and obtain the first copy of Dossier. Gaeta’s trip approved by State’s Victoria Nuland. Gaeta may have given the copy of Dossier to Nuland before anyone else.
  • Joe Pientka – FBI Agent – Counterintelligence Division. Pientka potentially identified by Grassley as second FBI Agent (Strzok the other) present at Flynn Interview.
  • George Toscas – (DOJ) – Deputy Assistant Attorney General in the National Security Division. Toscas contacted by NY Prosecutors (possibly Preet Bharara) about Weiner investigation re: HRC/Huma emails on Weiner computer. Toscas contacts FBI, forcing McCabe to tell Comey of emails.
  • Randy Coleman (FBI) – Executive Assistant Director, oversight of all FBI domestic and international cyber operations and investigations concerning cyber matters.
  • Brian Brooks (FBI) – Assistant Director of the Operational Technology Division. Recently promoted by FBI Director Chris Wray.
  • Tashina Guahar (DOJ) – Deputy Assistant Attorney General. National Security Division. FISA lawyer. Appears in Strzok Texts as “Tash”.
  • Norman “Christopher” Hardee (DOJ) – Chief Counsel for Policy, National Security Division. FISA lawyer.
  • Brad Wiegmann (DOJ) – Deputy Assistant Attorney General, National Security Division – Office of Law and Policy. FISA lawyer.
  • John T. Lynch (DOJ) – Chief, Computer Crime & Intellectual Property Section – Criminal Division.
  • Alan Rozenshtein (DOJ) – Attorney Advisor with the Office of Law and Policy in the National Security Division. Resigned April 2017. Visiting professor. Writes for Lawfare.
  • Iris Lan (DOJ) – Associate Deputy Attorney General. Previously U.S. Attorney at Southern District of New York.
  • James Tranor (FBI) – Assistant Director of the Cyber Division. Mentioned in Strzok Texts. Retired October 2016.
FBI – Assignments Away from FBI Headquarters:
  • Stephen Laycock – Special Agent in charge of the Counterintelligence Division for the Washington Field Office. Previously Section Chief of the Eurasia Section in the Counterintelligence Division at FBI Headquarters.
  • Charles McGonigal – Special Agent in charge of the Counterintelligence Division for the New York Field Office. Previously Section Chief of the Cyber-Counterintelligence Coordination Section at FBI Headquarters.
  • Gerald Roberts – Special Agent in charge of the Intelligence Division of the Washington Field Office. Previously Section Chief of the Terrorist Financing Operations Section in the Counterterrorism Division at FBI Headquarters.
  • Charles Kable – Special Agent in charge of the Counterintelligence Division at the Washington Field Office. Previously Section Chief of the Counterespionage Section at FBI Headquarters.
  • Louis Bladel – Special Agent in charge of the Counterintelligence Division of the New York Field Office. Previously Section Chief of the Counter-Proliferation Center at FBI Headquarters. Retired 2016.
The individuals listed above had been Section Chiefs at FBI Headquarters. Comey transferred each to field offices.
Note: The names of James Turgal, Randy Coleman, Brian Brooks came from a request for all documents and communications from Senator Ron Johnson. Other names on Johnson’s request were previously known.
Other Notable Retirements:
  • Chuck Rosenberg – Former Acting Head of the Drug Enforcement Administration. Twice served as Chief of Staff to former FBI Director James Comey. Abruptly resigned on September 30, 2017.
Intelligence Officials – United States:
  • Richard H. Ledgett Jr – Deputy Director of the NSA. Abruptly retired in April 2017. His retirement is noted in Lawfare.
Intelligence Officials – Britain:
  • Robert Hannigan – Britain’s GCHQ Head. Personally flew to DC to meet with CIA Director John Brennan. Hannigan’s U.S. Counterpart was NSA Rogers – not Brennan. Hannigan would abruptly retire days after President Trump’s Inauguration. More here.
  • Sir Andrew Wood – Former British Ambassador to Russia. Briefed John McCain on Steele Dossier. May have worked on behalf of Fusion and/or Orbis.
  • Richard Dearlove – Former MI6 Head (1999-2004). Was Christopher Steele’s boss. Had known Steele and Burrows personally. Steel and Burrows would meet Dearlove in early Fall 2016. Dearlove advised Steele and Burrows to work discreetly with a top British government official to pass along information to the FBI.
For more intelligence connections see section on UK private intelligence firm Hakluyt.
Intelligence Officials – Australia:
  • Alexander Downer – Australia’s top diplomat in Britain. Met with George Papadopoulos in London. Papadopoulos stated, “Russia had dirt on Hillary”. Months later Australia informed U.S. This would be used as an excuse for FBI’s July 2016 Counterintelligence Investigation. Downer previously arranged one of the largest foreign donations to the Clinton Foundation – $25 million from the Australian government.
Downer sits on the Board of Chinese Telco Huawei. U.S. intelligence experts have deemed Huawei a security threat to the US and other nations. Downer has said that Huawei should not be considered a potential national security risk.
Downer was on the Advisory Board of Hakluyt (private UK intelligence firm) from 2008-2014. He reportedly still maintains contact with Hakluyt officials. Downer probably knows UK’s Dearlove. More on Downer here.
