

Friday, May 25, 2018

JANET'S WORLD: HER THOUGHTS FOR TODAY,05/25/18 - Media Wars Gone Wild

Janet Varney


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Taking down President Trump is the Democrats one and only current goal. Everything they do for the foreseeable future is a part of getting that done. But an unexpected poll shows that all their work is useless, and proves that Trump has re-election in the bag.

Presidential approval ratings are oftentimes a great way to gauge how well the country is doing.

For Donald Trump, the odds seem to be stacked against him when being polled for approval.

No matter how well the country is doing, it oftentimes comes down to how it is being reported.

So in his first year in office, his approval rating was rather low, as none of his accomplishments had time to make a major impact on the economy. But going into his second year, polling has swiftly moved towards his side. That likely had to do with the historic tax cuts passed last year going into effect.

Working-class people began to see larger paychecks, as the government was not taking as much of their income for taxes. When working-class people see more money in their paycheck, it becomes an impossible task for the media to spin that in a bad way for most people.

Now as the year has gone further on, Trump has proven himself more and more competent, most recently with his dealings with North Korea. Even with North Korea seemingly beginning to back off from dealings with the United States, Trump had already made his negotiations worthwhile. He was able to get three U.S. citizens freed from North Korean prison

Now reality has finally hit the progs of politics. It’s best described as: ‘OMG! Is the Mueller Investigation actually helping Donald Trump?’

With the president still hanging in at about 50% in popularity polls, panic is starting to overtake visceral hatred. Like the fog in San Francisco, panic is seeping in and is even affecting latte-sipping journalists planning to celebrate the ‘We Took Down Trump!’ bash.

Frank Bruni’s panic attack that special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into Russian 2016 election meddling could actually be helping President Donald Trump is that it’s making a joke of the NYT. “The Mueller investigation, Bruni argued, is dominating media coverage to the extent it’s crowding out coverage of what Trump and his administration are actually doing.

But wait a minute. Isn’t it the New York Times, along with its ugly stepsister the Washington Post that has been “dominating media coverage to the extent it’s crowding out coverage of what Trump and his administration are actually doing”?

The ongoing scenario well known by the chattering classes, countless members of whom groan every time they see yet another story about the blankety-blank Mueller investigation. Crowding out coverage against the real stories of the day is what they do best.

“Bruni also expressed his concern the Mueller investigation might not find evidence of collusion between Trump and Russia.”

Therein lies the rub. If the Mueller investigation does not find evidence of collusion between Trump and Russia (the state of the investigation after an entire year and a half of looking), think how ridiculous the New York Times, which gave it saturation coverage, will look.

Trump knows that if he sets the bar at incontrovertible evidence of him and Putin huddled over a Hillary Clinton voodoo doll, he just might clear it and he knows that if Americans are fixated on collusion, they aren’t concentrating on much else. That’s good for him and terrible for the country.

A media fixation on collusion is good for Trump?!

What they are saying now is that the Mueller investigation which spent a year coming up empty on evidence but STILL investigating him is Donald Trump’s fault.

Everything, including the weather and all things that transpired before Trump even entered the political arena, is Trump’s fault. Just ask Hillary Rodham Clinton.

We’ve reached a stage where the enablers of the dead-in-the-water Mueller investigation are becoming downright laughable.

It won’t surprise me if we will soon be reading that the Obama regime only implanted spies in the Trump election campaign for his own protection; that deranged progs don’t hate Trump. They love him and always did.

The biggest laugh of all will come when the Dems who are now stealing Trump and We the People’s Drain the Swamp meme will argue that they never stole it, as it was theirs in the first place.

Count on them making full use of the slogan Make America Great Again come November midterms.

By Janet Varney

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