

Friday, May 4, 2018


Image result for robert mueller iii


Pop quiz: How many branches of government are there in the United States? If you said “Four,” go to the head of the class. As of May 17, 2017, the traditional three branches of Congress, the Executive, the Judiciary, are joined by the Office of Robert S. Mueller III, Special Counsel in charge of destroying the president.

No one in America ever cast a single vote for Robert Mueller III—but America got Mueller for president anyway.

If you don’t realize that Mueller is America’s 45th in all but name, you haven’t been paying attention. The Special Counsel Head honcho has been running the show ever since May 17, 2017, and was a culmination of the Dirty Tricks Campaign of the Deep State from its inception.

Most important of all of the Mueller trajectory to power: President Donald Trump interviewed Robert Mueller as a potential replacement for fired FBI Director James Comey the day before the former FBI director was named the special counsel.

Call Mueller the leader of the raving wolf pack out to get Trump, 5-star General of the Witch Hunt. Call Robert Mueller III indefatigable leader of America’s boldest coup d’état in history.

You can count on the crazed Democrats calling Mueller in to lay a laurel wreath on his head when the metaphorical corpse of the man who wasn’t supposed to be elected president is put out on public display.

The saddest truth is that Robert Mueller III is, in reality, President by Proxy; serving office while Obama waits in the wings for the third term in office he would have pulled off had only his protégé Hillary Rodham Clinton won the election.

Robert Mueller is out of control. On paper, he was supposed to be investigating “any links and/or coordination between the Russian government and individuals associated with the campaign of President Donald Trump. But there never was any collusion and/or links between the Trump campaign and the Russians.

In other words, the purpose of Mueller’s investigation is to unseat the duly elected President of the United States. But he is dangerous not just to the President. He is also dangerous to rule of law, which is either impartial, pertaining equally to everyone, or else it is a species of arbitrary rule, that is, tyranny. A headline in Politico warns “The special counsel seems to be leaving the president’s children for last.” Politico reports that with relish. But these are police-state tactics. Go after a person’s family. Verdict first, then find the crime.

There’s a Big Game Plan afoot here and it’s as visible as the nose on your face.

When Mueller was brought forward, his mission was to keep President Donald Trump from having any of his policies made into law.

The wall is being blocked from funding. Immigration reform has never happened with illegal’s still flooding unprotected U.S. borders. DACA has not ended. The Senate is still blocking Trump’s nominations and the Deep State is weaponizing security clearances.

Mueller is roping everyone into his ‘investigation’, and even after a full year and a half of no proof of Russia-Trump collusion, is now reported to be entertaining subpoenaing the POTUS for questioning.

So who is really America’s 45th?

In the wee hours of the morning of November 9, 2016 Patriots were celebrating the election of Donald J. Trump as America’s first non-politician president.

It wasn’t supposed to happen as evidenced by the tears and temper tantrums of the talking heads of the television networks who cried themselves rivers right on national TV.

Trump’s solid victory over Crooked Hillary Clinton seemed too good to be true.

And it was.

Back in the days when the mainstream media and election polls were assuring Barack Obama his third term through the “inevitable” election of Clinton, a “what if” contingent was already “ at work.”

“What if” Clinton did not capture the presidency?

Then the aim mission of the “What if” contingent was to bring down the presidency if voting masses did not elect Clinton.

“What if” was to be personified in Robert Mueller III, the one the progressive/left call “Mr. President By Proxy”.

That he was stacking the investigation into Russian election interference with Obama and Clinton surrogates was out there for public consideration from the get-go:

In December of 2017, Laura Ingraham called on ‘special investigator’ Mueller to resign for stacking the investigation into Russian election interference with anti-Trump “political insiders” and supporters of Clinton.

Unfortunately, more than a year later, only recently FBI agents Strzok and Lisa Page stopped coo-cooing at each other in the feathered FBI love nest, and Mueller is stepping forward rather than aside.

Meanwhile, Obama waits for the final knife to be Mueller-thrust into the back of President Trump with a patience that is as unnatural as it is frightening.

All palace coup factors are now in play, including Facebook’s suppression of conservative news sites from being able to tell the tale.

We shouldn’t forget that before his special counsel appointment, Mueller was FBI director from 2001 to 2013.

Most significantly, it was Barack Obama who asked him to stay on for two years after his term was up in 2011.

Here’s a run-down of what Mueller was doing when he returned to the private sector:
After leaving the FBI in 2013, Mueller served a one-year term as consulting professor and the Arthur and Frank Payne distinguished lecturer at Stanford University, where he focused on issues related to cybersecurity.

In addition to his speaking and teaching roles, Mueller also joined the law firm Wilmer Hale as a partner in its Washington office in 2014.

Among other roles at the firm, he oversaw the independent investigation into the NFL’s conduct surrounding the video that appeared to show NFL player Ray Rice assaulting his fiancée.

In January 2016, he was appointed as Settlement Master in the U.S. consumer litigation over the Volkswagen emissions scandal; as of May 11, 2017, the scandal has resulted in $11.2 billion in customer settlements.

On October 19, 2016, Mueller began an external review of security, personnel, and management processes and practices at government contractor Booz Allen Hamilton after an employee was indicted for massive data theft from the National Security Agency.

On April 6, 2017, he was appointed as Special Master for disbursement of $850 million and $125 million for automakers and consumers, respectively, affected by rupture-prone Takata airbags.

It was to be a different kind of rupture-prone airbags that Mueller would be addressing his attention to next.

President Donald Trump interviewed Robert Mueller as a potential replacement for fired FBI Director James Comey the day before the former FBI director was named special counsel, a White House official said Tuesday.

The official, who would not detail what the two discussed during the interview, said it took place on May 16.

If Mueller knew he was going to be named special counsel, it is unlikely he divulged that information to Trump. CNN has reported at the time that the White House was given only a brief heads up that Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein was naming Mueller to oversee Russian interference in the 2016 election and potential collusion from Trump’s campaign associates.

Deputy AG Rosenstein says the Comey firing could be part of special counsel’s probe.

“NPR reported on Friday that Mueller was being considered to lead the FBI before being named a special counsel. And the Daily Caller reported on Tuesday that included an interview with Mueller.

Conservative media, led by Newsmax CEO and Trump friend Chris Ruddy, have suggested that the interview shows Mueller has a conflict in his special counsel investigation.

The President did talk with him in the days before he was named special counsel, Ruddy told PBS on Monday in the same interview where he said Trump was “considering terminating” Mueller as special counsel. I think there’s a conflict there.

Ruddy told CNN on Tuesday that Mueller and Trump had a private conversation and suggested it was unethical before the former FBI director was named a special counsel.

He had a private conversation with the President on his views about all sorts of matters potentially about the investigation, And the next day he’s now maybe using some of that information in his investigation.

For the sake of a reality the Deep State intends to drop on our feet, we should now be hearing the strains from ‘Hail to the Chief’, the official Presidential Anthem, every time Robert Mueller III appears on the news scene.

But horrid as Mueller really is, he’s only ‘President Proxy’. The real danger is with whom he and the progressive/left plan to replace Donald Trump after they cancel the results of Election 2016.

It is, as the President says, a witch hunt.” It should be shut down, now, and those responsible for its creation should be held to account.

By Janet Varney

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