I anticipate the listing of Intelligence Officials – particularly the U.S. and British – to grow moving forward. For more intelligence connections see section on UK private intelligence firm Hakluyt.
Obama Officials:
  • Loretta Lynch – Former Attorney General. Tarmac Meeting with Bill Clinton just prior to FBI’s exoneration of HRC. Strzok Texts suggest that Lynch was aware Comey would not recommend criminal charges in the Clinton investigation prior to Attorney General Lynch’s announcement that she would accept whatever recommendation the FBI made.
  • Valerie Jarrett – Senior Advisor to Obama. Some have asserted Jarrett was behind a plot to destroy Trump. Continued to work w/Obama post-election.
  • Susan Rice – National Security Advisor to Obama. “Susan Rice requested the identities of U.S. persons in raw intelligence reports on dozens of occasions that connect to the Donald Trump transition and campaign.” Rice sent herself an email documenting secret January 5, Oval Office meeting discussing Dossier with herself, Obama and FBI Director Comey. Rice’s email is the only known documentation of the meeting.
  • Denis McDonough – WH Chief of Staff. Strzok Texts suggest coordination between McDonough, then-Senate Democratic Leader Harry Reid and CIA Director John Brennan.
  • Ben Rhodes – Deputy National Security Adviser for Strategic Communications. Personally involved in structuring disastrous Iran Nuclear Deal. Structured Echo Chambers w/press.
  • Samantha Power – Former UN Ambassador. Named as a person who unmasked hundreds of names. Testified that others used her name in unmasking requests.
  • Victoria Nuland – Former Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs. Gave green light to FBI Agent Gaeta’s meeting w/Steele in July 2016. Received copy of Steele Dossier in July 2016. May have seen Dossier prior to FBI Leadership. Gave Dossier to FBI, Kerry. Nuland had known Steel since 2014 through Jonathan Winer. Lied about bilateral talks with Iran.
  • Evelyn Farkas – Former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Russia/Ukraine/Eurasia. Farkas detailed in an interview how the Obama Administration gathered and disseminated intelligence on the Trump Team. Farkas is a Non-Resident Senior Fellow at the Atlantic Council.
  • Kathleen Kavalec – Former Deputy Assistant Secretary for European and Eurasian Affairs. Served under Nuland.
  • John Kerry – Former Secretary of State. Received copy of Dossier from Nuland.
  • Lisa Monaco – White House Homeland Security Adviser. Defended the Obama Administration’s response to Russian Interference.
  • Jonathan Winer – Former Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for International Law Enforcement and former Special Envoy for Libya. Received copy of Shadow Dossier from Blumenthal. Also received a copy of Steele Dossier in September 2016. Has known Steele for some years.
Clinton Campaign/DNC:
  • John Podesta – Chairman of Hillary Clinton Campaign. Served as White House Chief of Staff to Bill Clinton. Counselor to Obama. Brother to Tony Podesta of now-defunct Podesta Group. Received “Inquiry Letter” from Grassley.
  • Huma Abedin – Vice Chair for Clinton Campaign. Thousands of emails would be found on her husband’s laptop. The FBI knew of these emails some weeks before disclosing.
  • Cheryl Mills – Former Chief of Staff and Clinton’s personal attorney. Granted immunity by FBI in Email Investigation.
  • Heather Samuelson – Former Senior Advisor. Clinton attorney. Granted immunity by FBI in Email Investigation
  • Jennifer Palmieri – Communications Director for the Clinton Campaign. Along with Jake Sullivan, Palmieri took the lead in briefing the press on the Trump-Russia collusion story.
  • Jake Sullivan – Senior Policy Advisor to Clinton Campaign – expertise in foreign policy. Along with Jennifer Palmieri, Sullivan took the lead in briefing the press on the Trump-Russia collusion story.
  • Robbie Mook – Campaign Manager for Clinton Campaign. On July 25, 2016, Mook stated Russia was helping Trump.
  • Joel Benenson – Chief Strategist for Clinton Campaign. Strategist for Obama’s 2008 and 2012 presidential campaigns. CEO of Benenson Strategy Group. Received “Inquiry Letter” from Grassley.
  • Donna Brazile – Interim DNC Chairwoman. Shared CNN debate questions with Clinton Campaign’s Jennifer Palmieri. Says she was “appalled by Trump’s suggestion to Russia”. Received “Inquiry Letter” from Grassley.
  • Debbie Wasserman Schultz – Former DNC Chairwoman. Linked to Awan Scandal. Conspired against Sanders. After Crowdstrike was brought in to investigate hacked DNC severs, Wasserman Schultz refused to give FBI access. Received “Inquiry Letter” from Grassley.
  • Alexandra Chalupa – A Ukrainian-American operative who was consulting for the Democratic National Committee. Chalupa met with top officials in the Ukrainian Embassy in Washington in an effort to expose ties between Trump, Paul Manafort, and Russia. The DNC paid her $412,000 from 2004 to June 2016, according to Federal Election Commission records.
Clinton Confidants:
  • Cody Shearer – Compiled a “shadow” dossier that was similar in make-up to the Steele Dossier. Shearer gave this “shadow dossier” to Sidney Blumenthal who passed Shearer’s dossier on to Jonathan Winer in September 2016. Winer would then share this information with Steele.
  • Sidney Blumenthal – Received Shadow Dossier from Shearer. Passed copy to Jonathan Winer at State Department.
  • Terry McAuliffe – Virginia Governor and longtime Clinton confidant Terry McAuliffe donated $467,500 to the 2015 Senate campaign of Dr. Jill McCabe. The Virginia Democratic Party (controlled by McAuliffe) donated an additional $207,788 for a grand total of $675,288. Clinton’s private server was uncovered by the New York Times on March 2, 2015 – five days before McAuliffe’s first meeting with the McCabe’s. More on McAuliffe/McCabe here.
Perkins Coie:
  • Marc Elias – Partner at the law firm Perkins Coie. Head of its Political Law practice. Elias was General Counsel for Clinton’s Campaign and Kerry’s 2004 Campaign. Elias retained Fusion GPS and paid for Steele Dossier on behalf of DNC. Appears to be involved in multiple facets. Lied to NYT reporters regarding Fusion’s employment. On the board of Democrat Super PAC Priorities USA Action. Led efforts against voter identification laws.
  • Michael Sussman – Partner at the law firm Perkins Coie. Responsible for retainingCrowdstrike to examine DNC servers after hacking incident.
Websites/Blogs (list NOT exclusive):
Lawfare (Blog dedicated to National Security Issues – Lawfare is a subset of Brookings Institution):
  • Benjamin Wittes – Editor-in-Chief. Founder. Senior Fellow in Governance Studies – The Brookings Institution. Former editorial writer at Washington Post.
  • Robert Chesney – Founding Editor. A law professor at the University of Texas at Austin. Served on a detention-policy task force for Obama.
  • Jack Goldsmith – Founding Editor. Harvard law professor. Former Bush Justice Department official.
  • Susan Hennessey – Fellow in National Security Law. The Brookings Institution. Former Attorney in the Office of General Counsel of the National Security Agency.
Aligned with a small group at FBI/DOJ – effectively serves as informal external/private advisor and strategist. Many former Obama DOJ officials are guest contributors. Fired FBI General Counsel James Baker taking a position at Lawfare. Staff listing here.
On October 24, 2016, Wittes posted an article, A Coalition of All Democratic Forces, Part III: What if Trump Wins? Wittes invokes “Insurance Policy” and use of Courts to fight Trump Presidency. See also: Part I & Part II.
Just Security (Blog based at New York University School of Law):
  • Ryan Goodman – Founding co-editor. Served as Special Counsel to the General Counsel of the Department of Defense.
  • Steve Vladeck – Co-editor-in-chief. Professor of law at the University of Texas School of Law. Senior editor of the Journal of National Security Law & Policy. Contributing editor to Lawfare.
The traditionally more liberal counterpart to Lawfare. Shifted into general alignment w/Lawfare post-Trump Presidency. Maintains section dedicated to Russia Investigation. Staff listing here.
The Moscow Project (Website dedicated to Trump/Russia Collusion – Funded by Center for American Progress Action Fund):
  • Max Bergmann – Director of the Moscow Project and a senior fellow at American Progress. Member of the secretary of state’s policy planning staff in Obama Administration.
  • Diana Pilipenko – Associate Director for anti-corruption and illicit finance for the Moscow Project at the Center for American Progress Action Fund.
Staff listing here.
Think Tanks (list NOT exclusive):
Center for American Progress (Leftist Think Tank/Advocacy – Funded in part by George Soros):
  • Neera Tanden – President and CEO. CEO of CAP Fund. Served in both the Obama and Clinton administrations, as well as on presidential campaigns.
  • Jennifer Palmieri  – Executive Vice President for Communications and Advocacy. President CAP Fund. Communications Director for the Clinton Campaign. White House Communications Director for Obama.
Board of Directors includes John Podesta, Tom Daschle, Glenn Hutchins, Jonathan Lavine, Tom Steyer, Donald Sussman, Hansjörg Wyss. Staff listing here. Experts here.
Center for American Progress is effectively an extension of Clinton Campaign, Foundation, DNC.
Atlantic Council – (NATO-aligned American think tank specializing in the field of international affairs):
  • Fred Kempe – President and CEO. Editor and reporter at the Wall Street Journal.
  • Damon Wilson – Executive Vice President. Senior Director for European Affairs at the National Security Council for Bush II.
  • Karl V. Hopkins – Partner on Dentons Law – Energy Transport and Infrastructure. Provides strategic and legal advice to national oil companies.
The Atlantic Counsel has been historically active in Ukraine through their Ukraine in Europe Initiative.
International Advisory Board members are industry leaders and former heads of state. Their Board of Directors list is equally impressive. Staff listing here. Experts here.
Atlantic Council members listed elsewhere in this post:
Atlantic Council is Establishment-Left politically.
Brookings Institution (Globally oriented Washington Think Tank):
  • John Rutherford Allen – President. Retired Marine Corps four-star General. Former Commander of the NATO International Security Assistance Force. Obama’s “Special Presidential Envoy to the Global Coalition to Counter ISIL”.
  • Ted Gayer – Executive Vice President. Vice President and Director of the Economic Studies program at Brookings.
Board of Trustees includes John Thorton, Glenn Hutchins (also on CAP Board), Suzanne Nora Johnson. Experts here.
Brookings is Establishment-Left politically.
Related articles:
  • Dimitry Alperovich – Co-Founder and CTO. Crowdstrike “investigated” the hacking of the DNC’s servers. The FBI was refused access to independently examine the DNC servers. Former NSA experts later claim it wasn’t a hack, but a leak by someone with access to the DNC’s system. Alperovich is a Non-Resident Senior Fellow at the Atlantic Council. Former McAfee Executive.
  • George Kurtz – Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer. Former McAfee Executive.
  • Steven Chabinsky – Former General Counsel and Chief Risk Officer (9/12-4/16). Appointed by Obama to the Commission on Enhancing National Cybersecurity on April 18, 2016 – two months before Crowdstrike report. Former Deputy Assistant Director of the FBI’s Cyber Division and FBI’s top cyber lawyer during Mueller’s tenure as FBI Director. Now a Partner at White & Case – a D.C. law firm.
  • Shawn Henry – CSO and President of Crowdstrike Services since April 2012. Previously the FBI’s Executive Assistant Director of the Criminal, Cyber, Response, and Services Branch – appointed by FBI Director Mueller.
  • Robert Johnston – Principal Consultant & Incident Response Expert. Lead investigator on the DNC server investigation. Previously, Marine Corps captain in U.S. Cyber Command. Team Lead of 81 National Cyber Protection Team. Left Crowdstrike in August 2016 and co-founded cybersecurity firm Adlumin. The FBI has never spoken with Johnston.
  • Google invested $100 million in Crowdstrike in July 2015.
Fusion GPS (Bean LLC) Principals and Key Staff:
  • Glenn Simpson – Founder. Hired by the DNC and Clinton Campaign – through Perkins Coie – to produce the Steele Dossier on President Trump. The Dossier would be used by the FBI to obtain a FISA Warrant on Carter Page. Fusion GPS was employed by Russian lawyer, Veselnitskaya (Prevezon Case) through law firm BakerHostetler during the same period that Fusion commissioned the Steele Dossier. More on Simpson/Fusion herehere and here.
  • Peter Fritsch – Co-Founder. Surprisingly little information on Fritsch is available.
  • Mary Jacoby – Simpson’s wife. Visits White House the day after Mike Rogers shuts down FBI/DOJ contractor access to the FISA Search System.
  • Tom Catan – Partner.
  • Jay Bagwell
  • Erica Castro
  • Patrick Corcoran
  • Jason Felch
  • Neil King
  • David Michaels
  • Nellie Ohr – Wife of former Associate Deputy AG – Bruce Ohr. Conduit for documents passed to FBI through DOJ’s Bruce Ohr. Simpson and Bruce & Nellie Ohr have known each other since at least 2010.
  • Taylor Sears
  • Laura Sego
Fusion GPS Affiliations:
  • Christopher Steele – Orbis Partner – Writer of Steele Dossier. Former British intelligence officer with MI6 from 1987 until his retirement in 2009. Steele’s Dossier used by FBI to obtain FISA Warrant on Carter Page. Referred to DOJ by Grassley for potential violations of 18 USC 1001. This article contains numerous links to Steele.
  • Christopher Burrows – Orbis Partner. There is surprisingly little information available on Burrows.
  • Edward Baumgartner – Co-founded UK-based intelligence consultancy Edward Austin. Hired by Fusion to work w/Veselnitskaya on Prevezon and work w/Steele on Dossier.
  • Richard Dearlove – Former MI6 Head (1999-2004). Was Christopher Steele’s boss at MI6. Had known Steele and Burrows personally. Steel and Burrows would meet Dearlove in early Fall 2016. Dearlove advised Steele and Burrows to work discreetly with a top British government official to pass along information to the FBI.
  • Sir Andrew Wood – Former British Ambassador to Russia. Briefed John McCain on Steele Dossier. Has known Steele for years. May have worked on behalf of Fusion and/or Orbis.
  • Sergei Millian – Believed to be Source D in a collection of memos Steele wrote between June and December of 2016. Approached Papadopoulos early in 2016. Appears to be publicity seeker more than true source. Trump Lawyer Cohen wrote Millian to say it had become clear “that you too are seeking media attention off of this false narrative of a Trump-Russia alliance”.
  • David Kramer – Served as Deputy Assistant Secretary of State dealing with Russia during Bush administration. Currently Senior Director for Human Rights and Human Freedom at the McCain Institute. Kramer is a member of the Ukraine Today media organization’s International Supervisory Council. Used frequently by Washington Post to criticize President Trump. At the direction of John McCain, Kramer would fly to London in November 2016 to meet with Dossier author Christopher Steele.
  • Natalia Veselnitskaya – Russian Lawyer for Denis Katsyv and Prevezon. Attended Trump Tower Meeting w/Akhmetshin to argue against Magnitsky Act. Hired Fusion GPS for Prevezon in 2013 through law firm BakerHostetler.
  • Daniel Jones – Heads Penn Quarter Group. Ex-Feinstein Staffer. PQG funded by 7-10 Silicon Valley Billionaires – $50 million. PQG Hired Steele and Fusion post-election to continue opposition research into President Trump. Linked to lobbyist (Adam Waldman) for Russian oligarch Oleg Deripaska who was offering Warner access to former British spy and dossier author Christopher Steele (texts here). Notes Jones was speaking w/Senator Mark Warner.
  • Adam Waldman – DC lawyer, lobbyist and registered foreign agent for Oleg Deripaska and Sergey Lavrov. Waldman offered Senator Warner access to Dossier author Christopher Steele (texts here).
  • Media – Fusion worked extensively with various reporters and aggressively promoted stories. See Print Journalists below.
  • Michael McFaul (Possible) – Obama’s U.S. ambassador to Russia from 2012 to 2014. Currently a professor at Stanford. Used frequently by Washington Post to criticize President Trump. McFaul’s name comes up repeatedly as “foreign policy expert” – often in tandem w/Kramer.
Christopher Steele Connections:
  • Christopher Steele – Orbis Partner – Writer of Steele Dossier. Former British intelligence officer with MI6 from 1987 until his retirement in 2009. Steele’s Dossier used by FBI to obtain FISA Warrant on Carter Page. Referred to DOJ by Grassley for potential violations of 18 USC 1001. This article contains numerous links to Steele.
  • Christopher Burrows – Orbis Partner. There is surprisingly little information available on Burrows.
  • Orbis Business Intelligence Limited, International Limited – Co-owned by Steele & Burrows
  • Walsingham Training Limited, Partners Limited – Sister company to Orbis – Co-owned by Steele & Burrows
  • Edward Baumgartner – Co-founded UK-based intelligence consultancy Edward Austin. Hired by Fusion to work w/Veselnitskaya on Prevezon and worked on Steele Dossier.
  • Richard Dearlove – Former MI6 Head (1999-2004). Was Christopher Steele’s boss at MI6. Had known Steele and Burrows personally. Steel and Burrows would meet Dearlove in early Fall 2016. Dearlove advised Steele and Burrows to work discreetlywith a top British government official to pass along information to the FBI.
  • Sir Andrew Wood – Former British Ambassador to Russia. Briefed John McCain on Steele Dossier. Has known Steele for years. May have worked on behalf of Fusion and/or Orbis.
  • Hakluyt – British strategic intelligence and advisory firm (see below). Unknown if Steele & Hakluyt worked together. Hakluyt may have role in Papadopoulos meetings.
  • Sergei Millian – Believed to be Source D in a collection of memos Steele wrote between June and December of 2016. Approached Papadopoulos early in 2016. Appears to be publicity seeker more than true source. Trump Lawyer Cohen wrote Millian to say it had become clear “that you too are seeking media attention off of this false narrative of a Trump-Russia alliance”.
  • David Kramer – Served as Deputy Assistant Secretary of State dealing with Russia during Bush administration. Currently Senior Director for Human Rights and Human Freedom at the McCain Institute. Kramer is a member of the Ukraine Today media organization’s International Supervisory Council. Used frequently by Washington Post to criticize President Trump. At the direction of John McCain, Kramer would fly to London in November 2016 to meet with Dossier author Christopher Steele.
  • Daniel Jones – Heads Penn Quarter Group. Ex-Feinstein Staffer. PQG funded by 7-10 Silicon Valley Billionaires – $50 million. PQG Hired Steele and Fusion post-election to continue opposition research into President Trump. Linked to lobbyist (Adam Waldman) for Russian oligarch Oleg Deripaska who was offering Warner access to former British spy and dossier author Christopher Steele (texts here). Notes Jones was speaking w/Senator Mark Warner.
  • Victoria Nuland – Former Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs. Gave green light to FBI Agent Gaeta’s meeting w/Steele in July 2016. Received copy of Steele Dossier in July 2016. May have seen Dossier prior to FBI Leadership. Gave Dossier to FBI, Kerry. Nuland had known Steel since 2014 through Jonathan Winer. Lied about bilateral talks with Iran.
  • Jonathan Winer – Former Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for International Law Enforcement and former Special Envoy for Libya. Received copy of Shadow Dossier from Blumenthal. Also received copy of Steele Dossier in September 2016. Has known Steele for some years.
  • Adam Waldman – DC lawyer, lobbyist and registered foreign agent for Oleg Deripaska and Sergey Lavrov. Waldman offered Senator Warner access to Dossier author Christopher Steele (texts here).
  • Journalists – from Yahoo News, Mother Jones, BBC News, Vanity Fair, The Guardian, Washington Post. Possibly New York Times. See Print Journalists below.
Hakluyt (Parent Holding Company is HoldinghamPelorus Research provides intel to Investment Managers):
  • British strategic intelligence and advisory firm.
  • Fitzroy MacLean – Founder (deceased).
  • Christopher James – Founder. Managing Director. Formerly in charge of MI6’s business relations.
  • Mike Reynolds – Founder. Director. Former station head of MI6 in Germany. Reportedly close friends w/former MI6 Head Richard Dearlove.
  • Lord Paul Deighton – Chairman. British Conservative Politician. Former Investment Banker.
  • Paul Schreier – Managing Director.
  • Keith Craig – Former CEO. Remains on Advisory Board.
  • Andy France – Hakluyt Cyber (role unclear). Former Darktrace CEO. Former Deputy Director for Cyber Defense Operations at GCHQ.
  • Jonathan Clarke – Director – U.S. Operations.
  • Jonathan Selib – Employed by Hakluyt – Made donations to Clinton Campaign.
  • Holly Evans – Employed by Hakluyt – Made donations to Clinton Campaign.
  • Andrew Exum – Employed by Hakluyt – Made donations to Clinton Campaign.
  • Sir Iain Lobban – Advisory Board Member. Former Director, GCHQ.
  • Ambassador Louis Susman – Advisory Board Member. Former U.S. Ambassador to UK.
  • Alexander Downer – Former Advisory Board Member. Australia’s top diplomat in Britain. Previously UN Envoy to Cyprus. Met with George Papadopoulos in London.Downer was an Advisory Board Member from 2008-2014. He reportedly still maintains contact with Hakluyt officials. More on Downer here.
Hakluyt’s Parent Holdco is Holdingham. Holdingham’s Advisory Board & Directors.
Hakluyt’s role is not yet fully understood. May have involvement in Papadopoulos meeting.
  • Dr. Stefan Halper – Cambridge Fellow. Senior Policy Advisor to Presidents Nixon, Ford & Reagan. Halper met w/Papadopoulos on 9-13-16 and senior Trump Campaign official on 9-11-16. Invited Carter Page to 7-16-16 Cambridge symposium. Halper reportedly brought up subject of Russian hacking of Clinton emails. In November 2016, Halper stated that Clinton would be best for U.S.-UK relations.
Halper has a close association with former MI6 Head Richard Dearlove.
While not known to be directly employed by Hakluyt, Halper has connections through Jonathan Clarke (co-authored two books). May know Alexander Downer as well.
Stefan Halper may be the “FBI Source” identified by Nunes. More here and here.
Hakluyt/Holdingham is a secretive firm. It is difficult to obtain much information. Hakluyt historically maintained ties w/Kissinger’s firm. Connected to MI6 through long-standing relationships. More here.
Penn Quarter Group:
  • Daniel Jones – Heads Penn Quarter Group. Ex-Feinstein Staffer. PQG funded by 7-10 Silicon Valley Billionaires – $50 million. PQG Hired Steele and Fusion post-election to continue opposition research into President Trump. Linked to lobbyist (Adam Waldman) for Russian oligarch Oleg Deripaska who was offering Warner access to Dossier author Christopher Steele (texts here). Notes Jones was speaking w/Senator Mark Warner.
Papadopoulos Related:
  • Josef Mifsud – London-based Maltese professor “whose academic credentials appear mysteriously thin.” Introduced Papadopoulos to the Russian ambassador in London and a woman he told the Trump aide was the niece of Russian President Vladimir Putin. Told Papadopoulos that the Kremlin had “dirt” on Hillary Clinton. More on Mifsud here.
  • Sergei Millian – Believed to be Source D in a collection of memos Steele wrote between June and December of 2016. Approached Papadopoulos early in 2016. Appears to be publicity seeker more than true source. Trump Lawyer Cohen wrote Millian to say it had become clear “that you too are seeking media attention off of this false narrative of a Trump-Russia alliance”.
  • Olga Vinogradova – Woman who Josef Mifsud introduced to Papadopoulos.
  • Alexander Downer – Australia’s top diplomat in Britain. Previously UN Envoy to Cyprus. Met with George Papadopoulos in London. Papadopoulos stated “Russia had dirt on Hillary”. Months later Australia informed U.S. This would be used as excuse for FBI’s July 2016 Counterintelligence Investigation. Downer previously arranged one of the largest foreign donations to the Clinton Foundation – $25 million from the Australian government. Downer was an Advisory Board Member from 2008-2014. He reportedly still maintains contact with Hakluyt officials. More on Downer here.
  • Dr. Stefan Halper – Cambridge Fellow. Senior Policy Advisor to Presidents Nixon, Ford & Reagan. Halper met w/Papadopoulos on 9-13-16 and senior Trump Campaign official on 9-11-16. Invited Carter Page to 7-16-16 Cambridge symposium. Halper reportedly brought up subject of Russian hacking of Clinton emails. In November 2016, Halper stated that Clinton would be best for U.S.-UK relations.
Halper has a close association with former MI6 Head Richard Dearlove.
Halper has connections to UK Intelligence firm Hakluyt through Jonathan Clarke (co-authored two books). May know Alexander Downer as well.
Stefan Halper may be the “FBI Source” identified by Nunes. More here and here.
Trump Tower Meeting:
  • Natalia Veselnitskaya – Russian Lawyer for Denis Katsyv and Prevezon. Attended Trump Tower Meeting w/Akhmetshin to argue against Magnitsky Act. Hired Fusion GPS for Prevezon in 2013 through law firm BakerHostetler.
  • Rinat Akhmetshin – Russian-American lobbyist and former Soviet counterintelligence officer. Attended Trump Tower Meeting w/Veselnitskaya.
  • Rob Goldstone – Arranged Meeting between Veselnitskaya and Trump Jr. Publicist for Emin Agalarov. May be more to his story.
  • Emin Agalarov – Russian pop star and businessman. Son of Oligarch Aras Agalarov. Helped arrange meeting between Donald Trump Jr. and Russian lawyer Veselnitskaya.
  • Aras Agalarov – Russian Oligarch. Father to Emin Agalarov. Brought Miss Universe contest to Russia.
  • Irakly Kaveladze – Business associate of Aras Agalarov who attended June 2016 Trump Tower meeting.
  • Ed Lieberman – Washington Lawyer w/extensive Russian experience. Ties to Akhmetshin. May have helped establish Trump Tower meeting. Late wife worked in Clinton WH.
  • Anatoli Samochornov – Interpreter.
Individuals Relating to Magnitsky Act:
  • Bill Browder – Investor, Founder of Hermitage Capital Management, Leading Proponent of Magnitsky Act. Long-standing feud w/Fusion GPS via Prevezon conflict/Magnitsky Act. Ties to John McCain who co-sponsored Magnitsky Act. Made tax fraud allegations against Prevezon leading to Preet Bharara filing charges. Multiple allegations that Browder materially misrepresents his positions.
  • Natalia Veselnitskaya – Russian Lawyer for Denis Katsyv and Prevezon. Attended Trump Tower Meeting w/ Akhmetshin to argue against Magnitsky Act. Hired Fusion GPS for Prevezon in 2013 through law firm BakerHostetler.
  • Mark Cymrot – Lawyer at BakerHostetler for Denis Katsyv. Helped hire Fusion GPS in Prevezon case.
  • Rinat Akhmetshin – Russian-American lobbyist and former Soviet counterintelligence officer. Attended Trump Tower Meeting w/Veselnitskaya. Worked against Magnitsky Act.
  • Howard Schweitzer – Cozen O’Connor lawyer. Hired by Veselnitskaya to lobby against the Magnitsky Act.
  • Chris Cooper – Founder of Potomac Square Group. Hired by Natalia Veselnitskaya to do PR for the Washington premier of documentary critical of Magnitsky. Circulated news articles critical of Browder to reporters. Paid by Akhmetshin foundation.
  • Denis Katsyv – Russian Businessman. Owner of Prevezon. Employed Veselnitskaya.
  • Yury Chaika – Russia’s Prosecutor General. Led opposition to Magnitsky Act.
  • Senators Ben Cardin & John McCain – sponsored Magnitsky Act – along with eight other co-sponsors.
Oleg Deripaska Connections:
  • Oleg Deripaska – Russian Oligarch. One of seven targeted by recent U.S. sanctions. Long-standing ties to Putin. Paul Manafort lobbied on Deripaska’s behalf.
  • Paul Hauser – British national who reportedly serves as Deripaska’s attorney.
  • Adam Waldman – DC lawyer, lobbyist and registered foreign agent for Oleg Deripaska and Sergey Lavrov. Waldman offered Senator Warner access to Dossier author Christopher Steele (texts here).
  • Victor Pinchuk – Ukrainian billionaire. Founder of Interpipe, a steel pipe manufacturer. Also owns Credit Dnipro Bank, some ferroalloy plants and a media empire. Married to Elena Pinchuk, the daughter of former Ukrainian President Leonid Kuchma. Pinchuk donated as much as $25 million to Clinton Foundation. On the International Advisory Board of the Atlantic Counsel.
  • Doug Schoen – Lobbyist. Filed FARA documents showing that he was paid $40,000 a month by Victor Pinchuk to arrange meetings for Ukrainian Parliamentarian Olga Bielkov with Samuel Charap (International Institute for Strategic Studies), Liz Zentos (National Security Council), Michael Kimmage (State Dept) and David Kramer (McCain Institute). Schoen attempted to arrange another 72 meetings with Congressmen and media (page 10). It is unknown how many meetings took place. Schoen has worked for both Bill and Hillary Clinton. Schoen helped Pinchuk establish ties with the Clinton Foundation.
  • Melanne Verveer – Senior Ukrainian-American official. Former Ambassador-at-Large for Global Women’s Issues at US State Department. Former Assistant to President Bill Clinton and former Chief of Staff to Hillary Clinton. Acted as a go-between for Clinton and Pinchuk. From a Washington Examiner article: “Verveer conveyed Pinchuk’s best wishes to Clinton in February 2010 after meeting with him in Ukraine. After speaking with Pinchuk in September  2011, Verveer informed Clinton that the businessman had been asked by Viktor Yanukovych, then the president of Ukraine, to relay to her some of his diplomatic interests in deepening ties to the rest of Europe.”
More on Victor Pinchuk here.
  • Robert Mueller – Special Counsel. Former FBI Director.
  • Zainab Ahmad – Lawyer from the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Eastern District of New York.
  • Greg Andres – Former partner at Davis Polk, a former deputy assistant attorney general in the Justice Department Criminal Division and a former assistant U.S. attorney for the Eastern District of New York.
  • Rush Atkinson – Lawyer from the Justice Department Criminal Division Fraud Section.
  • Peter Carr – Spokesman.
  • Ryan K. Dickey – Lawyer on detail from the Justice Department Criminal Division’s Computer Crime and Intellectual Property Section.
  • Brock W. Domin – FBI Special Agent.
  • Michael Dreeben – Appellate lawyer from the Office of the Solicitor General.
  • Kyle Freeny – Lawyer from the Justice Department Criminal Division’s Money Laundering and Asset Recovery Section.
  • Andrew D. Goldstein – Lawyer from the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of New York.
  • Adam Jed – Appellate lawyer from the Civil Division.
  • Scott Meisler – Appellate lawyer from the Justice Department Criminal Division.
  • Elizabeth Barchas Prelogar – Appellate lawyer on detail from the Office of the Solicitor General.
  • James Quarles – Former partner at WilmerHale and a former assistant special prosecutor for the Watergate Special Prosecution Force.
  • Jeannie Rhee – Former partner at WilmerHale who has served in the Office of Legal Counsel and as an assistant U.S. attorney in Washington.
  • Brian M. Richardson – Former Supreme Court clerk and clerk for a judge serving on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 2nd Circuit in New York City.
  • Brandon Van Grack – Lawyer on detail from the Justice Department’s National Security Division.
  • Andrew Weissmann – Lawyer who headed the Criminal Division’s Fraud Section. He has served as general counsel at the FBI and as an assistant U.S. attorney for the Eastern District of New York.
  • Aaron Zebley – Former partner at WilmerHale who has previously served with Mueller at the FBI and as an assistant U.S. attorney in the Eastern District of Virginia.
  • Aaron S. J. Zelinsky – Lawyer on detail from the U.S. attorney’s office in the District of Maryland.
Note: This list could prove endless. Limited to “active” participants and those identified as leaking.
  • Adam Schiff
  • Eric Swalwell
  • Mark Warner
  • Dianne Feinstein
  • John McCain
  • Harry Reid
FISA Court Judges (Included due to relevance re: Carter Page & Michael Flynn):
Note: Adam Schiff’s Democrat Memo specifies that Page FISA Application and renewals were approved by four different Federal (FISA) Judges and appointed by following: One by Reagan. One by G.H.W. Bush (elder). Two by G.W. Bush (younger).
  • Rosemary Collyer – Presiding FISA Court Judge. Wrote April 26, 2017 FISA Court Ruling. For more see here. Nominated by G.W. Bush on August 1, 2002. Confirmed on November 14, 2002.
  • Rudy Contreras – Presided over Flynn guilty plea. Was recused six days later. For more see here and hereNominated by Obama on July 28, 2011. Confirmed on March 22, 2012. Did not sign any FISA per Schiff Memo.
  • James “Jeb” Boasberg – Reviewed Comey Memos prior to release. Oversaw release of Clinton Emails in case w/Judicial Watch. Nominated by Obama on June 17, 2010. Confirmed on March 14, 2011. Did not sign any FISA per Schiff Memo.
  • Anne Conway – Nominated by George H.W. Bush on July 24, 1991. Confirmed on November 21, 1991.
  • Raymond Dearie – Nominated by President Reagan on February 3, 1986. Confirmed on March 14, 1986.
  • Claire Eagan – Nominated by G.W. Bush on September 4, 2001. Confirmed on October 23, 2001.
  • James Parker Jones – Nominated by Bill Clinton on December 12, 1995. Confirmed on July 18, 1996. Did not sign any FISA per Schiff Memo.
  • Robert Kugler – Nominated by G.W. Bush on August 1, 2002. Confirmed on November 14, 2002.
  • Michael Mosman – Nominated by G.W. Bush on May 8, 2003. Confirmed on September 25, 2003.
  • Thomas Russell – Nominated by Bill Clinton on September 14, 1994. Confirmed on October 7, 1994. Did not sign any FISA per Schiff Memo.
  • Dennis Saylor – Nominated by G.W. Bush on July 30, 2003. Confirmed on June 1, 2004.
  • Martin Feldman – Nominated by Reagan on September 9, 1983. Confirmed on October 4, 1983. Served on FISA Court from May 19, 2010 to May 18, 2017.
Reagan FISA Judges:
Raymond Dearie & Martin Feldman
G.H.W. Bush FISA Judges:
Anne Conway
G.W. Bush FISA Judges:
Rosemary Collyer
Claire Egan
Robert Kugler
Michael Mosman
Dennis Saylor
Anne Conway signed a Page FISA Application or Renewal.
Either Raymond Drearie or Martin Feldman signed FISA Application or Renewal.
Two of the following signed FISA Application or renewal: Collyer, Egan, Kugler, Mosman, Saylor.
Print Reporters – Notable Stories (Multiple reporters often contributed to one story):
Note: No effort is being made to identify members of broader media as process becomes too subjective. Limited to identifying defining stories and their authors.
ABC News:
BBC News:
The Guardian:
Mother Jones:
New York Times:
Vanity Fair:
Yahoo News:
Washington Post:
The connections and complicity at DOJ/State are seemingly endless. The entire Justice Department appears compromised. One name leads to the next until one has to simply stop.
They never imagined Hillary Clinton could lose. When she did, the hubris remained. They felt certain President Trump would either be impeached or fundamentally wounded. An Administration hobbled by scandal and uncertainty until 2020.
We are witnessing the end of a quiet war.
Intelligence Agencies & DOJ/State on one side. Military Intelligence, along with a few well-placed White Hats, on the other.
Military Intelligence is carrying the day.
And for that, we should be profoundly grateful.

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